Strangest matchmaking ever

Actually, you’re the one who absolutely without a doubt doesn’t comprehend the statement you keep quoting. Like you’re seriously whooooosh missing what he said right over your head.

The bottom line is people who assert the game is rigged beyond simple MMR to match players are salty about losing and that’s the sum total of the problem.

The rest of us work on playing better and that’s why we aren’t hardstuck in gold and silver.


So years ago I was playing Blackjack in Reno. The new dealer was awful. He’d miscount the hands and pay us off on losing hands. He’d draw when he was at 17 or 18 and bust. This guy sits down next to me and loses a couple hands and starts to get up. I said, “No, no… this is the right table. Trust me.” Next hand my new friend hits on 15 against the dealer’s King and draws a 7. Dealer shouts, “21!” and turns his hole card up for 20 and pays out. “I guess we are at the right table!” Sometimes you just gotta find the “right” casino.

Is not personal, I’m sorry that it comes across that way. If people are saying you don’t understand, misunderstand, etc, it’s an opportunity to rethink what people are saying.

I guess we can accept anecdotal evidence if its a cool story :slightly_smiling_face:

Dude, you can’t read.

I specifically stated:

Then I was asked

Then, because I didn’t know the exact answer, but I knew that the game is designed to keep you around 50%, I said to ask the people on the forums that do stats.

The Scrotie jumped in and said (para) “Nah, I aint gonna look up no stats for you”

So, I simply quoted him.

What aren’t you understanding?

Yes. Because that much error is impossible if you’re thinking about the issue clearly, as I’ve already described. It’s like saying a day has 25 hours, getting laughed at, then saying you were only off by 1.

To address my quote: average winrate across the entire Hearthstone population will always equal exactly 50%. But that’s an average, and some players will have winrates below 50% and others above. Matchmaking by rating matches the players with winrates below 50% against other players below, which means against easier opponents to make it easier to win. It also matches players above 50% against other players above, which means harder opponents to make it more difficult to win.


I understand it perfectly.

Math isn’t required to understand it, and that’s your issue. It’s why he told you to ask the logic folks not the stats people.

You’re the one who needs to read and think.

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Well maybe it’s personal after all…

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Bunch of gaslighters.

Hey Selwynn.

Have you ever heard that the game Hearthstone is intentionally designed to keep you around a “certain” winrate?

That’s all I was asking. I’ll keep repeating myself until you get it.

And if you say “No, no, I have never heard that this game was designed to keep you around a certian winrate”

Then I will do this, over, and over…

My God.

Not personal.

Just giving him the opportunity to re read what I was saying.

Sure, though being unable to read (s)he might need help.

GL with your … discussion.

I love using peoples words against them, it’s delicious.

“Herp herp, yes but, it doesn’t apply to me, herp, only when you do it, herp, then it only applies to you”

You all should be politicians.

Well; my beef with the matching has always been far more simple than the claims here.
I maintain that if you change cards you will change the immediate likelihood of opponent decks.
ie; if you tech for Druid, you will see less Druids, at least initially.

I thought you believed that an American politician implemented policies that benefited Americans. Oh, maybe you weren’t being sarcastic!

Of course that would show up in the data, and can be proven with my often posted 10 step method :slightly_smiling_face:

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“They” will say that there is no statistical evidence for this, which may be true.

I just don’t know how that stat could be tracked. Maybe it can.

Does it track opponents faced VS deck composition? Can it mark when a deck was switched BY THE SAME PLAYER?

I get it that it can track winrates of class VS class.

No, I haven’t. That’s a lie bad players tell them selves to justify their continued suck.

I have heard that the game tries to match you to players of equal skill to get fair matches for all players.

But hey, you just keep using words wrong, missing the point, blaming others for your problems, and enjoy your end of season rewards.

And show everyone exactly why my comment that this has all gone whooooosh past your head was 100% spot on?

Edit: I would love to know how I can win 73% of matches from D10 to legend this month in your rigged system, lol, because that’s exactly what I did.

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Explain please? 'Cause i’m not sure how you prove/disprove this other than recording every match you play, while switching out cards and noting the first match received.
Even that seems flawed tbh.

Listen, some of your beloved peers have clearly stated that this game has an intended win rate at “X” percentage.

Don’t make me go quoting your heroes and leave you deflated.

I don’t have any heroes here.

In fact, I vehemently disagree with Scrotie more than I agree with them, but when someone is correct you call them correct. It’s called intellectual honesty.

They are 100% correct and you’ve missed what they’re trying to say to you.

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