Strangest matchmaking ever

fair point, and i don’t disagree. the question i really wanted answered is how a different matchmaking algorithm would look\feel not “rigged”? what is the metric to compare “rigging” i guess is my question.

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Just jumping in here with no context so sry ahead of time if I missed something…

The Legend rank can only be achieved once a month. If you are going for legend and you truly believe you can get there before the 1st of the month but all you need is the “Captain Legendary” card and you think you’re close to your pity timer and you have most other Legendaries you might think about buying 5 to 10 packs in hoped of getting “Captain Legendary” via the pity timer before you waste dust crafting it.

Make sense?

After playing thousands of games and seeing matchmaking change over and over with class changes as I change decks, I have come to the conclusion that class is part of the matchmaking algorithm.

We are left with coming to our own conclusions since we do not have the detail of the algorithm.

It would be interesting for VS or hsreplay to write an article where they speculate on the algorithm based on their data.

Been active since Mean Streets and have never once felt the game was rigged against me. I simply don’t see what you guys claim to. Reality is your ego can’t take losing at a card game. Bit on the sad side.

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I don’t have any problem at all with losing. But I do think the matching is different than described.


Well then why have I not seen what you have after several years of play? If it is so obvious and apparent I should have picked up on it by now.


Step 1: collect data on several million games.
Step 2: for each card, calculate the population of the decks it queues against.
Step 3: see if there’s any significant difference between cards.

Because data aggregators have the means to check into this, and a strong incentive to come forward with evidence of rigging if it exists, we can safely assume rigging doesn’t exist.

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i agree with this, but for the sake of playing devil’s advocate…
these sites only record data from players on pc using the sites deck tracker. i’ve seen it claimed, (i don’t know the veracity of this), that more people play on mobile than pc. so these sites’ results might not represent a large part of the community.

once again i agree with you, but reasons like this seem to be why people dismiss hs replay\VS data sets. probably with large enough sample size everything settles to normal distribution, but i’m not educated enough on this subject to go further.

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It’s definitely true that data aggregators are skipping mobile for now. So it’s kinda difficult to know how many mobile users there are.

Still, once a sample becomes large enough, even if it’s a minority, it can serve as a representative sample. It’s a fact that HSReplay records about ten million games a week. If it turns out there’s actually a hundred million games a week, they still have enough of a sample, whereas a hundred games out of a hundred million isn’t enough.

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The game is rigged everyone knows it


Maybe you are just not good enough at the game to be able to tell the difference between random and algorithmed

Sorry about your intellect then.

2 slices of bread, peanut butter and jelly. That’s how you make a PBJ sandwich.

Your reply of “NOPE” doesn’t change facts.

Just makes you an ignorant child who’s playing childish games on the internet.

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Nobody here is talking about " losing " we are talking about the matchmakings and card draws being rigged please try stay on the topic and stop trolling.

Wow something didn’t make sense to me, so I guess it’s fair you get mad about it.


If only there was some way to prove rigging.

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Yes it does.

No it does not.

No it does not.

No it does not.

Matchmaking looks at:

  • Your MMR when you still have a bonus multiplier (not the win streak doubler, the multiplier that decays at B5, S10, S5, G10, G5, P10, P5, D10, D5, L).
  • Your Rank when your multiplier has fully decayed to 1.
  • Your MMR when you are at Legend.

It does not look at your deck, your win streak, your cards, your total games played, the amount of money you’ve spent on the game, other games you play, your political affiliation, or the color of your underwear.

That is an unscientific analysis leading to an incorrect conclusion.

See above for the criteria of the “algorithm”. They’re not going to release the actual code.

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Why this doesn’t work is it has a variable you left out which could give you misleading results. Those average percentages you get for each class is over a lot longer period of time than your matchmaking time (accouple of weeks to 1 minate and that is giving matchmaking extra time to find opponents). As I have said earlier I run into period of time in this meta were I run into more druids (about 6 PM) than the meta changes over the next hour. This could be due to time change or people got tired of druids and began to run counters.

With saying that you would need at least the percentages of those in the ready for the match and have hit the play button. Witch is impossible for multiple reasons, but one of them is we don’t know how long it takes before your opponent is found, I would assume the majority of the time is spent for connection to the server (someone with more computer knowledge would probably know better than I do on that).

I don’t think that would invalidate the experiment, as the games currently being matchmade for are going to end up in the data. Unless you’re hypothesizing that they just started rigging games now?

It’s true that the game uses an algorithm to slow down ranking up so that people dont get to legend rank too fast

I have seen this daily from years of experience, no matter what deck you play the game manages to find you a counter even if its a deck that literally no one plays.

The easiest trick to see the matchmaking rigged is the ooze test, add double ooze and you wont see shamans anymore or weapon rogues.

Another easy test is playing a miracle priest the game will que you versus missile hero power mages mostly, and then you switch to lets say to a kazakusan druid for example and all these mages are gone and you dont see them anymore

Or you can try play aggro decks and suddenly all these kazakusan druids disappear from the meta and it turns into priest and mage meta :smiley: