So we are going to do nothing?

Sure thankful you aren’t my dad.

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Ditto. But that’s ok. Luckily your opinion on my parenting skills aren’t relevant to the life I live.

However both my kids are A students. Reading well above their grade level. 1 is in select sports and the other was advanced a grade. In fact, I dare say of ALL the mess ups I’ve had in my life my kids are probably the only thing I’ve gotten right so far.

Although, you never know. Once they are 18 they may hate me. Who knows. Regardless if they need me I’ll be there to guide them.


Your happiness is related to how they succeed at school ?
Yes they’ll hate you at 18.
A child needs love & support, not you pushing him into excellent grades, grades are so superficial when chat gpt exists that you need to check your priority my good dude.
Him being happy is much more important than having good grades unless you are a depressed elitist.


No. But I am proud of them for anything they do well at. (Note me bragging about their MTG skills as well)

I also work in education so you won’t convince me education isn’t important. Wrong tree.


Hearthstone forum-ers trying to give parenting advise, I can’t with these deluded people here.

Keep doing what you are doing and don’t expect solid advice from websites like this one, but I am guessing you are aware of that from the people you are seeing ‘trying’ to converse here.


Imagine hating on a parent because he’s proud of his kids’ academic success (literally listed among MANY other accomplishments he’s proud of).

This is why society at large is so messed up. Race to the bottom is encouraged, and people cheering for blind corporate loyalty.

Holy Light, Idiocracy was supposed to be comedy, not a prediction of where the world was headed.

So much this.


See that’s not what’s happening, what’s happening is that this ‘Nihiliste’ character had this happen to him from his own dad and now tries to enforce his ““right”” opinion on everyone.

Even his whole rant about grades not mattering only signifies his academic failings, people are outing themselves and they don’t even know they did. I am not gonna bother with the ‘elitist’ comment, speaks for itself on what type of person is writing this waiting for us to believe his nonsense.


The crab/bucket behavior is just another symptom of the larger issues with society.


It becomes a mob mentality to defend a game. That’s cool and all. I’ve been a Blizzard fan since 97 so I get it but they absolutely did try to take personal shots. Over a game which is weird.

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I like games. I used to be a blizzard fan (pre actiblizz days). But I’d never make racist/hate speech, comments about someone’s parenting (unless they were actually stating they were abusing their kids or something), disgusting and tasteless jokes about mental or physical disability, or outright threats as some of the pro company mob do here…because someone criticised a game I liked or those who made it.

What’s insane is the mods allow it, even though a good number of these are os called “final warning” offenses.

It’s great your kids are succeeding in school but hopefully they also understand how to deal with failure or else they might go crazy if they fail at something and not understand how to deal with it. In todays society people think the world will end if they happen to fail at something. It’s a big contributor of mental health issues.

I’m not a parent but I’ve seen enough to know there is a serious problem in our society.

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How you even straight line from what he’s talking about to…this is beyond me, and beyond the pale.

No joke for the “take everything to 11 instead of being rational and level headed” crowd: this is what your “level headed-ness” looks like.

And Holy Light is it scary.

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He was referencing his kids grades and I’m aware a lot of straight A students are scared to fail. It’s the world we live in. Some kids are pushed too far and snap. Being that I had to respond to a lot of those calls I’d rather get the message out there that grades aren’t everything. I’m sure they understand that though being they’re an educator.

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Luckily they are involved in a lot of activities that don’t always result in success. Sports, MTG and many other things.

However my issue with Hearthstone is not that people can lose a lot it’s that it’s the result of bad matchmaking and a scummy marketing system.

Can you earn enough without paying a dime to become competitive at the highest tier? Sure you can but after two seasons of playing I can guarantee it takes A LOT of playing to accomplish enough dust to keep up with the Meta. OR (and this is my major issue with this game) you can spend money to collect the resources needed faster. Is it wrong? That’s debatable of course but in my OPINION it is a form of extortion because it’s basically Blizzard saying “Pay us money to become competitive faster”.


Yep, because that’s the reality, and not the “one where people aren’t pushed the opposite direction” that is, to do the bare minimum.

You’re describing a life meta that’s so far out of date, the clothes haven’t been in style for a decades, and is such a minority today it’s nearly statistically insignificant. The problem is that no one is “pushed” (more accurately: inspired) to achieve anything.

Hence why so many are content with mediocrity and worse, especially from the companies they support, especially blindy.


That’s good to hear! Sports definitely help shape people. Team building, learning to deal with failure, ect.

I just wanted to explain my point of view being I’m not a parent but usually see people when they are having their worst day. A lot of it do to stress and anxiety. Teens/young adults and elderly being the main demographic.

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As far as hearthstone goes its a constantly evolving game where a company is trying to make profit. I don’t believe skill is based on how much is on your credit card considering any aggro deck is usually cheap to build and easy to climb. Of course free to play takes time but I believe hearthstone has made it easier now than ever to help new players get started. Beginner quests, catchup packs, ect. The only thing that detures new players is the idea they need every card in the game when in reality you only need 1 solid deck to grow your collection.

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Let’s not pretend. Buying cards is extremely advantageous. F2P players that lack cards cannot build meta decks. This is not to say that an F2P player cannot eventually craft the cards they need. This takes times, and is especially unfeasible for a significant portion of the F2P playerbase. Therefore, we see players trying to craft meta decks, but are lacking necessary cards to play these decks optimally, unfortunately.

For the record, I have purchased so many packs I’m embarrassed to admit how much I’ve approximately spent. I still feel for F2P players, and would like to see more games have a level playing field. I’d like to see more games sell items like cosmetics, maybe battle passes as well. It’s unfortunate that virtually every mobile game, in particular, are P2W. With my computer not working and having only access to mobile games right now, it’s extremely frustrating.


but matchamking puts you agaisnt people as good as you are( if you are climbing the ladder )thats not bad is how is supposed to be

thats because is a f2p game (still cheaper than mtg arena)
so isnt just blizzard the one doing this you are going to need to spend money on many other f2p ccgs if you want to be competitive

it took me over 2 years to have several decks to choose from but we didnt have duplicate protection (or a core set with playable legendaries )back then and i play all card games the same way by building the collection i dont like dusting cards never did so i didnt dust my cards to make a meta deck faster

Dragon Druid, Dragon Druid, Dragon Druid…Buff Pally, Buff Pally, Buff Pally, Buff Pally. Random Plague DK…4-4 split with druid and pally again.