[suggestion] padaren importer ban

The padaren importer OTK gonna literally fix itself with time.

So why not just ban the card from standard while it not happens?

For like…
4 months until next set.

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Or they can finaly nerf shadow step.


Retire shadow step should be done in a planned way.

Not because of some histerical attack of the playerbase.

It should be removed but not here and not by forcing it out with sheer rage.

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If we’re all really honest here it’s the same problem it always is in this game: Mana cheating.

If stepped minions couldn’t cost less than 1, we have no issues.

You should have to spend mana to do things in this game. Free stuff breaks it, and too much stuff is free.


Except mana cheating is also what keeps it alive.

People just not like to just curve minions every turn.
There is always a catch that is what actually makes fun happen.

Shadowstep is a iconic card and rogue is one of the classes where mana cheating and tempo have been always been part of the class its just better that pandaren importer does not show shadowstep and this combo is fixed.

We can agree to disagree.

Literally everything that is broken in this game is directly tied to mana cheating.

Simply making everything you do have a cost of at least 1 mana would fix soooo many problems.


Making it -3 mana and not less than 1 would make the card about the same power level. And then the nerf can be reverted after next expansion.

It’s really not that big a deal. Honestly, they should have come up with a new card that does what Shadowstep does a lot time ago. Like a 1 mana Tenwu. Give us something new to play with.


I don’t think this is a universal truth, but I think in a lot of cases this would be extremely helpful.

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I would like something New to play too.

It’s just that this is not how any game should be handled.

We’re not talking about people actually taking their time and making something New and Fun.

Were talking about break what exists and let it broke.

Putting a 1 cost cap on Shadowstep for four months would not break the card. Especially if you buffed it to reduce the cost by 3 instead of 2.

Except that it is.

Why nerf an ok card due to an absurd combo when you can address the isolated issue instead.

It’s just that all the rogue haters found fuel to rage against Shadowstep once more. It happens every couple of months.

Shadowstep is crucial to rogue. The only way it’s nerfed is if we see a massive buff to a ton of rogue cards to counterbalance it. And we know this isn’t happening.

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It doesn’t.

If It was that way i doubt it would not have changed years ago.

Rogue plays with tons of small cards so you’re literally killing the card and maybe the entire class.

A change should be good for everyone and not just for whoever is annoyed.

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Exactly what I proposed in other topic about Shadowstep, and true, unless it is Tinyfin, Snowflipper Penguin, Desk Imp, minions shouldn’t cost less than 1, and spells shouldn’t be discounted from 1 to 0 too.


Pandaren is a card that was rarely played in rogue decks just change the discover pool to remove shadowstep and the problem is gone.

But mana cheat from 4 to 2 is something different than from 2 to 0, right?

That’s ludicrous. If they put a “cannot cost less than 1” text on Shadowstep that won’t break the whole Rogue class; I doubt that would even impact Shadowstep that much. Like literally, it’s a one mana difference on a really powerful effect. You might need to buff… maybe one card, maybe give Shadowstep itself a small compensatory buff.

It’d be a huge buff to Questline Rogue if they made it reduce the cost of the card by 3 mana instead. Which is the main Rogue deck which even runs Shadowstep right now to begin with.

But buffing “a TON” of Rogue cards? Why? It’s one core spell. If they made this change, rogue players would adapt within like… a week. If they even needed to. I really don’t think that’d even impact Rogue that much.

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Yes and if devs want to move away from that i not against.

But changing what already exists because people did find fuel is bad.

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Like, I really love playing 4 Brutes, drawing 20 cards then hitting face with Lion’s Frenzy for a ton of damage. But it’s totally degenerate.

What are you even talking about.

It’ll be a crippling nerf for Q rogue.
It’ll delete the deck.

No more 0 cost assassins, no more 0 cost skulkers. No more 0 cost tenwu. And your agents and rushers will still cost the exact same 1 mana.

Have you even played the deck?