State of the Meta - Monthly top 500 Legend Perspective

AHHHRRGGG, the people in this thread make me want to pull whats left of my hair out! If he hadn’t posted about his level the same people complaining about it would have demanded he show what level he was playing on to prove he isn’t some silver scrub, he does just that and people jump all over it as bragging! Almost everyone except Kill went from ‘these are valid/invalid points and here’s why i agree or disagree’ to you’re a liar we don’t believe your rank.
I’ve have been playing since beta and have never gotten out of Gold but his “nerfs” seem reasonable, now only Blizz has 100% accurate stats but every nerf they have ever done seem to be a short sighted nerf, not taking into account what will rise to take its place (when most of the community knows).
And as for power creep, anyone who says its not a thing is just plain WRONG!!! I can’t even begin to explain how wrong they are except to say remember when a 4 mana 4/5 that did nothing was a power move! (I’m looking at you yeti!).

I belive you 100% no need to show me any pics .


Do you have a pricing table?

On the one hand, I don’t think it’s great to have games decided too much by draw and not enough by skill.

But more importantly, your core assumption here is that the purpose of nerfs is something other than balance. 50% winrate IS balance, and balance is a subset of design but not all design is balance. If you ask me, redesigning cards for other than balance purposes and big fixes should be completely off the table after release. So hard no on your position here.

So only one and single question.

Why would a supposed mech mage meta be bad?

Yes if it strapolates i not against a nerf BUT we also need a better argument than MAYBE “insert whatever deck here” can get powerful for a prevention nerf.

i see people talking about dragon priest. which deck was this? the only dragon priest i remember used raza, anduin as win-con. was there another i am forgetting? are you referencing galakrond dragon priest? Not important, just curious.

How can you not know the power house that was Dragon Priest?
This card before nerfs was a true meta breaker, i miss those days.

yeah i know but it was in raza dragon priest…was a strong inclusion but raza and anduin was the win-con. don’t see how it could be recreated without those. unless it was in a different deck that existed before i started playing, i started the december before gadgetstan was released. so i could just not know the deck.

Lol no it wasnt i couldnt care less about a win con , i would just steal whatever the opponent win con was .

Lmao Raza didnt even play that, much more fun to turn whatever my opponent had against him .

I think the last game i played with Draconid i played like 6 in the same game , there was no playing around it.

to be fair i was quite the noob back then. maybe i didn’t use it to its full potential. i remember it being good, but the way i played the deck back then it didn’t seem to be the powerhouse to me that you remember. as new to the game as i was then, it’s probably on me, that i didn’t recognize its strength. ty for responding though.

The Secret agent coming through was more than good it made Dragon Priest a real deck.

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Blizzard seems to be hinting at dragon priest by giving interesting dragon for priest and neutral, but somehow chose to include lightbomb instead of dragonfire potion in the core set.

For me, personally, I’m referring way back to 2015 - that’s when I joined, and priest got some decent dragon synergy with Grand Tournament. :slight_smile:

Complex algorithm that spits out a number based on each individual user. Price goes up the more one annoys me.

Spoiler alert: It’s a rigged algorithm.


it’s a collection game, there’s no point to make alt accounts

ps: i’m still curious about why switcheroo is op, the only deck with it is the “mill” priest with the 7/7 deathrattle guys and it’s quite bad

Thank you, I completely agree with your review of rogue’s card mechanics, it can snowball with zero effort. Shellfish OTK is also a very unhealthy and problematic deck for the meta. It basically guarantees that control will not even try to exist.

If you have problems with Rogue as any control class it’s a you problem. Rogue doesn’t need a single nerf. I guess you’re one of the “control should be 30 minute games with infinite value and removal spam” guys. We can only pray that that kind of playstyle never returns. :slight_smile:

Yes, actually. Control games should average 12-16 turns. It’s not control otherwise. Control warrior before the year switch was as close and glorious as it got. marvelous win-rate and absolute board control.

Also, there is no real control in this current meta. So I’m not really sure what your post is meant to convey.

Control Warrior was a complete snooze fest, horrible to face and polarizing not to mention bad for the game. Control paladin is viable (we just need a nerf to some cards like for example Cariel).

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People don’t like how it works with twin fin and the 12/12 dragon. You switcheroo on 2or3, then play 2 12/12 minions on 3 or 4.

That’s it. If priest draws either of those minions before getting switcheroo, they immediately lose. If the 12/12s die or get silenced, the priest also loses.