People still play this rigged game?

Now hang on just a second.

In the other thread, I called this out as well. I said:

When trying to do exactly as you are doing now - “telling it to them straight”.

And you replied to me:

It now looks like you are in the exact same state of conclusion that I was in days ago.

You see, these people don’t want anything explained to them. They don’t want to be educated. They want to remain uninformed because they like thinking it is rigged. I already came to that conclusion. Now you’re at the same place I was when you replied to me stating I should have patience and these people just need to be educated because it’s “hard to grasp”. Now you see it’s not hard to grasp, it’s simply a matter of refusing to grasp it because they refuse to see the error in their logic. They simply do not want to be educated.

Can you now agree that there’s nothing wrong with what I said before and that I was right?

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