Strangest matchmaking ever

I almost laughed when I read this because this reply comes right after one who claims to play one class and has a similar view as you on match making.

Rigging would not make Blizzard more money. Players don’t like being cheated and they don’t like being frustrated. Every single time there’s a thread like this, the people who believe in rigging say stuff like

so if people who believe Blizzard is rigging spend nothing and rigging is

then the only thing that would be accomplished by rigging is pissing off the playerbase and driving away potential pack sales. Which is why Blizzard doesn’t do it.

You have to choose one: either rigging is subtle enough where the vast majority will never know it exists — while we live in a world of social media where any scandal can go viral — or rigging is not profitable. One or the other, or both.


Most players don’t understand that they are being cheated, the veteran players know it tho

At this point all of your threads should be flagged as trolling as you can’t be bothered to actually discuss the topic.

You can’t even explain what happens in a way that makes any actual sense.

Truthfully, most of us assume you are just bad at the game and want to blame something else for your failures.


Op has already fantastically explained what is happening but you just dont seem to be able to understand it / or living with too much denial, also you can have the same results when you try it yourself

I have never had the experience the op describes. Not even once. I track all my games.

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Yeah i " totally " believe that

Okay, so then you’re saying that it’s subtle and that you were wrong earlier.

Same here.


Most players are " casual " and dont do anything but netdeck and play the game without any analyzing thoughts

It figures that someone who blames their losses on the game being rigged thinks the average person is devoid of thought. May I suggest an alternative hypothesis: you’re not all that clever, the average player is roughly as intelligent as you are, and the really smart ones are much, much smarter than you.

As you may have noticed from another thread, I did the Alterac mysteries achievement yesterday. I recommend you try that out yourself using the guides available online, not because of the mysteries themselves but because of the strength of the guides relative to the difficulty of the puzzles. Hearthstone players are incredibly smart and can reverse engineer complex systems in a matter of days. Cariel’s maze was live, what, 24 hours before a full solution, and you think rigging wouldn’t be cracked in years?

Quite simply, you’re wrong about them: people aren’t idiots. Don’t get me wrong, they’re not geniuses, but you need to have a realistic feel for what will fool 100 IQ and what won’t, and to what degree intelligence of target even matters when it comes to persuasion.


I never claimed that players are stupid, you are reading what you want, i said that people dont give the game analyzing thoughts when they play it, they just look up a deck and que up and play few games a day max so of course these people wont ever see that the matchmaking isnt normal because they simply dont play enough

Last I checked “thoughtless” was a synonym for stupid. But I get you know, you’re not saying they don’t think at all, you’re saying that they aren’t thinking about how things are “rigged against them.”

You don’t play enough. You do not have a large enough sample size to detect any meaningful pattern. Remember, it needs to be subtle enough that the guys who mapped Cariel’s maze can’t unravel its secrets. I’m sorry, but you’re not smarter than them. So if rigging is real, it’s too subtle for you to see it, period. Which means your perception that it’s obvious is actually cognitive dissonance.

It is physically impossible for you to play enough. Only data aggregator websites “play” enough, and they don’t see any of what you believe exists.


i would not define thoughtless this way.
Insensitive, inconsiderate, are the things that come to mind for me.
I have never used it as an analogue for stupid.

If the game was indeed rigged, smart people would have proved it a long while ago.


Iv seen the algorithm for rigged matchmaking in hs since 2017

All comes down to your definition of rigged.

If rigged means it produces different matchmaking results for one player over another when they present the same same variables, then it is not rigged.

If rigged means it is a system that is not pure random for your rank and uses variables to match you to keep your win rate close to 50%, then it is rigged.

The matchmaking system clearly looks at variables, such as class your playing, some form of win streak, maybe even certain meta combinations or decks. It does this equally for all players, but still produces “rigged” matches based on the matchmaking criteria. It does not appear to produce “rigged” matches that treats one player differently than another in the same circumstance.

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Matchmaking does not look at your class.

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You say clearly. What evidence have you got in the way of backing up your claim?

One of the strategies of liars and people arguing in bad faith is exactly this. Make bold, certain claims to try and rile up backing from people looking to have their views backed.
Never any evidence, though. Just anedoctes and falacies.


i haven’t been posting to this forum for long, but i’ve read it for years. i understand all of the claims made by both sides, and honestly i am left with this question at the end of the day.

how would a “non-rigged” matchmaking algorithm appear different from the “rigged” one we use now?? this is the part i don’t understand, because i feel the same anomalies would be prevalent, because no one can see the whole meta in real time, and statistically someone will see a match-up spread that is “wonky.” so wouldn’t it always devolve to some portion of the community feeling it’s fixed and others feeling it’s not because we’ll all have different experiences?

If it wasn’t for data aggregator websites, yes.

But because data aggregator websites, no. We don’t need to go off feels or individual experiences.

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