So much damage from hand! Hunter Quest rage!

So no tier 2 deck has ever been nerfed? That’s your argument?

funny quest mage even when it was tier 3/4 allready got nerfed for the exact same not fun reason…


Its only an insult if you are insulted.

No… I’m saying no Tier 2 deck should be nerfed. (The only exceptions being decks that have an extremely polarized win rate spread against different archetypes, i.e. extremely strong against Control and extremely weak against Aggro.) I’m well aware that Blizz has nerfed Tier 2 decks in the past. I think those were poor design decisions.

So, your argument is based on your feelings. I believe someone has some words about this:

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And I disagree with that nerf. I think it was a terrible and completely misguided decision. And I never played Quest Mage, not one time. And I also found it frustrating to play against. But I don’t think it should have been nerfed.

It’s an insult. It’s unproductive and unnecessary. It’s inflammatory and is a violation of the forum CoC.

Historically, you’re absolutely correct.

However, if you think that’s a valid reason to nerf anything ever, you’re wrong.

You don’t want to be my simp?
Man, being the general of a forum army is a tough business.

Because Poe’s Law: I’m kidding, of course the idea that I control other accounts is pathetic apophenia-induced cope.

I did and none of your posts answered my question.

Very hard to go on a debate with you when I don’t even know where you stand.


Bad dishonesty is bad. I could say I’m not replying to your post, but that would be as nearly as bad a lie as the one I just replied to!

Sure, and yet you can’t give me a quote.

I guess you can’t quote what doesn’t exist.

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I’m not going to waste time spoonfeeding a proven liar.

I guess know you can’t come up with a better argument, so you just lie.

Pathethic attempt at trolling.

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at trying to respond.

Yes, you are.

me everytime I am “discussing” something with that person:

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I think it’s better to ignore this clown once and for all.

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You take that back. Clowns have done nothing to deserve that comparison.

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Obvious lie is obvious.

I accept your concession.

keep posting more off topic coc violating garbage. Not surprising.