Shaman is BROKEN 70% win rate!

Except galakrond comes at turn 7 . copy paste : But what if shaman play first? He play Galakrond Turn7, then its warlock turn7. He can’t defend.
And what if Shaman has coins and play Galakrond turn 6 ?
There are scenario when twisted neither just come too late.
Mad summoner = 2 minions. Because of Shaman extreme board generation there are many case where he ll have 5,6 , even 7 minions on board. So you need 7 minion tu full clear it. It’s basic arithmetic, how is that complicated?

Paladin don’t use pyromancer equality in aggro or midrange, only in Shirvallah. I already answered that stuff in another thread, geez. Mass hysteria don’t always work, especially if there is little minion. Plague of death is turn 9 , so its come too late. Yeah, brawl works, except its only available to warrior. Mage has no option except malygos flamestrike which is totally RNG . Doomsayer+ freeze doesn’t work because of the massive amount of rush shaman has. Zephrys comes too late.
Oh yeah soul priest+ two healing circle? so I need three card now to counter just the battle cry of one?
I’m not whining, I’m calling a major unbalance. Everyone agree on that. If you have a good tech against shaman feel free to tell me, otherwise don’t blame me for calling broken what’s broken.
Wild is totally unbalanced, has always been. Since all the hearthstone card go to wild without tweaking , it can’t be balanced. So talking about how standard card affect wild balance is totally irrelevant.

Hahaha i use treant druid because it looked fun, and despite it being a teir 2 deck that on average can win turn 5 you still get molested by the 2/1s with rush, its early game is rediculous aswell

Just listing all possible removals does not help. You are thinking about 1 turn, but there is much more playing before and after that, there is limited card slots.
Priest: soulpriest? What is this, 2016? No one will slot 3 cards to use in 1 turn to counter 1 card ONCE. and what do you do after?
Plague? You do plague, and then what, again?
warlock - again, you suggest COMBOING cards to answer 1 card.

That is insanity.

If you played vs Shaman you would see they do not even slot any board removal (except the little battlecry guy they used in quest shaman desks too), cause they do not need it. At all.

This should tell you SOMETHING.

they are playing using druid style ? using minions for removal?

nothing wrong with it

Even druids carry 2x2 removals. So, no, not the same.

U miss the point if what i said

What tends to happen, at worst, is that players will naturally tend to max out usage at a certain level. Historically max saturation outside of the final climb area tends to be at 30%ish.

The other 70% will not play it for various reasons. Personally, I hate mirrors so I won’t really play anything that is over, usually, 7% or so rep.

Something will need to be done if power and rep stay where they are or near where they are for certain.

I just realized why Gala Shaman has a 70% winrate. Shudderwock + Faceless Corrupter + Barista Lynchen = Infinite card generation and infinite board presence.

In the early game, Gala Shaman has lots of good options. In the mid-game, Gala Shaman has lots of good options. In the late game, Gala Shaman has a very powerful swing turn with Galakrond, followed by a near-guaranteed win condition with Shudderwock.

So… what exactly are its weaknesses? It’s very strong in every stage of the game, as far as I can tell.

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Not a ton…
Shudderwock isn’t always going to go infinite… it is a much lower % than the ‘OTK’ I believe so it can be out controlled X% of the time. Honestly the only two decks I felt decent with against Shaman were Resurrect Priest and Zoolock. Anything else (7 decks total, so 5) felt like I was relying on them drawing poorly.

It does tell me something. That instead of trying to fight against it, you’re more content to parrot about how broken a certain deck is.

So you know what the strategy is against Galakrond Shaman. $64K question is, what do you do to combat it without contributing to it?
I was the person who’d put two Skulking Geists into a match against Jade Druid and facepalm about how unreliable the card was when they were playing one card in a non Reno/Kazakus deck. Instead of beating the same drum that is popping up hundreds of times elsewhere, I sought to find ways around the Jade Druid, learned how minion reliant it was, how the deck is flimsy when their linchpin card was taken out.
So you know that this card has two huge swing turns with Galakrond and Shudderwock. What you do is you obviously save an answer or a combo and you aggressively target their swing turns. They are relying on Galakrond or Shudderwock to carry them through, and they are heavily minion reliant beforehand. Meaning AOE effects in the early going like Hellfire for Warlock or Consecrate for Paladin keeps them in check. When a dominant deck gets into Tier 1, what you do is aggresively strategize against their win condition. Keep in mind they completely forgo using Bloodlust. Also keep in mind that Mage has removal for days.
With few exceptions that Team 5 acknowledges were mistakes, the best way to combat a certain deck is to take out their linchpins. It’s a huge reason why Renolock has been so strong in Wild for such a long time, because they have multiple answers they can use to drag out the game long enough to get to their Death Knight/N’zoth shell.
Hearthstone IS insanity, and you must embrace the insanity of the game to figure out how to get ahead.
And seriously, your complaining about comboing cards to answer one? How long have you been playing Hearthstone? I had to deal with Naga Sea Witch fouling up Wild for nine months, and that as when that card cost 5 mana. Meaning there was no answer if it was coined out on Turn 4, except for Brawl.

