State of the Meta - Monthly top 500 Legend Perspective


Given the rampant “alt abuse” of late,
Given the upvote tendencies I am seeing after 80 posts…

I have just as much reason to doubt the OP as I do to believe them.

You see the name on your google search, but not the #xxxxx.

Sorry Op, if you are legit. You just came in at the wrong time to be making the claims you do, with some of the “followers” you have all but confirmed to be alt accounts.

I am not buying it. It took you 5+ years to come here and make your FIRST post?!? Yeah, not buying it for a second with recent history on these forums.


Little late to reply to this, but wanted to chip in and say there was Chronicle: RuneScape Legends a few years back, which, I feel, had some serious potential - it was a really unique take, in my opinion, and was really enjoyable; sadly, for whatever reason, there just wasn’t enough support, and was taken down only like a year or two after being released. :frowning:

Just flush the game down the proverbial toilet.
It cannot be fixed as long as there are players willing to spend on it as is.

Bookmarking this comment for future use. We’ll see if you’re right! :wink:

A DH facemeta allows for control to have a chance and variety of decks. Plus DH has not had a competitive deck in quite a while at dumpster legend and below.

DH doesn’t even exist in wild meta so this is good for DH

It’s borderline, but only because of the consistency of the discover effects, which let it get multiple sharks and colossals. Assuming the mech pool gets diluted a bit, it shouldn’t need a tweak.

Generally the problem is that aggro has to much refill. They decided they wanted aggro decks to never run dry tho, so…

What they need to do is buff some control tools. Abyssal wave to 5, perpetual flame back to 1, bring the defile on a a stick down to 4, etc

This has not happened a single time, let alone twice. Yugioh has been 8000 LP since day 1. The ANIME increased LP from 2000 to 4000. That’s it. And neither of those totals was ever present in the TCG. So to answer your question, no, I cannot think of a single one.

Source: I have been playing Yugioh since very close to day 1.


I will have you know that man played in several tournaments in the anime to high levels…
Anyway he might be a Duel Links player that game not only has lower Hp pool but also supports skills(like destiny draw lmao).

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Give everyone 40 Health = not too crazy change.

I do hope they do something about Nellie so you can’t discover Mr. Smite.
1 mana Mr. Smite is so obnoxious.

Food for thought

Yes a deck can have an average winrage around 50%, be tier 2 or 3 and still warrant nerf. Here’s why. What if in the deck you have a very powerful card, you draw it, your win chance increase by 10-15% You don’t your win chance drop by 10-15%
So in average, the deck may have 50% winrate, but only depending on you drawing the card, not on your decision making. I don’t think it’s good and satisfying design.
So they could nerf mechmage, and buff another underperforming mech, to keep the powerlevel of the deck, but feel more fair.
Same can be said with card like Cariel, Guff, Jandice, Kurtruss etc…

and yet your btag says new player

how can this card be a problem if nobody plays priest? there’re only ramp druids, naga mages and a few face dh in the meta


it’s not hard to get a new account.

The question was more of a “why do you need a different account to post on?” I believe. I’ve been playing since beta, have 10’s of thousands of hours in the game and my name here matches my battle account so that there isn’t any question of who I am.

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Is your real name in real life Schyla though?


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It’s whatever you want it to be for the right price honey boo-boo.


If they really wanted dragon priest to be a thing again they should have given priest some cheaper dragons with useful effects…specially considering how many cheap powerful minions there are for other classes. It is nice to have drakonid op back but in this meta he may as well be a turn 5 do nothing card that aggro decks can ignore. And what happened to priest healing? Both paladin and warlock have better healing tools that can actually affect the board or have additional effects. As a priest player, I hate Switcheroo for just being a coin flip and not even a guranteed win anyways when everyone runs starfish now. Dragon priest is dead in the water, so what does leave? Shadow style with subpar tools and no healing? Priest is bottom tier yet again.

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Yeah it should only discover non-legendary pirates.

Got a legitimate chuckle from your response! :laughing:

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I played since 2014 as well, have posted plenty before, albeit not recently, and yet my counter is 50 or so. it is sus