Ever since this morning I haven’t been able to get into HS. It just gets stuck on the loading screen and then after a few minutes will finally show the message below. I have three different devices and the same thing happens on all of them (Windows desktop, Chromebook and Android). I’ve re-installed and that didn’t help either. I’m assuming it’s related to my account since I’m getting the same results on all devices.
“Your game timed out as it was requesting data from the Hearthstone utility service. Please relaunch Hearthstone to reconnect”
Have tried everything in this post without luck. The only thing that had sounded promising was the Region/Remove Authenticated Apps since it’s account and not device related but those still didn’t work.
I’ve also experienced the same issue throughout most of the morning. I have been able to get in twice, but once I exit the game and try to reenter, I’ll receive the same error message.
I get it too.
But with HS:NT306:305:0 instead.
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im having the same issue and cant make it works, this happen to me on america server
I have the same issue. It was fine and then I started to disconnect from the game. Now I cant even start the game.
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Im from NA but Im playing on EU servers. Can’t even log in to battle net EU or ASIA. NA works fine.
Having the same issue. I can´t login to Americas server. Can load European client.
Most of the time it just begs me to try to connect again, or I get the following error code (Sometimes) when it fails to load:
HS:CT;NetCacheCardValues=2 (or 1, it varies)
I already tried switching regions (both for HS and battle.net), reinstalling, deleting cache and log folders, nothing works.
I need some help here.
It loaded yesterday ONCE, and I was able to play normally for a couple of hours. Today I was not able to login again. My guess is that the server is really messed, and not just by DH.
Same issue here. if you mage to log in (because it will let you after a few tries) do NOT play a game. i’ve lost 3 times already because of this, thinking that it was fixed. Im not playing anymore. I want my stars back
it disconnects and never reconnects
Same is happening to me (HS:CT;NetCacheCardValues=1 or similar errors…)
Tried the steps in this article, to no avail…
Europe region logs me in immediately, but even if I try to go back to NA again after that, the issue persists both in mobile and desktop.
Im having the same issue with same and other errors just trying to login in the Americas. Europe server works fine. I hope this reach somebody, because every time i make a ticket it gets self deleted and i dont know why.
I get “HS:NT306:305:0”. Can’t start the game no mater how many times I scan and repair.
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