Strangest matchmaking ever

Play druid; face mostly druids
Play weapon rogue: face mostly shamans and mages
Play miracle priest: face mostly mages with devolves
Play control warrior: face mostly otk decks and fatigue warlocks and mozaki mages.

But yeah this is totally normal haha


I have to know: what’s it like to live in a world where the card games you play are literally rigged to cheat you by the big company that made it? Does the mailman also read your mail and only leave you spam and bills? Is your dentist secretly damaging your teeth and gums to make more work for themselves?

I’m a software developer, so I’m interested to hear what you think happens in the discussions where these systems that rig the game are designed. What do you think the meetings are like where they allocate this work? What’s the Jira card; do you think they use some code words or the card is just named “make the matchmaker fair, wink wink”. What Stack Overflow posts do the developers consult on the best way to rig the RNG functions? What does the comment say on the section of code that rigs things; do you think they have funny function names or anything? Do you think the contracts the developers sign have a clause about not revealing the sinister secret purpose of the matchmaker, even after they leave the company? Are their private eyes hired to hunt down anyone who tries to secretly leak these sinister details? Did they consult with their lawyers about what the legal implications of this rigged system are for qualification to cash tournaments?


Rigging games is not illegal so why wouldn’t they

Op is one of those guys that developers have to dumb down the system so it seems more random. Op, random does not mean you will face an even spread of classes

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Obviously blizzard is run by evil cultists. The workplace uniform is a deep purple robe and they program by candlelight. There are no codenames, only inductions into the cult and promises of glory for success and promises of death for failure


At first, I though you were joking. Than I saw the deathwing portrait and thought wait do you know all that because you are a supervisor there?

While I don’t believe the OP is correct, can We all agree that the matching, whatever it may be, is terrible?

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Yes. If this is the last time you hear from me it’s because they’ve obtained retribution for revealing their dark designs.

If you DO hear from me again… Well keep in mind that they’re not particularly EFFECTIVE evil cultists.


There has to be something beyond MMR and Rank.

I can understand top decks getting mirror matches more often these days, as there are only 3 or 4 viable options anyway.

The only thing I can see is this; When you play your first game you are assigned a pool of players. That pool only varies slightly as people do “something” to move to a different one. Yes, MMR does that too. But there seem to be more variables at play.

I build janky decks and I rarely meet net decks. I use a lower winrate net deck and I match with other lower rate decks more often. Use anything 60%+ and I’m matched with counters and mirrors, with the occasional free win to throw off the scent.

I would spend money on the game if there were worthwhile places to put it. But the pricing structure of this game isn’t made to encourage, it’s meant to bleed.

hes one of those who thinks blizzard is targeting him specifically with the matchmaking

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The matchmaking is rigged, but of course its hard for new players to see it because they dont know anything about the game, some people are just in deep denial and dont want to accept it even its easily visible for anyone who can count 1+1

Yes, it is. But how and to what ends? It’s rigged because it doesn’t choose random players. It uses your rank to determine a starting pool of players. This much we know for sure.
Losing doesn’t appear engineered, to me. They don’t control the cards a person plays, they only give the choices. There are only 30 cards in the deck and most are usually doubles, so draw rates can be as high as 1/15 average. Not unlikely to draw well or not so well.

I was hoping this might have been a fun discussion on the how it matches us with possibly class and or specific cards in a deck, doesn’t have to be an entire deck when a few main cards can decide the match. Class “balance” use to mean that certain classes were strong/weak against specific others. We’ve apparently abandoned that concept to appease people playing classes meant for say control but wanted aggro. They got what they asked for and now complain about it lol.

Anyway. Do try to enjoy the game for what it is… a game. Optional to play and not as necessary as say… food.

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There is algorithm deciding everything, draws, discovers, enemy decks ( counter for your deck if you win too much)

I’ve seen the Activision patent. I’m not convinced it’s at play here. Not denying the possibility. Just the likelihood.

Good talking with you. Be well.

I have not seen any patent. But I have observed the matching every day for eight years.
It’s not random.
It’s most likely impartial, but I will always believe that deck compostition plays somes factor in matching.


It does, anyone claiming otherwise is simply just not experienced enough in the game or only plays 1 hero

Manipulating the people who felt in full control was something I stood in awe of in my corporate days. The genuine lack of humanity that goes into decisions, after the corporate takeovers of course, would amaze even the most stolid of minds.

If you are truly a developer then I would strongly recommend you get cracking on something more than a flappy-bird replacement. You will be missing a huge opportunity if you don’t as the industry is DYING for something new.

Most of my ideas are MMO based. Without the nostalgia of WoW, HS is just like the rest of the games out there.

Just my opinions so obviously take them for whatever value you find.

I had been running rustrot viper in my deck for at least three weeks.
I have never seen an amulet mage in that time.
Today I took it out and replaced it with depwater evoker
Of the matches I have played since the change (5) four of them have been amulet.
This is a phemomena that I have repeatedly and reliably observed for eight years.
Change your cards, you change your matching.


What do you think this means and which conditions on your testing do you think could have affected your result?

Yes exactly just like i stated in OP which is hidden because people dont want to hear the truth. People saying there is no algorithms are delusional, how many weapon rogues did you face also with running double ooze? im gonna guess 1-2 max, if i can entertain you if you are running missiles remove them and you will see several miracle priests but once you readd the missiles you dont see them anymore