Shaman is BROKEN 70% win rate!

Shaman in the Descent of Dragons expansion is the most overpowered deck I have ever seen since the start of hearthstone. So many aspects of this deck are totally busted. The quest version of this deck is pushing a 70% win rate! It seems like Blizzard devs didn’t play test Shaman. Everytime I match vs Shaman I want to conceed to spare myself the utter annihilation. Ruins the game for me.

1- Galakrond paired with the Shaman quest is stupid. Double battecry Galakrond is ridiculous. With a fully invoked Galakrond, you pay 9 mana for FOUR 8/8s with rush + a 5/2 weapon!

2- And it isn’t hard to get your Galakrond fully invoked. With corrupt elementalist, you can invoke twice by playing one card. The only card in the game that invokes twice. And you get a 3/3 and two 2/1s with rush! 7/5 worth of stats. Ridiculous.

3- And shaman’s Galakrond isn’t the only card profiting from double invoke. After playing a single corrupt elementalist, you can then play dragon’s pack that summons two 5/6s with taunt for 5 mana! WTF! No overload cost either.

4- To top it all off, if you SOMEHOW managed to get through Galakronds fully invoked double battecry and the other bullsh*t Shudderwok! YAY! Shudderwok brings all the pain again, plus some healing, damage and extra board presence from other battlecrys.


I think the last time I saw a deck this consistently overpowering was pre-nerf Jade Shaman following the release of KFT. That was when spreading plague was 5 mana, nourish was 5 mana, innervate was gain 2 mana crystals, and wild growth was only 2 mana, all of which got hit with nerfs at one point or another.


Except that it’s day two.


I really like how “into it” you got about describing the problems. It made me laugh anyway lol.


And everyone saw how broken Druid was day 2 of KoTF, why do you always ignore this


There is always some 70% winrate deck at launch. They never stay at 70% after the meta adjusts, sometimes they disappear entirely.


Cubelock, Jade Druid, Razakus. That’s all.


We better hope this doesnt hold up. Shaman at 70% winrate would be the most opressive deck of all time making undertaker hunter look like freeze shaman. The deck is effin bonkers. Galakrond is just flat out too good and has to be nerfed.


Except the non-Quest version, according to HSR, is pushing a higher WR than the Quest version. So the question… where is the power coming from if a nerf is needed.

Yeah Corrupted Elementalist seems to be a bit too good


Let’s not nerf Shudderwock please… other cards would be better. I like Shudderwock in Wild Q.Q

Agree this is the closest since then. I feel Druid was a bit better but yeah… splitting hairs, heh

I think N’Zoth Paladin got there and then failed… but only one I can think of that was this high at this saturation.

It won’t as Mirrors will eat away at the WR and there are a couple of decks that can fight it to a stalemate. (50/50) right now. The deck this reminds me of, though early, is ONiK MR Shaman which didn’t have a weak matchup except against a niche’ deck (Freeze Mage) that couldn’t beat the rest of the meta. Right now it feels like Galak Shaman is in a similar position where it’ll hit a level and the rest of the meta may just stop trying and place their own game, heh

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Actually everyone needs time to actually see how stuff goes.

We already had nerfs before people could react and the result was ugly.

That because for incompetent people there are no problems when stuff just get not played anymore.

But by that own logic above of unplayable stuff not being a problem we could just never do new cards as solution since no new cards means less balance problems.

See where I wanna reach?
It not matters if it’s broken or not.

Everything has it’s own time to happen and no one gonna do nerfs less than a week into an expansion unless stuff gets to insane levels like 80% to 90% winrate or makes everybody quit on disgust.

We need more than “X is overpowered” to justify changes happening out of their own time.

You think Shaman isn’t making people quit in disgust? Nobody wants to play against Shaman anymore, especially because before Galakrond Shaman the top deck was Evolve Shaman. And before that was Overload Shaman, and before that was Quest Shaman, and before that was arguably Murloc Shaman, and before that…


Shaman is becoming the empire in star wars movies.


Well currently I am playing HS with quest “Face 5 shamans in a row - reward: Exit the game”

If shaman isnt prime target for a nerfs (maybe even faceless corruptor is asking for attention) then I do not know what else criteria should be involved.

Fixed that for ya


Also side note. So much for embiggen being good. Sad

I think Corrupt Elementialist is at the heart of the whole problem. The only card that double Invokes and in the only class that can abuse it’s invoke, I really have no idea what hell they were thinking. Also, the fact that those 2/1 elementals have rush Is a HUGE problem, once you lose the board its impossible to gain it back because every turn they remove your stuff and just dump stats on the board endlessly. I think if they took away rush from the elementals the deck would feel much better to play against.


I agree with most of this. It’s just really annoying because Shaman is already really efficient on most of its Galakrond cards, and it effectively needs to only draw two enablers, as opposed to other classes needing 4 (between Elementalist’s double invoke and typically having the quest reward hero power to double invoke one of the other cards). That makes Galakrond even more consistent than it already would be.

https ://
The deck is clearly the best in the game, and I doubt it will get any rivalry in the coming 2 weeks.


Indeed it is broken…


Imagine thinking this Shaman deck is anywhere near as oppressive as Pirate Warrior, Quest Rogue, or Secret Paladin, lul. Faceless Corruptor is pretty dumb tho, I wouldn’t mind that card just being removed from the game.

Well I decided to give the deck a try. It does seem pretty good. I am currently 11-0 with it though it is hard to judge just how good it is because I faced quite a few decks that were clearly just bad.

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