Strangest matchmaking ever

It wouldn’t make sense. I was being lazy when I said to look it up. It’s not complicated.

Blizzard uses two different numbers for matchmaking: rank (e.g. Diamond 1) and rating (which is hidden). Rating is a more complicated number that tries to evaluate how good you are, kind of like ELO in chess. When you’re not on a win streak of 2 or more wins, matchmaking is by rank. When you’re on a win streak (or at Legend rank), matchmaking is by rating and ignores rank.

lmao! Well played, Sir.

More like 1 in 1000 lucky then. In arguendo.

Oh, and that’s chance per loss. Converting 12 wins in a row for the normies is 1 in 5898 games for using a 51.5% decklist. If we’re going to set expected winrate to 58.5% due to skill, then 1 in 622 losses becomes 1 in 1500 games (exactly, oddly enough), and 1 in 1064 losses becomes 1 in 2564 games.

With an exact 50% winrate 12 wins in a row is 1 in 8192 games of Standard.

That’s crazy. I didn’t know it was a rare achievement. TY for the math.

Are you sure about that? I don’t remember reading this. I do remember it saying when you run out of bonus stars, MM is by rank.

What about the opponent before your win streak started? That was obviously a loss. Presumably a different deck from what you started to beat. You need to realize that there are thousands of people hitting that Play button all the time. Even playing a fast deck like Shadow Priest, you will face maybe 12 people an hour. 12 out of thousands. It’s not possible to derive any useful information about the entire meta from playing 12 people.

Congrats on the achievement though. While luck certainly plays a role in this type of thing with opponents decks and cards drawn, it still takes a considerable amount of skill.

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All they use is an algorithm to slow down the ranking up and try to trick people to buy packs to try different deck

Can you explain me why slowing down ranking up will make people buy packs like I was a 5 year old, please ?

because the game gives you counter decks to make you lose which causes frustration and attempt to make the player think his deck sucks, so he will buy packs to try another deck just to get the same feeling with that deck also its a vicious cycle and this is what blizzard aimed for, this is why playing aggro decks is always best because games are fast so you dont waste as much time because of the algorithm

And it’s so subtle you can’t see it in data, you can only sense it.


It’s not subtle at all, maybe for new players it is but for long time players the algorithm is quite obvious to see

Has anyone in here ever been stuck in that circle of pack buying ? Because, I know no-one in that case.

Not me because i know what the game is trying to do thats why i dont spend money

You must just have extraordinary senses if it’s not visible in the data.

Or alternatively someone made rigging your games their lunchtime project. I’d totally do that for fun :slightly_smiling_face:


And you must feel that you’re above the general populace in intelligence, right?
Seeing as you imply the average player would fall for that but not you?

It’s a common bias : illusory superiority. Kind of a cliché.

A lot of people do fall it because they are unable to see its rigged

I have seen an enormous amount of matching in the time I’ve played.
i also understnad confirmation bias.
However; I have observed the behavior I complain of on practically a daily basis.
I feel there is something to be said for that.

I feel like the people that cant see the matchmaking isnt normal are new players or people that only play 1 hero

It’s weird that people find it so difficult to grasp that a multi-billion corporation would do this, and some are actively defending a company which sole purpose is to make money.

Is ActivisionBlizzard so, so ethical that they would never, ever in a million years implement a process to get more money out of us?

That’s not the question, though. Nor does it represent the position of anyone on the board that I have seen.

The point is that people making bold claims should bring evidence to support their claim.

I wouldn’t put it past blizzard to put a hand on the scale, but I won’t go around saying they definitely do without actual proof.

Thus far no one has brought anything other than anecdote and slander. Even more to the point, the people who say it is rigged can’t even describe the phenomena in a way that makes any sense.