Shaman is BROKEN 70% win rate!

It probably will stay at minimal relevant so I not doubt you.

I only said that stuff happens at his own time despite of being overpowered and that no one gonna do nerfs on the first week of an exp unless stuff gets far uglier than it is now.

We are experienced enough to know this and that for now we should really try just challenge it to see where it can really go since we have some really crazy powerlevel to most decks.

No they are broken stat wise. That’s why I said they are broken stat wise. I’m literally saying they are broken stat wise. So thanks for just ignoring what I’m saying?

Because they don’t have as high a win rate. They aren’t as much of a problem until the decks become more relevant.


Just HOF Shudderwock…problem solved

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A lot harder to buff cthun up to 40 than it is to invoke galakrond, and invoking galakrond has immediate benefits unlike cthun but yes cthun himself can be silenced/poly/hexed, yes he can be unstoppable force once buffed up but hes too slow to play against most decks


And what do you think gets them their winrate?

the power of their cards

You are making no sense here mate.

The fact that you keep ignoring 90% of my posts and continue to strawman with 3 word replies make it pretty evident you are trolling lol, atleast try a little harder.

Strong cards are only a problem in strong decks because they are relevant.

A 10 mana I win card isn’t broken if there’s a complete aggro meta where the deck doesn’t even get a chance to get off. Whereas it is if the meta is control where the deck gets it off all the time.

All the invoke cards are over stated. The shaman one is worse because of shamans strength. If shaman is nerfed and warrior Galk becomes the top dog then yeah the 3 dragon rush will likely be a problem.

And I get what you’re saying now. It’s the speed of refinement compared to the classes. Well whatever. We’ll see in a week or so.

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lol there is always someone claiming x deck or class has 70 -90 win rate the first week of a expansion release

never been true

They fixed Wild so I don’t care, Standard players can sit in a corner and cry.

Ay fanboy, have fun spamming shaman for the next 6 months (if they don’t nerf it)

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I think the highroll version pre expantion was more broken but this one is a problem too. It will propably shift the meta around it and have its winrate refused at some point, but the deck it self basically lacks weaknesses in all stages of the game.
On the positive side, it looks to me that decks that would do well against shaman pre expantion would do desent now too.

shaman was worst class in hearthstone

i not think shaman its broken

The highest played deck is 66% with 37k games plus a close to 68% at 11k games played for a total of 48k games total playing Galakgrond Shaman and a average winrate of 67%. Seems very reasonable.

Nope there were far more opressive decks than c’thun. If C’thun was opressive then every single deck is opressive.

I feel the main issue is that the 8/8s have rush.

Simply changing it to another keyword, like Taunt, would limit the insane tempo and board swings (repetable through Shudder).

He already is by far easiest Galakrond to Invoke thanks to the strongest Invoke card of the set, and he already has tempo based Galakrond hp/Invoke. There’s no need to also have an insane tempo bc.


That is it and the invoke twice minion is way cheaper than should be, a lest they can put an overload 3 to slow down a little bit, 0 tempo loss make way OP card.

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Well, it should be one or the other.

I would prefer a deck containing the free legendary to not transition to trash tier (and blizzard is often known for killing cards instead of reasonably balancing them)

I had a big post that seems to have been deleted? Oh well.

Invoke should be changed from a battlecry on minions to a standalone keyword like it is on spells. That would be a very targeted nerf to Corrupted Elementalist, which for some inexplicable reason is allowed to invoke twice. There’s no reason that the highest tempo Galakrond deserves to have 2 extra invokes just from the class cards, especially not when they already have the quest available to get additional invokes.

While they’re at it, Mogu Fleshshaper should be nerfed to the ground. That card does not belong in a standard rotation where evolve effects, especially 0 mana ones, exist. If it’s intended to be an evolve target, then it should not have Rush to allow it to value trade first before getting evolved.


Praise be his words!

That’s actually a valid suggestion, that’d doesn’t destroy the the individuality of the cards but rather the insane synergy they’d have together.

Shaman is broken since a long time and it is only getting worse

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Free legendary with “you need to also have kronx and shudderwock”.

At least it is still better than Highlander cost-wise.

Specifically, if memory serves, it was C’Thun Druid at first then C’thun Warrior which, unlike Druid, did remain a tier-1 to high tier-2 deck.

Very true. Right now the only card that I am confident in calling for nerfs on is Faceless Corrupter. Everything else I want to let the meta have some time with.