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While your counter is the correct play, and partially why the deck is only at 59% at Legend the issue is as the competition gets better the Shaman should start playing for infinie Shudder as their primary out as the user should be more aware of how they can be beat and making adjustments at the same time.

Hold Barista for Faceless Corrupter(s) and maximize Invokes prior to the SHudderwock turn.

I do agree that I feel Control (Priest for me) was the best way to attack the deck the deck had a good out against Control which is why it was still holding a good WR against Control decks.

I picked up Galakrond Zoolock. It didn’t seem like that good of a matchup when I played against a Gala Shaman. If they drew Galakrond before me or drew into a good board clear, I usually lost.

I’ve also played Galakrond Priest against them. At first, it was going fairly well, but they got an infinite Shudderwock, and I just don’t have an answer for that.

Might be, I’ve been bouncing around a lot on decks but Zoolock seemed to be able to stay ahead of the 2/1s (also what AoE clear? I haven’t seen a list run AoE yet).

From everything I’ve seen if you want to ‘Spike’ I’d avoid Galak Priest. Resurrect just does everything better imho and plays stronger cards on average. I do agree though that if the SHudderwock gets bounced 2-3 times I run out of resources.

I am gonna ignore all your personal insinuations, they do not contribute to your arguments at all.
Of course you tech vs the most played deck.
But if people who actually play standard tell you that it’s not enough, and that teching 1 ghoul vs jade is not the same as must having countless board clears vs shaman is not comparable, then just do not compare wild vs standard, because, oh boi, are those different.
wild kinda has to be unfair, or at least imbalance is expected to some degree, just has to be, by its nature that all the cards are usable.
Standard should be limited and controlled, and it must be as balanced as possible, it must be.

The fact they will be addressing the shaman balance as soon as next week should at least tell you that something is wrong and that no amount of smart, persistent, resourceful or whatever kind of tech is not going to help.

My board was cleared by Kronx Dragonhoof’s battlecry. Then they played Barista Lynchen so they could do it again.

I played this deck for Galak Priest:

Galakrond Priest

Class: Priest

Format: Standard

Year of the Dragon

2x (1) Blazing Battlemage

2x (1) Disciple of Galakrond

2x (1) Northshire Cleric

2x (1) Power Word: Shield

1x (2) Holy Ripple

2x (2) Injured Tol’vir

2x (2) Neferset Ritualist

2x (2) Penance

2x (3) Omega Medic

2x (3) Shadow Word: Death

2x (4) Devoted Maniac

2x (5) Shield of Galakrond

2x (5) Time Rip

1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof

1x (7) Galakrond, the Unspeakable

1x (8) Murozond the Infinite

2x (9) Plague of Death


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I focused on early minions, removal, healing and board clears, relying mostly on Galakrond’s card generation to win the late game. I’ve played against Resurrect Priest once; they killed me with Hakkar, but with different draw RNG, I would have won. Overall, I’ve done better with this deck than with Zoolock.

They can solve any problems introducing a BAN in ranked: you can decide 1 class you will not play against.


Would be nice for some nerfs to the class. Seemed a little OP to offer an invoke twice card to a class that can double its battlecry.

Some possible changes I wouldn’t mind would be.

  1. The quest reward becomes: first battlecry is doubled
  2. The double invoke either be single invoke or cost 7 mana.
  3. When you invoke, you get a 1/1 with rush, and the upgrades are 3/3 with rush then maximum 5/5 with rush.
  4. Galakrond could be 9 mana.

I’m not saying all of these, but just some options. My preferred would be option 1 and 3.

It does seem a little ridiculous that your HP, is literally a legendary card, but you can use it on any turn, for only 2 mana. Not sure why they thought that was a good idea. Could have been worse though, what if they made a class quest reward HP all deathrattles trigger twice this turn. I’d wet my cubelock pants

Thanks for telling me! I’d craft myself a galakron shaman deck and when nerf anything, I get my dust back!

I want to love this 100x!!! Please please introduce ban

The funny thing about this is that 4 different verzions of galakrond shaman all have over 55% win rate. On top of that according to HSReplay normal Galakrond shaman has one counter holy wrath paladin.
Its currently sitting at 64.3% win rate as I write this. This win rate means that they probably should just nerf 3 or 4 cards in the deck.
I am thinking 6 mana for corrupted elementalist, +2/+3 instead of +3/+3 for the dragons pack and 8 mana mogu fleshshaper.