So much damage from hand! Hunter Quest rage!

No minions on their field.

8 cards in their hand I can’t interact with

I have 3 “bigger than DrAgOnBaNe ShOt” HK range health pools

Lethal’d because of that stupid hunter quest.

Nerf that card into oblivion its NOT fun to play against


Don’t worry next mini-set they will add zero cost hunter spells


Only 24? 8 cards and 10 mana the hunter can do more than 30 damage jaja

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I only had 24 health, he probably would’ve done way more if needed.


Not a good reason for a nerf. Why is your fun more important than the fun of your opponent.

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Because we all know I am the center of the universe. The end.


what’s really all that fun about hoarding cards in your hand waiting for the right time?

Go play Solitaire if that’s your fancy and leave us with the game that actually requires interacting with your opponent.


According to this forum, if a deck isn’t tier 1, it shouldn’t be nerfed, becuase it is balanced (on the weak side, it could be buffed) and some people are having fun with it

ehm switcheroo ehm


Probably a bit much for Standard right after a rotation. 24 damage is 4 fireballs.


I played a druid with an 8 and 9 point earthen scales, who played Guff later for 5 more armor, and healed for 8 from some dragon card I can’t remember.

Still turned him into a pincushion for arrows, and won with overkill damage still in hand.

It wasn’t all on one turn, so it’s allowed right?

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Shouldn’t have been nerfed. Standard winrate was greatly exaggerated due to difficulties in statistics collection.

No comment on Wild, but it’s banned there now anyway so it’s a moot point.


Quest hunter advocates will tell you it is a high skill ceiling deck.

Quest hunter still more fair than mech mage/pala. And you can insta win vs them sometimes with mutanus.

What deck are you using, @Zom? I’m getting the feeling you are fighting an uphill battle.

Considering giving Anacondra and aramp Druids a shot and completely run over Quest Hunter. Sometimes we humans need to adapt to ensure better success

On the other hand, wait and pray it to get nerfed into inviability. Considering player outrage, this seems like a realistic probability now.

I feel like it’s more likely that people who hate it overexaggrate the skill cap of their own deck as a coping mechanism for losing so often

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It’s not, it’s a lower skill rating deck than Face Hunter.

But news flash: skill ceilings and skill floors aren’t good reasons to go around nerfing things. Not liking a deck isn’t a good reason to nerf it, it’s a good reason to grow up.


I would also add that unless you’re playing a gigabrain deck such as Naga Mage skill cap is irrelevant outside of top legend, because whatever you’re playing you’re making horrid mistakes constantly. I include myself in that

Basically we all need to get good and stop worrying what our opponent is up to. And if its not fun, maybe don’t play?

Well, I wouldn’t quite say that. It’s possible for a player who will eventually be top Legend this month to be at a lower rank temporarily.

But let’s just say that if you weren’t top Legend last month, safe to say this isn’t you. And why aren’t you top Legend again already? Car accident and stuck in the hospital?

Well, I wouldn’t quite say that. It’s possible for a player who will eventually be top Legend this month to be at a lower rank temporarily.

The chance of that is so remote for most of us it isn’t worth thinking about. Even if Hunter is relatively low skill cap, the majority of us couldn’t pilot it optimally, so why use that to disparage those of us that choose to play it?