Shop Closed on PC

Did anyone try uninstalling then reinstalling

Tried uninstalling & reinstalling: same Store Closed

Operating System that you Play on: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Regions You’re Playing the Game In (Americas/Asia/Europe): Americas/Asia

Hey there, I’m on Windows 8 on the NA region and the shop’s been closed for me since update. Scan and repair says no repairs are needed.

Also, the daily rewards amount do not show up properly when achieved.

Windows 10 / Europe

I can’t see the icons in my friendslist (if someone is afk / online).
Only when they join a game I can see it.

When I wanna play window fullscreen on my sec tft and max my game it switched from my sec tft to the first one. It´s not possible to play on the sec screen since the patch.

Shop is closed.

Quest rewards and the 10 Gold after 3 wins appeared after I restarted the game.

Everything works fine before the game was patched.

Windows 10 / EU tried reinstalling with no luck

Windows 7 server EU close market

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Windows 10 PC, Europe

Windows 7 server EU close market

Sorry to hear that guys. Looks like issue is over multiple operating systems.

I remember there being an issue with the installer a ways back and we had to delete the cache in our user folder to correct it. I do not remember which file it was to delete but if blue can check that out and get back to us, maybe that will work?

Windows 10 on PC

Playing on US servers

Shop still closed so can not claim the hero being given away.

Windows 10 PC, Europe

Windows 10 / EU - closed since the update

Windows 10/ Americas -Shop closed, gold not counting.

The same problem here. I already tried everything. PC Windows 10, EU.

windows 10 europe oh my god oh my god!!!

windows 7 north America

The store is closed on all servers. Windows 10 PC

Windows 10 Region Europe

The store is closed, the arena is not bought. Europe Windows 7