Shaman is BROKEN 70% win rate!

You know the sad part? All other games I have is the most fun I have in years, with the exception of the overpowered, totally busted shaman the other decks are nice to play with or against.

Blizzard need to hit shaman with nerf hammer very hard and very fast.



Playing against Rogue and Mage is a bit annoying to me. They both discover so much stuff that the answer eventually becomes “play around nothing and everything” >.>

I’d say two weeks… similar to what WotC did for Oko. You want to let the players try and crack the deck but need to step in quickly once it appears that isn’t possible.

I disagree with this strongly. Scion of Ruin is actively worse than Corrupted Elementalist (3 3/2s with rush aren’t great compared to a 3/3 that summons two 2/1s with rush). Priest, Warlock and Rogue have almost no impact on the board state. Shaman, however, can put out two 5/6s with Taunt (or 4 with Electra), which is a really tough stat line to deal with. There aren’t many removal spells or board wipes that can punch through that, and even scion of ruin, that you said was on par with Dragon’s Pack, can’t trade 1:1. It’s far and away the strongest of the epic invoke payoff cards.


My guess is the most elegant solution is to turn the quest reward from double all your battlecrys. To your first battlecry per turn. Maybe make it a passive in return.

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The quest isn’t really causing this here, it’s how dumb Galakrond is and how dumb Shudderwock is after you play Galakrond

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And it might be easier to accept Dragon Pack being a bit stronger than the other payoff cards, if it weren’t for the fact that Corrupted Elementalist satisfies the condition by itself, while all the other Galakrond classes have to use at least 2 cards to satisfy the condition.

So either Dragon’s Pack should be the weakest of the payoff cards, since it is easier to satisfy. Or Corrupted Elementalist should not trigger twice. But the current state is just substantially out of line with the other classes.

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Personally, I always thought it should double your next battlecry. That way there’s still some strategy and planning involved as to when to use it, instead of just automatically hitting the button and making the entire turn twice as powerful.

The Quest isn’t really the issue. Quest Shaman was very popular in the Uldum meta, but it was basically a 50-52% winrate deck. It wasn’t until Evolve came back to Standard that Shaman started to dominate the meta. Eventually the strongest version of Shaman just dropped the Quest to run a new version of Evolve Shaman.

Galakrond Shaman sometimes runs the Quest, but it’s slower and far greedier. I think you’re going to see the Quest get dropped when this deck gets more optimized. The Quest has never really been the problem in the current Shamanstone meta, but it makes for a perfect red herring for players upset at the state of the game.

The quest version is actually worse than the non-quest version.

Quest isn’t the issue.

Double Invoke with one card is half the issue.

High/extreme tempo in both Invoke/hp AND bc is the other half.

Basically, aggro doesn’t cut it because of tempo Invoke, midrange doesn’t cut it due to high tempo reward, control doesn’t cut it because of too fast completion/reward epic due to double Invoke

Plus, extreme Shudder and Barista synergy due to everything being a BC gives simultaneously extreme tempo+value.

I mean, they could have at least gone the rogue way and made shaman invokes spells and not bc minions.


Well I havent been beat on turn 5-6 by Galakrond Shaman, while all 3 of those could do it consistently if they got the right hand. If I had to compare Galakrond Shaman to something it would probably be Jade druid maybe? I dont even think it was as good as Rez priest, Rez priest was faster.

Its probably too early to call it while people are still experimenting and refining decks. Broken 70% win rate could easily become eww 7% win rate pls buff Shaman if good counters that become the meta are found.

Your out if your mind if you think shamans win rate will drop by a huge amount once other decks are refined. A few percent sure but in its current form its way too overtuned. Its power level is just sky high.


Basically shaman is only losing to other shaman decks.

The win rate can’t stay that high as more people swap to the deck.

Shaman galakrond included in 25% of all decks.

It probably warrants a faster than usual balance patch.

I don’t know how they miss these things in internal testing. This and evolve…


“40/40 C’thun”, What the hell are you smoking and where can I get some? Most C’thun buffs gave it +2/2 at most. Many gave it +1/1 at end of turn. A 40/40 C’thun would be worth 17 +2/2 buffs.

Good thing I was comparing them to dragons pack and not corrupt elementalist. I even specifically stated “Invoke synergy cards” instead of invoke cards.

I know it wasn’t intentional, but please don’t try and put words in my mouth.

…that’s also not what I said? They are on par power level wise, but of course that is respective to their mana cost. Of course a 3 mana card can’t trade 1 for 1 with a 5 mana card, again don’t put words in my mouth.

I was trying to say that getting 9/6 worth of stats with rush (equal to about 8 mana) for the cost of 3 mana is about equal to getting 10/12 stats with taunt (for 5 mana).

Actually, going off of what you get for what you spend, scion of ruin is objectively better then dragons pack. Not to say dragons pack is in any way bad since I have to clarify everything I say multiple times, just that yet again cards like dragons pack aren’t the reason for breaking shaman or above the rest of the sets powerlevel.

That doesn’t mean they suddenly have no mana value? There’s much more to this game then pure board state.

If you only have 5 cars in hand when you play fate weaver, and it only discounts the 4 cards left in hand, then it’s essentially 4 mana, making up for its own cost. From them onwards it just gets even more nuts. It’s a cheaper thaurissian in standard where no one has him.

With veiled worshiper, Drawing 3 is valued at about 5-6 mana alone, and the 5/4 body is worth 4 mana. That’s 9-10 mana worth of value out of a 4 mana card, you about on par with dragons pack mana value wise for the cost.

Umbral Skulker is the only one I sort of agree with being underpowered because the value it gives for its mana cost is well below the others. 4 mana for a 3 mana body and 3 mana of value is still really good, but not up to the other standards. That being said, being able to get multiple coins of one card leads to insane rogue synergy with stuff like Questing Adventurer, so it is still very powerful, but I’d say not as powerful as dragons pack.

That Is not even close to what I said. You guys really need to step up with the trolling if you are going to make it this blatantly obvious you are not even reading what I’ve said to try and bait me lmao.

What is being said is that C’thun was also very much complained about in its first few days of release, and then a week or so after it was then realised to just be a meme.

Now, not trying to say that just because C’tbun turned out to be a meme this will also turn out to be a meme. Just that in the past we have had similar situations and it’s definetly worth considering that in a weeks time all this shaman galakrond stuff may just blow over.

Calling an early meta deck the most overpowered deck ever within the first two days of the expansion is a fairly admirable endeavor, but I’ve seen such a thread within the first hour into an expansion before. You should step up your game.

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That’s the point they want to sell packs and best way to do that is to invalidate as much of your current collection as possible with out being over obvious so that paying, or even oblivious f2p, players will DEFEND the xpac as not being a problem.

What don’t you all have money?

No, it does matter if something is broken. There are tons of deck that are unplayed because they are weak . it doesn’t bug off anybody. What bug people of is when a single deck strangle the whole meta.

I’d rather have this deck nerfed to death than being so broken you see 20%+ of shaman right after the start of expansion. But I trust blizzard, I’m sure that If they nerf it, they are going to do a balanced job.

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Give us the tool to deal with it, buff other classes to the same power level. Honestly, the first time since I started playing this game(closed beta), I don’t know how to play against a certain deck. I don’t know what to do, how to counter all that value? Whatever I play, it is s**t against Shaman.