Strangest matchmaking ever

Not showing the rank of your opponent is shady. HS decided to remove the rank of your opponent at the same time they instituted a new matchmaking system. This gives a strong impression that there is something to cover up.

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No, I am not, at all. I asked for a number, and I got it. I didn’t miss a thing, thanks though for continuously trying to convince me I’m crazy. Not gonna work.

It absolutely could. HSReplay records games (replays) so they could extract from those replays stats like: what % of opponents are Poison Rogue playing as Archetype X with or without Rustrot Viper in deck?

This doesn’t mean they post those stats, because that’d get real boring real quick — they’re the same, every time.

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Hypothesis: players are matched to different opponents based on the cards in their deck.

If this is true, the average meta for all decks will differ by a significant amount to the meta for a specific deck.

So we compare average meta for all decks, to the specific meta, and check for variance.

  • google hsreplay and choose the first search result
  • select the the meta tab->by class
  • note down the popularity of each deck
  • select the matchups tab
  • go through each row or column and total the number of games for each deck type
  • divide the number of games played against a particular deck by the total to get a %
  • compare the % you just calculated to the deck’s popularity, that you noted in step 3.

Just kidding he/him is fine

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Okay. Sounds good, and I would love to see someone tackle this.
Because I stand by what I say.
I can face thirty percent Druids as a ping mage, and switch to face hunter, and see notable changes in the percentages.

Not for me. I think that’s the most important stat to put the rigged conversation to bed.

Most people contend things are sketchy when they play a lot against weapon decks, then tech in Rustrot Viper, and stop seeing weapons decks.

These detailed stats are what we need to see.

Edited with steps above, feel free to poke holes in the experiment.

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Good bait thread. Pushing 200 posts now and after someone talking about posting a bunch of articles, never actually posted th but is instead engaging in a bunch of disingenuous back-and-forth to drag things out?

Yeah, this isn’t a discussion. It’s an attempt on someone’s part to waste as much time as possible.

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I mean you should delete this line.

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The only thing missing is accounting for some normal variance in the %ages. There are reasons why x deck saw 15 more mages, which makes the percentage one or two percent different, but still in the normal expected variance especially in smaller sample decks.

Testing this idea, though is likely beyond the scope of these forums but has likely already been done by data aggregate stat wonk sites.

Maybe someone could ask VS to give it a try and see what they find? That would be an epic VS report and likely blow up their page views, lol.

The games are in the thousands, I gave it a very quick glance ages ago for the top 8 or so and it was pretty consistent. Honestly I have no idea what people will find… :slightly_smiling_face: You’lll probably expect some variance as you get to the lower #s of games like you say.

VS would have picked this up a long time ago if there was an issue, I just post this for people to get their own level of comfort.

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Well think for a moment about why the wouldn’t, even if it is interesting to you. Maybe you would not be so happy after they posted them as you’re imagining. And, lest we forget, businesses that don’t keep their customers happy lose market share and thus lose money.

In any case, if you had a weaponized au…dit of the individual replays posted to HSReplay, you could watch them all and come up with the numbers yourself.

Thank you officer. It will never happen again in your town.

Nah by all means, carry on. I wanna see how big you can make it. We’ve stretched out some real bangers on here back in the day (even on this topic) so I’m eager to see what ya got.

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Coming into a non constructive thread and complaining about how non constructive it is by leaving a comment that is non constructive just made my head spin for a moment.

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I aim to please.

Obviously you don’t because you have been AWOL for a while and had some of us concerned and didn’t let us know if you were OK or not.

Babe, I’m always ok.

This place just ain’t what it used to be. It’s lost that lovin’ feelin’.

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Are you going to sing Come Sail Away in a Cartman voice now?