Strangest matchmaking ever

And that would make them spend more money on the game ?

That’s why I think that whole “hearthstone is rigged because money” thing is very clunky. I genuinely don’t understand how rigging the game would make people spend more money in the game.

This is a straw man. In reality the argument against rigging is more like “why would anyone want to take advantage of the customer if it doesn’t make them more money?” Because that’s what “game is rigged” crowd never shows — they always talk about how angry they are that it’s rigged and how they’ll never fall for it and buy packs, but if everyone else believed what they believed and felt what they felt, then Blizzard would never sell another pack again, so rigging seems deeply unprofitable to me.

  1. Rig the game
  2. ???
  3. Profit
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I don’t know that its designed as a way to make players spend.
I think it is that Blizzard wants to retain players and if mediocre players lose too much they will quit.

Ok. But some people are clearly claiming that, and I’d like an answer from them.

The biggest travesty in this whole thread is that arzoo’s post at #2 didn’t get more likes

Well, I can’t speak for them, and I don’t know how making players lose would cause them to spend.

I’m not interesting in getting into some bullcrap semantic fight. Why would you imply I think there is no matchmaker just because I think it isn’t rigged? Or are you one of those people who think having matchmaking on skill at all is “rigged”.

Actually think about how insane those meetings would have to be for this fantasy world of rigged matchmaking. How many people would have to work together to build the systems, approve it, consult legal, etc. How completely ludicrous it is that the only “evidence” that ever, ever, ever comes out is these idiots insisting that anecdotes are proof and “it’s so obvious.” The same idiots that appear on every competitive gaming forum ever making pretty much the same complaints about every matchmaker ever, the same insane claims that these rigged systems are to somehow make more money by making exactly those idiots unhappy.


I don’t see how the matching can be unfair in any way when the same players hit legend every month, with multiple decks and classes.
So yeah; I believe the matching is weighted based on deck compostion, but I don’t believe it is unfair, and probably is the way that it is to help players who otherwise would lose more than they do.

Let me reiterate that this kind of claim appears EVERYWHERE. in every single game I’ve ever played, in the most ridiculous of forms.

People claim LOL matchmaking is rigged, FGS


Let me know if i’m wrong, but in LOL, only cosmetics are for sale, right ?

Not just games either, working for Google, banks, etc. People have ridiculous ideas of what goes on behind the curtain.

I, on the other hand, wouldn’t mind. :rofl:

I’m pretty sure I remember seeing people insist that Overwatch matchmaking was rigged because it encouraged people to buy alternate accounts to “reset” their MMR.

Oh yeah, I discussed that a lot on Overwatch forums as well, it was pretty depressing.

I think that, outside of cosmetics, you could buy little Exp boosters to Rune Masteries or something along that line. I think being key here, I haven’t played in years.

Now this is the first I’ve heard this angle. Interesting. So it’s not about knocking down players for winning too much, it’s about propping up players who lose too much, which would be ideally at the expense of another player who’s winning too much. I’ll grant that this is at least a legitimate incentive. However, it’s a pretty complex undertaking, and as Arzoo not so eloquently noted, would involve a lot of departments, systems, and, most importantly, personnel. There is no way something like this is not getting out there. And I still think the existing system of matching by Rank and MMR already serves that purpose.

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No, it’s not. A simple ranking system solves this problem easily. If you lose a lot, you are matched against worse and worse players until eventually your winrate will get near 50% as you’re matched against players who are just as bad as you. No massive staff or personnel required, easy fix is easy.

When the “game is rigged” crowd says that matchmaking tends to regulate winrate towards 50%, they’re correct. What they’re wrong about is how and why. All rating systems do this and they don’t need to look at your deck at all to do it.

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How much time do you have?

All the time you need to explain me.

(tbh, I have to go in 15 minutes, but i’ll be way more than happy to read you answer and discuss it with you when i’m available)

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I hope this doesn’t get psuedo scientific now, because it’s well established in economics that people take losses much worse than they take the good from wins.