Shaman is BROKEN 70% win rate!

How can you counter C’thun? If C’thun was buffed like 40/40 (which wasnt that hard) then throwing C’thun was game over.

Said the 1 post guy…

Many people called C’thun broken. Lets not forget that cthun came in an era that tempo game was reallyyyyy important and controll tools were just a few. Therefore a 2 mana 2/3 or a 3 mana 3/4 minions that buffed C’thun were actually OP. As for twin emperor LOL that was a really strong card.
Did C’thun took over the meta? No, of course not. Everyone was playing C’thun during the first days but after that the deck got surpassed easily.

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I too, am of the opinion that Shaman is busted and will remain so but…

As i am not ignoring overpowered decks have shined from day one in the past , i am also not forgetting countless decks that had similar winrates on launch in the past but turned out to be situational based on an unsolved and unstable meta.

As confident as i am that Shaman is gonna be absolutely dominant i always er on the side of caution with screaming OP at day 1 or 2 of an expansion and you should too.

I d give it 2 weeks ( at least 1 for starters) and you the chances is that you will still be right but waiting is still the responsible thing to do.

You might have not frequent in forums in those glory days but lemme tell ya…
It was absolutely smothered by cthun complains day 1 and two and in 1 to 2 weeks time the only players that kept playing cthun were the ones that couldnt afford the good decks

The power level of cards is pretty crazy though.

5 mana to summon two 5/6 taunts? A 5 mana 5/6 taunt would be a baseline card.

It’s not like invoke is hard to do. That’s just too powerful.

It’s about on par with all the other invoke synergy cards though.

4 mana 5/4 draw 3? 3 mana 3 3/2’s with rush?

Those are very good yeah. But what about the rest of the deck? Do they have the same impact that Shaman Galk does?

Well yeah, ritual chopper is 2 mana fiery war axe again and the 1/1 imps in zoolakrond really stack up.

But are those decks winning as much as shaman?

Nothings winning as much as shaman lol, I never even insinuated that.

We are talking about the power level of the invoke cards, why are you trying to straw man me?


Well the power level of the invoke cards plays into the strength of the whole deck.

All of the invoke cards are too strong, but the shaman one in particular is worse because of the whole package. At least right now.

If it was warrior that was on top not shaman I’d pick the dragon rush dude instead as the example.

That’s actually incorrect.

It’s not necessarily the galakrond package being to strong that makes shaman so good right now, just that it slots well into an already good deck from the last meta without needing to refine and beating everyone out

Um no it’s correct. The strength of the invoke cards is higher than what their mana cost is. You can look at any mana comparison to existing cards.

They do far more than what they should just for the “invoke” penalty which isn’t hard to do, and the invoke cards give value themselves.

If you’re going to argue that two 5/6 taunts for 5 mana isn’t too strong then I don’t know what to say.

The “stupid winrate” will be decreased because all competitive players will use this BS deck and will down to 50%.

Blizzard have serious problems in balance classes before but this one is the worst in history.

If I’m arguing that 2 5/6’s with taunt for 5 mana isn’t to strong, then you are arguing that a 4 mana 5/4 draw 3 and 3 mana for 3 3/2 rushers are weak.

Try reading what I say before replying lmao.

Well actually! … dude. Your nitpicking semantics is so annoying.

Shaman is too strong. The invoke cards are too strong for their mana cost. It’s part of a bigger problem.

I don’t know what you are arguing.


Then a good start would be reading what I’ve said instead of misquoting and straw manning me lmao

This thread is about shaman. I pointed out one card that’s too strong. You pointed out the other invoke cards are also strong. Even though this thread is about shaman.

I pointed out that the other invoke cards aren’t as much of a problem because of the power level of current Shaman. But that’s a strawman somehow.

You then pointed out that it’s not necessarily the Galk package. Even though the deck is 1/3 galk cards with high value.

And I don’t know what you’re arguing. If you get rid of the Galk package then the deck is not nearly as strong. I don’t see how there’s any argument there.


The 70% winrate was from 3,500 games; for a new deck (it was day 2 …) that’s quite normal; it’s what you’d see from Wild builds winrate with lower data in general.

It’s day 3 now and Winrate is 66% and no longer 70%; it’s bound to start decreasing as the format evolves; give it 1-2 weeks at best; its power turn plays are getting clearer (being the 5 Mana Invoke related spell, the 5 Mana Invoker, Galakrond itself and Shudderwock) and abit more predictable.

That said, if it won’t get any lower than 60% in 1-2 weeks then yeah, the powerplays could use some tuning.

In other words, too soon.

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Lacking a lot of context.

You said that Dragons Pack was to powerful as an invoke synergy card. I presented 2 other just as powerful invoke synergy cards and stated that dragons pack is about on par with them. The 2 I listed are in no way, shape or form broken, so why would a just as strong card be the reason for breaking a deck?

I was keeping on topic to a thread about shaman by contrasting as to what makes shaman good lol.

Uh, no lol. You asked if the other invoke cards were as impactful to their respective classes as shamans were to them, to which I said yes and provided examples. You then replied with “BuT dO tHoSe DeCkS wIn As MuCh”, straw manning the conversation towards winrate when we were comparing card power level, but nonetheless I went to move to my point of “If shamans invoke cards are just as powerful as everyone else’s, but they are still on top, maybe something else is to blame?”, which you completely ignored and continued to misquote me.

And no, that doesn’t mean I’m trying to say shamans galakrond cards are bad or that they make the deck worse, just they aren’t the sole reason shaman is so amazing right now.

That I did, but you then completly misquoted that and are doing it again lmao.

What makes shaman so good isn’t necessarily it’s invoke cards and galakrond, but how easily it slots in to an already figured out meta deck from the last expansion meaning it skipped its refinement phase and jumped ahead of the other classes who are still figuring their decks out.

If you honestly think thats what I’m saying then you seriously need to work on your reading comprehension man.

They are broken stat wise.

Because it’s part of a whole package not just the one card. Doesn’t mean the 1 card isn’t broken stat wise.

I don’t agree. If you took out the Galk package and put back in the decks from the meta before evolve I’m willing to bet the strength is no where near on par with current Galk shaman.

Obviously different cards different meta. But Dragon Pack is actually on par if not better than Mogu Mutate, and that can be put in along with it.

So a 3 3/2’s with rush for 3 mana and a 4 mana 5/4 that draws 3 aren’t broken stat wise?

But the other just as broken cards are also apart of a package and not one card. Why are they suddenly not broken?

For the millionth time, because apparently you just can’t read even though I explicitly stated this multiple times, that isn’t what I’m