So much damage from hand! Hunter Quest rage!

Please, answer the question one more time.

Do you agree with this statetement:

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stop spamming, and read.

No threat was made… Dont try, is not a threat without a follow up like “or else”.

Where was the follow up?

Answer the question posed:

Do you agree that Quest Hunter should be nerfed to oblivion because its not fun to play against?

Its a simple yes/no question.

Trying to weasel out of it won’t work. It’s a threat, and you used it as such.

Someone forgot to switch accounts.

No, its not a threat. Your misinterpretation of a comment doesnt make it a threat.

Yeah, that would be you Zom. So funny the day Zom goes missing, you return. and become extremely vocal in a thread created by him… ATTACKIN people in it, while citing the ToS you have clearly never read in other threads.

I have enough evidence to sate my needs to say you are Zom. I cant prove it, but I have enough evidence for me.

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“NUH UH” doesn’t change your threat.

Accuse people of what you are doing. An old move, but obvious. You and bee have been trading off here it’s so obvious.

I’ll have to go look up what an “ATTACKIN” is. It must be something a rageposter like you does before getting arrested in real life for some criminal act related to losing control. Clearly you and ßƐƐ have the same shared paranoid delusions, as evidenced by thinking some invisible alts are out to get you.

It’s just me, and no one is after you. Just disagreeing with your flawed “arguments.”

You first need to show a threat was made. So do so.

I have posted many examples of your infractions, you are yet to show one of mine.

Already did. You lying about it doesn’t change that fact.

Another lie:

Proving once again that you are lying.

And done with you. You are NOT interested in discussing the topics, only trolling. You have been reported for constant harassment.

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which he knew was demonstrably false (as it was already done), then does surprised pikachu when it was posted to remind him. Please tell the thread if those are your posts, or if they were altered in any way. Otherwise you are committing libel for falsely accusing me of harassment for doing what you literally asked for proof of a couple posts up.

The only one trolling is YOU.

Notes ßƐƐ’s conspicuous absence anywhere during all of this.

Seems very sus.

Lmao. This answer makes my day. :laughing:

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People enjoy the game in different ways. Combo is a popular playstyle for many people. But for me it’s not just combo decks; it’s decks that start out on the weak side and bide their time until at some point in the mid or late game when they become very strong.

Oh… so you weren’t really interested in an answer. You simply wanted to lob insults. If I don’t enjoy the game the same way you enjoy the game, I should quit the game? How gross.

Yes… except in very few circumstances where a deck may have a reasonable overall win rate but the match ups against various archetypes are extremely favored or unfavored, in which case, a combination of nerfs and buffs to dampen the polarization while still maintaining the same reasonable win rate might be warranted.

I agree.

I agree.

This I don’t like so much.

Seriously? This is your best argument? So every single card should be nerfed unless someone can articulate a reason NOT to nerf it?

It’s not. And that’s the whole point. Fun is subjective, which is why it’s a bad metric for making balance decision.

Yet it’s why Priest gets nerfed.

It was your argument, or lack therof.

Then give a valid reason beyond for it to remain as is. Because this whole wishy washy “onus on the nerfer” nonsense is insane. You can’t defend your point, then it clearly isn’t a defensible argument.

76 replies and yet more than half of them aren’t even about my OP.

Scrotie’s army is out in force today

BTW Boba is not me. Just someone who has their own brain to see what you and your forum simps are doing

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See Timecop rules.
Neither of us turned into goo. Therefore we are not the same person.

Back to arguing about hunter.

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I say destroy all classes with the name hunter in them.

The reason is that it’s win rate is well within the range of other decks in the meta. It’s a Tier 2 deck. The only reason it might be adjusted is for polarized win rates. In that case, you give it a slight nerf to weaken it against its stronger matchups and give it a slight buff to strengthen it against its weaker matchups. And keep the overall win rate the same.

Ahh… so you’ve resorted to the technique of personal insults. Nice.