So much damage from hand! Hunter Quest rage!

Now we can add liar to your resume.

It wasn’t a joke either, so stop with this failed attempt to try and cover you bad comparison that way.

There’s your entire “prison” garabge, in its entirety. No jokes there. The closest (and I stress closest because it wasn’t even remotely funny) was the lame “song” you posted after this:

No joke, just something worse than some amateur hour poetry session at a dive coffee house.

Considering what you think passes for a joke…THAT is some serious projection!

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If you got hit for 24 in one turn from spells on quest hunter, then it’s because it was like turn 7+. Think about it.

good lord what a petulant post

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So it’s okay to nerf someone’s fun, as long as it’s not yours.

I see how it is.

Fun is subjective, why would you have the right to ask for specific nerfs because you find a deck unfun (even though it’s not a problem according to statistics) and at the same time denying others from demanding nerfs of whatever your favorite decks are for the same reasons ?

have zero reading comprehension.

I see how it is.

I’m not reading what you write to others, you are writing to me. And just for the hell of it, I just did and you didn’t counter my point.

Btw I debunked your argument just above from my edited post. Was fun.

To admit you willfully have zero reading comprehension is a feat I’ve not seen one own to before. You win the internet for 1 second. However, the moment passed in the moment it took you to read that, oh well.

One actually has to debunk an argument. Not just say “DEBUNKED.”

Otherwise I just post “infinite debunk” and you lose.

Oh, and infinite debunk, you lose.

Was fun.

What are you talking about ? That’s literally your main point. And it’s been debunked/exposed.

Thank you.

If something is unclear, have one of your parents explain it to you.

Then spams someone else’s posts.


Posting your alt’s post is not okay ?

Ah, getting paranoid I see. But thanks for revealing how you go about the forums!

It’s a known fact by everyone a lot of users have multiple alts and often reply to others in their own threads from their other alts.
So when I see someone like you who comes out of nowhere, starts replying to everyone as if it was his own thread while OP stops replying, it sounds like the alt pattern to me.

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I have a higher post count than you kid. Nothing personal.
I was also here on the old forums.
But hey, nice red herring. Maybe when they add a fishing prof side quest to hearthstone, you can turn in that beaut!

Oh noes… you have a higher post count! Power to you. Is that proof you’re not an alt or that you don’t have any other alts ? This could be your main acc.

Are you suggesting that you disagree with OP’s argument then ? That the quest must be nerfed because it’s unfun. AFAIK, that’s pretty much all he said and you defended him.

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you made a nonsensical and paranoid red herring to try and distract the conversation.

Do you agree with OP’s point that blizzard should:

Answer the question.

You might be onto something considering he has been arguing the ToS, which he has clearly never read, in another thread.

Lets see how long Zom is away for…

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Read the thread: I already have. Nice dodge on your paranoid red herring.

For someone who argues about “harassment” you literally now popped into another thread just to make “unfounded accusations” something you literally whinged about being a coc violation.

I’m not the one who pulled the CoC into question.
That would be you.
I am not the one saying people cant break it without punishment.
That would be you.

I am calling out the hypocrisy in your comments.

If its fine for you to violate, then its fine for anyone else.

Great, prove I am using some alt account, since you made the accusation, or be labeled a liar along with your friend ßƐƐ which you strangely someone knew about and referenced from another thread), then showed up and started echoing his talking points. Right around the same time he left this conversation.

No proof? Didn’t think so.

Talk about the hypocrite. From the guy making threats over a discussion. Talk a walk, clear you head, and don’t get arrested along the way.