So, where do I start?
Hello, I’m a former tournament player and consistent top 500 Legend player. I’ve played in multiple Dreamhacks and was a participant way back in Blizzards official Tavern Hero tournament after qualifying.
I just wanted to go over some of the issues I see in this meta and why some of us do not like it.
It boils down to this. This meta is by far BY FAR the fastest meta in the history of Hearthstone. It’s not even close. Sometimes you’ve already lost by turn 3. This leaves little counterplay and a feeling by the loser that there was nothing that they could do. This is a terrible feeling for any competitive game.
The meta definitely needs a major slow down. Aggro usually goes unpunished for overreaching or going face. It takes “me go face” to a whole new level - and it was already meme status before.
One core issue in slowing down the meta would be highlighting the superiority of Ramp Druid. This would also need to be addressed. Kazakusan would need a bit of a rework. It’s a good card, and I believe it should stay in the game, but it should be changed to something like “at the start of your next turn, activate this effect”. This would slow down the tools he generates by 1 turn while leaving him in tact in his current form. Guff would need to be adjusted. (Why was this card even put in the game to begin with, it’s a balance nightmare). My suggestion is to cap the mana crystals at 15 down from 20.
Power creep is real and needs to be addressed, but not in the way you might think. My solution - just give everyone 40 health. If you’re going to make all of the cards stronger across the board, make the heroes stronger too so it balances out.
Switcheroo. Sometimes I wonder if you guys have anyone on the team that plays the game in any competitive sense whatsoever. This card should NEVER have existed. Seriously. What were you thinking here?
Pirate. Warrior. We’re tired of it. Quest has already been nerfed once. I think the best course of action here would be to nerf Mr. Smite. 6/5 Rush, give your Pirates Rush. Realistic charge OTKs were supposed to be removed from the game, yet here you are adding them back because of Nessie. He wasn’t that oppressive before, but with the vast addition of new powerful Pirates + Nessie, he’s become a problem.
Rogue. Overall, this is a neat class this expansion that has some problematic tools. Swordfish should be a 2/2 weapon that dredges and gets +1 attack and gives +1 attack. It’s VASTLY overtuned. I also want to talk about Preperation… I think it’s time that this card just finds it’s way into the HoF. You took Innervate away from Druids for a reason… and left it with Rogues. Turn 2 with coin should not mean a couple of 3/3 stealths on the board with a follow up dredge draw into 2 more on turn 3… That is a game winning swing of momentum that 99% of decks cannot answer.
Mech Mage. This one is quite simple. Just nerf Mecha Shark. 4/3, deal 1 damage when you summon a mech - down from 3.
Demon Hunter - TBD. If these types of nerfs happen and DH is left untouched, we could be in for a DH face meta. Might require a couple of tweaks to keep it’s pressure down a little. I really don’t have any suggestions for this one yet. It might not be problematic when the meta slows down and more healing/armor/taunts are being used.