Shaman is BROKEN 70% win rate!

Worst idea ever. Buffing 8 classes vs nerfing 1 is a lot more work and more prone to error.

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To cut through the garbage that this post has:

  1. No competent player pairs the Shaman Quest with the Galakrond cards, because the Invoke mechanic doesn’t even need a boost to be successful. You are adding unnecessary clunk to a deck that can function without it.
  2. No ****, Sherlock. The whole point of the Galokrond mechanic was to have those cards boosted by pretty much on curve. More than likely the Elementalist will be nerfed in short order, so you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.
  3. That part is balanced, when Elementalist gets nerfed. Whine about that card to someone who gives a damn.
  4. Plague of Death, Pyromancer/Equality, Brawl, Mad Summoner/Plague of Flames, Twisting Nether, pumped up Hagatha’s Curse, Deathwing - those options exist. And don’t get me started on all the other ways either a Galakrond or a Shudderwock can be either slowed to a crawl or ripped to shreds in Wild. If you play Wild long enough, you should have proper knowledge of how to manage N’zoth, Shudderwock and now Galakrond boards.

I think the community knows how serious the problem is, I don’t think we need five dozen threads across the Internet to whine about a problem the Hearthstone team is painfully aware of.

40/40 C’Thun’s were extremely rare, only actually possible in druid, and only if he was able to keep Bran Bronzebeard alive for several turns while playing his C’Thun card.

Even then, having a large board generally teched against him. Ice-Block protected against him, but by far the most hilarious was just having Sylvanas on the board, she’d actually steal C’Thun and then blast the person that played him.

“Whine about that card to someone who gives a damn.” Right… No one gives a damn. That’s why my post has 1.1k views… You say I don’t understand Galakrond mechanics, yet you agree with me that elementalist is OP. And don’t kid yourself, dragons pack is OP even without elementalist. Oh and lemme guess, you play Galakrond Shaman.


I don’t see how making 1 deck much better than the rest makes them money. The deck is pretty cheap with only a couple legendaries plus Galakrond is free. No one would craft cards to make other decks from other classes when it’s pointless.

No said C’thun was OP. Besides that. Do u really wanna argue with statistics that say that the average wr of Galakrond shaman is 70%?

The deck has a ways for everything… invoke and other rush minions to deal with midrange decks, dragon pack to deal with aggro and galakrond and shudderwock to deal with control. This deck has no competitors.

I know people say that they manage well against it. But we all know it’s a straight up lie. Like I said the average wr is 70%. The way to counter it is keeping ur heavy board clears, which leave u open to dragon pack, flooded boards from invoke, faceless corruptor, etc.

Decks like this are more at pirate warrior and maybe even razakus priest tier. Everyone who remembers those decks, probably also remembers the countless mirror matches due to it high wr. With razakus being the only one that also sat on a 70% wr. Pirate warrior did around 60%.

So please Blizzard, nerf this deck the same week and truely fix it later. Atm rank 5 to legend is one Galakrond shaman after another. Personally I quit. Spend around 180 euros on this expension to find it oversaturated with Galakrond shaman and I think I speak for a large amount of the player base that this isn’t what we wanted from this expension. Especially those who have a complete set of all the cards in the game or even standard, who want to play other decks. I tried every deck from the set for around 2 - 5 games. And a lot of the decks I tried are fun and pretty good. With the right draw (or perfect is more likely) u even win from the shaman infestation. Reno dragon mage feels really good when u play it against other types of decks.

On a shorter second note of problematic cards, I think that faceless corrupter is also a bit too powerfull. Either increase the mana cost with one or reduce the health by 1 or even 2 should make it better. But on a midrange or even tempo aspect it overpowers all other cards.

To round up which cards need a possible nerf and ideas on how:

Galakrond Shaman: Remove rush from his battlecry, and/or reduce their stats to 6/6.
Another possibility would be to remove rush entirely from all of the shaman Galakrond spawns.

Dragon Pack: Lower stats to 4/5 or give them 2 overload.

The 5 cost from shaman invoke 2x: If the Galakrond card lost rush it wouldn’t be problematic.

Faceless manipulator: Increase cost by 1 or even 2, or reduce stats bij 2 - 3 points. For example a 4/3 or even a 5/2 is a lot more easy to counter.
Don’t forget that pirate warrior also has a ridiculously high wr. But that’s up for debate and probably needs some more play testing. But I just see it easily spin out of control when Shaman gets it nerf.

