So we are going to do nothing?

My Pally deck gets beat by armor stacking warriors and recycle mages A LOT.

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Sorry to ask what is recycle mage do you mean rainbow mage that trades card with snake oil ?

I mean everyone complains about warlock every time it has a tier 2 deck and gets it nerfed instead of focusing on the actual problem which was Paladin and has been Paladin. derp.

I am 0 of 10 with my Paladin since hitting platinum…

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You surely talk a lot for someone that is so elitist, but what have you achieved yourself ?

Keep deluding yourself. School grades won’t make another Rome. It just formats you into thinking how the corpo wants you to think so that you serve them well.

You can always uninstall this so called “game”. Problem solved.

The meta changes all the time and there are always going to be a few decks that will perform better than the rest but it’s not permanent. It does change, sometimes not as fast as some players would like, but it does.

Probably a lot more than you have, but I fail to see how that’s relevant to any of the discussions taking place here.

It’s just another symptom of a larger problem. If school grades were a country’s only problem, sure. But let’s face it, if you school’s ratings are in the tank, you are facing much worse issues, and your politicians already sold you and your nation’s children out decades ago, probably while your parents were in school.

If you think I’m on the side of the scummy mega corps, you’re new here.

From “super op go fast smash: flavor X” to “super op go fast smash: flavor Y, now with more SMASH!” I’d hardly call that much of a change…it’s just the coat of paint that changes, not what’s underneath.