Shaman is BROKEN 70% win rate!

Totally agree with you! Needs to be nerfed.

I never will understand why so many people are afraid of something like that be done.

Now is a perfect example, if not by the insanely overpowered, broken of the roof shaman all other games are a lot of fun.

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Lol at everyone saying to nerf 3 or more cards in the shaman decks. 1 maybe 2 nerfs any more would destroy the deck and send it to garbage tier.

Its decreasing because of mirror matches, not because the meta has answers. All board centric strategies are gonna struggle vs current shaman and thats something that needs a quick fix, not wait 'till 50% of the decks on ladder are shaman (which will further decrease the winrate closer to 50%)

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Probably because they are aware that imbalance happens and that those players would have a very hard time finding games. If even people who play shamans ban shamans, along with a large % of the other classes who also ban shamans, those players would be frustrated.

I am not saying ban is not a quick fix, but I do not see Blizzard implementing it, because people complaining on waiting times to get into games would be a much harder issue to solve then, than simply letting the community rage until they nerf a few cards.

Another option could be that you cannot ban the class you’re playing, then shamans would almost always play mirror matches, which would again be an unsolvable problem.

In turn this would allow making a very focused anti-shaman deck and not banning shamans, probably allowing you to play vs a higher % of shamans, which could be seen as an exploit, though it wouldnt be, but in Blizzard’s eyes it would be seen as a big problem.

It’s simply not the way they want HS to be played. & I am sure an OP class is not what they want either.

If you look at competitive HS, it’s a small mirror of what would happen (except making 3 decks to avoid 1 is different than making 1 deck to answer 7), but competitions are so highly controlled settings (level of skill being the most important one) that just letting it go into ladder would probably have even more unforeseen consequences.

What I am saying is that in any meta that strongly favors one class, a ban would create more problems that are unfixable in the long run.
Blizzard could counter that by making sure the meta is as balanced as possible, but then we are at the starting point we all agree with, and bans would simply not be needed.

Some class barely have any counter. For example think about RoS meta where control warrior and mech hunter were like half if not more of the meta. If you remove your deck weakness it become way too easy to climb and there is nothing holding you back from playing a very polarized, greedy deck.

For example what if there is one or two combo deck in the meta that prevent you from going full control, and you decide to ban it? you become nearly unbeatable.

Imo ban is a dirty fix, balancing class is way more important.

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Also, imagine having the statistics at your disposal, like we do now, for many HS things.
If you know what percentage of players are banning which class, you could make a specialized deck, and play on much clearer statistical chances.

The only clean, elegant and long term working solution is balance.

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HS team was on heavy drugs when they create and release this Shaman cards. Epic fail. If I make so big mistake at my work it would be instant fire.


I lost the fatigue match playing Mage Dragon Highlander. It’s good at every stage of the game.

Thought I had one beat finally after an epic match of control shaman vs gala shaman and he hits the battlecry at end perfect and gets oodles more shudderwocks because of corrupted and barista. What BS.

They need to do something about that shudderwock.


Unless 15 cards or more be nerfed the deck don’t will be garbage tier, I am afraid the nerfs being so soft don’t matters at all.

7 manas for 5 armor, x2 8/8 rush and a 5/2 weapon is the most broken card in this game history, DK warlock was powerful but a least cost 10 manas and need a full game setup, this abomination shaman card can be played in curve.



You don’t think that two 5/6 taunt minions at 5 mana with an easily met criteria isn’t stupid? Yeesh. I think that gets hit hard. I also think that the cheap rush minion that gets evolved into an 8 cost minion should get hit. I think evolve should be based on the actual cost of the card, unless you’re summoning them and then it goes by normal cost.

Also, being the only class with an invoke twice is a little silly.

Other than that I think it’s fine.

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Gotta laugh on all the galak shaman defenders here. Their idiocy knows no bounds.

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M ogu into tirion on turn 3 needs to be addressed. So sick of losing to cheap as crap highroll rng.

Game is unplayable in it’s current state. The fact Blizzard hasn’t hotfixed the shaman cards yet is a joke and a testament to their clear lack of diligence. There is a CLEAR LACK of CARE for the experience, you either spend money on the shaman cards to win or lose. Once enough sells have accrued with people getting the cards, they’ll be nerfed and the money people spent will be pissed away. Management in Blizzard seems to have hit an ALL TIME LOW.


Please, play few games vs Shaman, so you can see, what is obvious to see. WTF?
Nerf Galakronds storms and nerf Dragon’s packs. I though vs shaman few games and it doesn’t feel real, more like playing vs super boss :D. it was dragons pack, galakrond, shudderwock … Just weapon did 20 dmg to my face. :D. Felt so beautiful. Good job keeping such a balance. ( Ironically offcourse )

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i dont think you lost to the same deck people complain in this thread because that deck got nerfed

Galak Shaman is back to be a decent deck that wants other midvalue or control decks to push on (depending on list).

You easily have 6+ decks which are better right now. Take your loss and relax. The correct answer to a loss isn’t always “nerf it”

IM QUITING RIGHT NOW!! Nerf this stupid SHAMAN GALAKROND thing overpowered im quiting really really I love hearthstone but this is too much, bye.