Strangest matchmaking ever

By your own logic, why are you not playing Mage?


Because if you play mage the game puts you vs quest warrior and face hunter mostly, the algorithm always finds counter for you, ( the algoritm is inividual if you dont understand )

If you’re playing Mage and getting put up against Quest Warrior and Face Hunter mostly, then what’s happening to the Mages that are mostly seeing Rogue/Priest?

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because the rigging is not at maximal rigging every turn? what is so hard to understand about it? if you lose and lose it eases up and finds you easier matchup, and if you win and win it finds you counters why is this so difficult to understand? are you able to count 1 + 1 ?

The old “When I win it’s because of skill and when I lose it’s because the game is rigged” argument, say no more, we understand completely.


No, it seems you are unable to do basic statistics. You keeping using the word “mostly” which means an opposite must also exist, meaning someone else must be seeing their counter “rarely”.

For every match a Priest sees a Mage, a Mage must also see a Priest.

You understand that basic logical statistic, right?

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If you cant understand what " inividual rigging " means theres literally no point to talk to you, i sincerely hope you’re trolling because if you cant understand something this simple then idk what to say

Got it. The answer to the question “You understand that basic logical statistic, right?” is a resounding


The search to find basic intelligence in the “it’s rigged!” crowd continues…

Let me give you a hint:

Jack looks cooking videos on youtube so the algorithm suggests him more cooking videos

Mary opens youtube on her own computer will the youtube suggest her cooking videos because jack on the other side of world looked cooking videos? no it doesnt

We’ll try one more time. This time I’ll explain it like I’m talking to a 3rd grader.

If a theoretical list of all Priest matchups in Hearthstone exists and looks like this:

Priest matchups:

Matchups   Warrior Mage Warlock Rogue Hunter Shaman Druid
 Priest  10 20 20 10 10 10 15

And a theoretical list of all Mage matchups in Hearthstone exists and looks like this:

Mage matchups:

Matchups   Warrior Priest Warlock Rogue Hunter Shaman Druid
 Mage 5 ? 10 20 15 18 10

Please tell me what the ? number is.

I already explained it to you " inividual " so at this point im just going to assume youre a troll so i will no longer reply to you

It’s not a hard question. Why are you unable to answer? It’s simple. Once you answer the question, we’ll continue on and explain why your rigging theory doesn’t work - even at the individual level.

I’ll take an answer to the question as acknowledgement that you’re ready to continue the lesson.

I’ll take your dodging to the question as acknowledgement that you’re admitting defeat and see the problem.


Just as an aside: I play Ping mage as everyone knows.
In 100 matches I faced thirty eight druids.
I switched to a far more favorable deck and have played fifty matches with it.
I have seen six druids.
Just sayin’.

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This is the problem with anecdote, though.

Was this all in the same ranking bracket?

Is it possible that the rate of play of druid has tanked in the last couple days because it’s a completely boring routine deck to play?

Did losses lower your MMR to the point that you are playing decks with worse win rates?

Are you now matched by rank instead of MMR and therefore in a very different pocket meta?

Are you winning more or less with the new deck?

I have seen 20% mages in casual but only 12% in ladder, where I play a different deck. Is it rigged or does no one want to climb with mage right now?

The brain is wired to see patterns even when there aren’t any, which is the same reason we see faces everywhere around us on inanimate objects.


Yeah. Diamond 5.

about the same. 45/48%

this game is wired if you ask me.

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I still say different times of the day affect the meta. When I play around 6PM I have only faced druids when it got to 7pm I started to face face decks. Still playing the same deck, but what class I faced were completely different over the time difference. This difference could be due to time zones. This is a hypothesis on dramatic changes in the meta I have observed over time, but I have no way to test it.

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This is 100% true. I agree completely. It’s definitely about who plays when.

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Yeah that happens because the game is rigged and seeks you counter decks so you dont win too much, your example is literally the same as i stated in the OP, the meta changes depending what deck/hero you play, people can call it what they want but to me its the defination of rigged

Do you have any concrete evidence?
If a deck has many counter decks in the meta, it is natural that you see them often. Whether or not that happens after your win is determined entirely by randomness, and a few dozens of games where you get unlucky and face more counters after you win does not prove the fact that the game forced you to have these matchups. You are one out of millions of players, in a game where some decks and classes are played much more than others, so seeing an excessive or seemingly strange amount of patterns of a certain class cannot be directly accused as manipulation unless you have an extremely large sample pool.
If the pattern is not the same (eg. it doesn’t always give you counter decks after you win too much) then it’s just that counter decks to some decks are more popular and face more often. I’ve faced counter decks with my decks quite a few times and still won.

I rolled three sixes today with the dice on the morning. Now I got three twos. The world itself is rigged and playing against me. The pattern must not be so convenient and randomness should guarantee me a nice, even number of results. Right? Right???

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