Strangest matchmaking ever

Dude, youve been posting here for 50 years. You have.

You’re really going to make me go do research and post links and stuff?

Maybe after lunch.

nah that’s me. Haz has only been here thirty:)


Your website is down :neutral_face:

I honestly don’t recall seeing anyone saying Blizz is run by angels. Maybe I forgot. But anywho of course Blizz could do it, but again without proof there is no reason to assume they did.

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So following that logic, Blizzard could do anything to make money right ?

So, what tells you Hearthstone is not an excuse to run a background software that copies your credit card credentials to pump money from you ?

I mean, they could do it, and it would be much more lucrative, so, they must do it, right ?

And they are clearly farming some cryptocurrencies with our computers while we’re playing, which explains the lags we experiment while we play, right ?

Wait, better, I bet they use your webcam to create biometric data from your eyes and sell it on the black market to prepare the day it will be used for passports.

DUDE, they are so EVIL.

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Come on, terrible example, that’s illegal.

But we could dredge up (pun intended) old loot box litigation revolving around the video game industry to discuss best practices and sneaky behaviors.

Editing your post a paragraph at a time, is a very sneaky way of making me read a long post.

These are all great ideas for the next backlog meeting.

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And so what ?
So you want me to stay in the field of the legal ?

Ok, so they must scan our computer for data, and sell it to announcers so they can target us with ads.

Yeah sorry, I kept having more ideas right after pressing the “save edit” button.

That happens every second on the internet.

1st day?


Now I will get ads to buy a Kayak.

Everyone knows that.

So if everyone do it on the internet, Blizzard must be doing it too right. After all, it’s not that difficult to do, and you can make very good money with it.

My point, I hope you got it, is that it’s not because you can do something for the money that you do it for sure. Hearthstone has a very relevant way to make money : whales. No need to rig the game, and tbh, not even sure it would be that profitable for them.

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To be fair, Right is taking issue with people saying blizzard wouldn’t do ‘xyz’. There is just a misunderstanding as to why people were saying it.

That’s because the discussion moved on and you haven’t caught up yet. Everyone knows corporations want money. But people aren’t dumb and some people know statistical analysis.

BLIZZARD WOULD NEVER! is no one’s talking point. BLIZZARD WOULDN’T because HS has three separate data reviewers and the community, outside of that, has shown itself capable of statistical analysis as with the Nat Pagle incident and it isn’t possible to have an algorithm be both statistically functional and insignificant is what people are arguing.

I think Blizzard does whatever makes them money.
I don’t think that indicates anything beyond the same objective of any corporation.
But; the matching does seem unusual to me.
I wouldn’t use the word rigged.
Weighted probably describes my suspicions best.

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You can of course confirm those suspicions any time you like :slightly_smiling_face:

I have confirmed them to my own satisfaction many times over in eight years of daily play.

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Life is unusual. It’s already lucky for one to be born in the US, even rarer is someone who visits this barren forum almost daily for a card game made by a company now hated upon by the gaming community.
And people don’t play every deck the same amount. A lot of decks are played more, so you are more likely to face them. And maybe you got unlucky and faced them right after you changed decks or won, but that does not mean it’s intentional.

That’s fine, this is where it becomes a question of faith over, for lack of a better word, reality.

Let’s flip the problem a bit, shall we ?
Why on earth rigging the game would make people spend more money ?

Are they some social or psychological studies telling us that people getting stomped tend to buy more ?

Personnaly, I’m tempted to buy things when I see a fun deck on a stream that I can’t play. I never had a temptation to buy some packs right after a loss or a losestreak.

It’s true i have no hard evidence to support my claims.
And; I am not advocating that anyone else endorse my beliefs.
I believe there is more to the matching than just a run of the mill system based on elo.

I don’t think its that at all.
Indeed; I think the matching is weighted to help players who aren’t as good.