Galakrond is absurdly op not just in shaman but other decks. The reason
Shaman gala is so good is that it is a counter and proactive at same time. You get 2 8/8 rush to deal with whatever they have then they have to answer. 8/8s win games. 8/8s with rush protect you and win games. Also invoking giving a 2/1 rush really helps vs aggro a ton. More than you would think.

Mutate is still stupid dumb combo with mogu.

Corrupted elementalist is just rediculous and gives 2 triggers. You pay 5 and get a 3/3 and two 2 dmg removal spells. Comparing this to other 5 cost removal type minions and you see how busted it is like muck hunter, sightless ranger, storm commando, ect.

Faceless corrupter is just broken for everyone but esp for shaman as you can turn a 2 cost totem into a 5/4 with rush. Nice deal.

Dragonpack is 5/6 5/6 for 5 after playing 1 elementalist. 10/12 stats with taunt for 5. Yikes.

And Kronx glues it all together with shudderwock.

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Key thing here is 70% for some lists, overall in the mid 60s (last I saw). If you drop down to Legend only it is 59% which is still crazy strong btw but 70% is the way high side

I play Galakrond Priest, actually. Nice try.

You re the one talking nonsense about plague of death and twisting nether when Galakrond can be summoned as early as turn 7 . and we don’t care about wild here, we’re talking about standard.

I think Corrupted Elementalis is the biggest issue here. Being able to consistently invoke Galakrond makes the deck really consistent.

I wasn’t convinced Shaman was busted on day 1 but am now. Unfortunately I don’t see a counter out there that can consistently beat Galakrond Shaman at the moment.

i know it doesnt see much play but T nether costs 8 mana and warlok can make copies of it to nuke the board several times

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I never said it would drop that much. I simply said for all we know the meta will fix itself in a couple days and Shaman might fall off into unplayble if something much more broken if found and then people will be calling for buffs instead of nerfs.

I am very much sick of Shaman - I almost did t play this expansion because of EVOLVE shaman for the last month where the game was unplayable. Hearthstone devs are TERRIBLE at testing their games.

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but they fixed that galak bug fast and it seems it wasnt something everyone could havet their games crashed by because it never happened to me going by some posts it had something to do with the deck tracker

i dont think you can expect blizzard to test if something like a decktracker would cause a crash

(as far as i know playtesting is to find bugs nothing about it is related to the meta or decks popularity )

Warlocks have Twisting Nether at Turn 8, and can throw down a Mad Summoner/Plague of Flames at a moment’s notice.
Warriors can play a Brawl at a moment’s notice, and can chain Whirlwind/Plague of Wrath to nuke the board. Shamans can use Plague of Murlocs to take down Galakrond/Shudderwock boards easier.
Paladin has the longstanding Pyromancer/Equality combo, and can use Shrink Ray to mitigate damage or make the boards easier to take out. Mage has several options to stall out the board.
Priest has Plague of Death, can chain a Soulpriest and two Circle of Healings, and has Mass Hysteria to play in response to a Galakrond/Shudderwock board.
Instead of whining about ways of how Shaman is broken, I would suggest teching against them since you know what you are up against.

Well, there are those that play Wild in the community, and their opinion matters just as well. Not to mention that there’s outlets each class can use against Galakrond Shaman. It’s almost as if people said that Jade Druid wasn’t affected after Frozen Throne and after the nerfs, yet the very existence of Skulking Geist made it so that Gadgetzan Auctioneer basically disappeared from Jade Druid because now there wasn’t going to be a limitless supply of Jade Idols anymore.

Don’t have Deck Tracker (or any sort of mod/addon) and it happened to me quite a bit. i don’t think blaming it on a third party is the route they should take.

I know twister neither lol. But what if shaman play first? He play Galakrond Turn7, then its warlock turn7. He can’t defend.
And what if Shaman has coins and play Galakrond turn 6 ?
There are scenario when twisted neither just come too late.

Except I do not wanna play shaman. And I do not wanna see 60%+ shamans on ladder, when all is left is 50/50 for shaman and boredom for the rest of us.

they didnt

i just read several post saying it stopped happening to them after they stopped using the deck tracker