Standard Meta Update (2/12)

Yeah wish come true (maybe)!

I play mostly wild and Zephyrs the Great is inherently broken design; I don’t think I can deal with this card forever.

This this and this, who cares about 1% of players in an ivory tower the rest of us are getting hosed by legendary spamming whales.
When your barely breaking 2k
going up against ~15,000k dust decks is NOT fun

Purposefully broken to manipulate players goodwill when they “nerf” what’s obviously broken out of the gate. Damage and Stats power LEAP is out of control being able to put ~30 points down before turn 6 shouldn’t be a regular occurrence. Imagine having to design something so fundamentally broken just to shift the class metas around instead of fixing the problems.

Mhm, they were adjusted in a nerf patch like regular nerfed cards, and given full dust refunds like regular nerfed cards.

Just because they were buffed beforehand, doesn’t mean that the reversion isn’t a nerf. I mean, only 2 of the 18 buffed cards got reverted, so I think it’s more then fair to say they were nerfed.


Unnerf wild growth and move it to the HoF. p.s. maybe nerf Flak mage and something from quest mage.

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Gotta disagree there bud. I see what you’re sayin, but the cards in question are identical to the ones a year ago.

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But not the same as they were 4 months ago.


Will there be plans to unnerf some card from last year on card that have already been rotated out ?
For example the small nerf on the Leeching Poison which destroyed Kingsbane for wild…


I would love to see more cards that are currently in wild to get their nerfs reverted for example I think Raza The Chained,Patches The Pirate and The Caverns Below could really shake up the meta for wild if they were changed back. Because as of right now there are a lot of decks that can just kill you in one turn like quest mage and cube lock. Don’t get me wrong those decks are far from unbeatable but it’s just an example that there are a lot of decks that Match the strength of the original quest rogue and “Machine gun” Priest. So I would appreciate it if you would give it a look because I Think it would be a very good change to wild.


Embiggen Druid appears to be stronger now. I bet the win rate is much higher now that participation has gone up. It’s wrecking at the hearthstone tournament too

Couple matches against them this weekend and it’s super strong. They put the dream portals in their deck, then draw several and fill the board with huge minions every turn.

The combos are too much for any deck that I have played

Druid was historically always dominating tournaments with maybe the post wild growth nerf period as an “dark age” for the class.
It isn’t an pointer for nerfs.

If anything the powerlevel of some classes could be higher because most of the classes that aren’t being played just feel a little to bland and that make they unfun to play with.


Can we talk about mage?
Highlander mage is literally carried by the ton of tech options to a point it could be called tech mage.

The deck isn’t weak at all but it really feels terrible to use.

Agreed. It feels very defensive and extremely greedy. Late game mage really wakes up, but by that time, so has most of the rest of the classes, with the exception of Paladin. They never “wake up” with a huge power curve like the other classes can.

I attempt to finish mage off before turn 10 because of Reno, but if I can’t, I force Reno out and pray they don’t pull off the infinite loop mechanics (This has happened a few times now). So why are infinite loops allowed in standard?

It drops off to Top 5 Win Rate 2 of 4 days.

I wish my 401k dropped off like that.

id rather get prep hof’d and unerfed. or buff rogue spells(not just raiding) that got effected by the nerf.

they should. theyre cards that got nerfed and are about to rotate

leeching could atleast be like restore 5hp or so per attack/minion kill.

Do not tell us - “Manager make me do it”
I see the bogus in your updates
It is the fact that you producing creating delevoping intentionally broken and favorable to one abusable mechanics. This is how YOU make fun of players.


Hello, I have a post/msg I would like to send to a dev about an idea. Where do I send it and to whom? Thank you for your time.

Hasn’t been on update since feb 12th lol… Everyone at blizz or the Devs must be on summer Vaca… Given the current state of the meta… Would love a new update or some type of info on if they are gonna change anything since 99% of the players are talking about how boring this meta is? lol just saying…

The update is they cant be bothered to update us in their own forums more than 1 time a year…