So we are going to do nothing?

So we are going to do nothing about 2-3 corny decks running the Meta? I mean, you got dozens of competitive card games out there coming out yearly and somehow Blizzard who is probably one of the top 3 funded of them all if not THE TOP funded one has the smallest meta options of them all.

It’s really sad.


HS has always been this way . . . it’s not going to change. lol

I wouldn’t know but I will say that’s why it’s numbers are declining while much older TCGs numbers are still growing.

MTG was created in what? 93? Wizards reported the playerbase DOUBLED recently.That’s insane to me that a game so old has a reported 35 million + people that play it.

Don’t pay, you can also stop playing, and encourage others to do the same.

That’s all you can do. When it hits them in the financials enough, they’ll do something.


I already removed both of my sons accounts from their devices since they spent more than me on this game. I don’t plan on spending another dime on Hearthstone until balancing and matchmaking get addressed properly.


Decided to try LOR this week and remembered what strategy truly looks like, felt like I had completely lost my ability to think after playing this smooth brain for too long.

Just quit, Hearthstone is an RNG fiesta, no good is given through playing this game expect ““fun””


I play a lot of MTG in person. I heard Arena was good but haven’t tried it.

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Hopefully your sons are smarter than you and can figure out how to log back into their accounts. Unless they are younger than 16 in which they probably shouldn’t be playing a mobile game with micro transactions anyways.

Parental locks exist. Welcome to 2023.

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A better parent than a lot out there. If more parents taught their kids about the scummy practices of gaming companies (and scummy mega corps in general), they would die out in less than a generation.

Because blind allegiance to a scummy mega corp like actiblizz is good, and sneaking around behind your parents’ back to support a scummy mega corp is even better, right?


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Depends how old they are.

It’s also not good to have a father who is so butt hurt over a company he decides get revenge by deleting accounts that don’t belong to him. Some would say unhinged. That’s some narcissistic behavior to ruin someone elses enjoyment because that is their only way to get back at someone or something. I wouldn’t be surprised if that type of attitude lands this “father figure” in future trouble.

Read the tos: the accounts are under the parent’s control, because kids aren’t allowed to have their own accounts.

Only in a future where scummy mega corps are allowed to run everything. Holy Light willing, that will never happen.

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Also, imagine a dystopian future where you were actually punished for not doing business with a company!

I can see kotic and co salivating at the prospect. And their yes men cheering in support.

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Don’t belong to me? They are attached to my credit card. My kids are under age. They absolutely belong to me. My kids also “belong to me” and I am 100% responsible for their behavior INCLUDING who they support whether it be a corrupt company, school bully or any other person,group or business they support. That’s kind of what a parent or guardian is you know? The one responsible for the kid.

I’m really glad your point of view on what good parenting is does not reflect the majority of what people believe. I honestly find it hard to believe that YOU agree with your statement either as it is a misrepresentation of what a parent’s responsibilities are. If we had more parents that cared about what their kids were up to we’d have fewer mass shootings and a heck of a lot fewer bullying cases out there.

You can easily play the game without attaching a credit card to any account, let alone your kids.

I question why you would let kids play any mobile game with micro transactions knowing that kids fall for that money scheme more often than not.

funny part isnt that he felt the need to stop his kids from having fun with the game …they spent money with his consent

is 2023 is impossible for a kid to spend money from a credit card without the parent getting a notification on their phone and the threat of a charge back is enough to keep any kid from spending money without asking their parent because of the permabans they woudl get


One would assume. //

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Maybe my kids like card games? Most decent digital card games have dlc and micro transactions. Can’t always take them to the shop you know?( Although I wish I could my youngest is a wiz at MTG)

I live in a place where the closest shop is about 30 miles away and unfortunately in the sticks card games aren’t that popular. Sure, we play together some but I work a lot and they both play card games so much I can’t dedicate the same time as they do.

My oldest got into Hearthstone not long after he found my old WoW TCG collection and was absolutely excited because he loved WoW TCG. I could go on about the story details but basically it’s just what it is.

(I don’t think “permabans” are something my kids care about honestly. The concept wouldn’t register much to them until it happened)


So you bought your kids a gift and you are taking it back in spite of the company you no longer appreciate?

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Absolutely. 100% and I’ll gladly give them whatever else they want in exchange since it is not them in trouble with me.

And you know what? Both are excited about it. Go figure. Although it doesn’t surprise me as one of them was getting mad at this game anyways and even told me “Can I have my allowance I spent on Hearthstone back so I can get some stuff on Arena Dad?”

Of course I didn’t explain he couldn’t get it back as he’d just argue how that policy is unfair but will absolutely fund another activity that stimulates his creativity and problem solving skills. Why not?

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