Shaman is BROKEN 70% win rate!

Pirate Warrior: Agree
Quest Rogue: Was polarized… it wasn’t good across the board so I’d say you’re remembering that one a lot worse
Secret Paladin: Similar honestly

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stop watch and nerf it blizzard you say once you dont want a shamanstone ladder me mad af

I’m just gonna start conceding when I see Shaman in standard. It’s no fun to play against. Just gonna be a boring oppressive loss. At least in wild you can get away with playing something other then Shaman right now.


I played against a couple of these yesterday in ranked and I could not believe Blizzard brought this live without testing it. As soon as galakrond went out and the rush minions came out I instantly conceded.


I went into this expansion without much research. When I saw Corrupt Elementalist take Galakrond to max for 7 mana I just laughed. Then he dropped Galakrond and I just conceded. No way it was tested.

The deck has only one even matchup and that is vs itself. lol No losing matchups according to HS replay. Hopefully it doesn’t stay that way, but it certainly feels like it wouldn’t struggle all that much after facing it so much.


Wanna bet it’s gonna remain on top?

The deck is stupidly busted. This expac, and blizzard actions in general for the last month, show that smth is very wrong at hearthstone hq. Buggy patches, sloppily introduced changes (no info about fully-refundable nerfs on log in for example, thats unprecedented), mmr bg rework without resetting the ladder (disgustingly sloppy, not what I expect from Blizzard at all), and now this clearly untested new expansion… I don’t think there ever was an expac with such HUGE winrate differences between classes (lowest 37, highest 60), EVER.


Personal opinion: Galakrond decks are not as OP as they seem.

Anyone remember what happened when C’thun was released?
Everyone were like ‘‘C’thun s OP, its minions buff C’thun while at the same time not losing tempo due to high stats they have blah blah blah’’
In the end Cthun was just a fun deck to play with, nothing OP.

Same here with Galakrond. Everyones trying him cause its one of the main themes of the expansion and cause it s easy and obvious to build a deck with him.
BUT dont expect the Galakrond decks to go to far, sooner or later they ll be surpassed.

Just passing by to say I highly doubt they didn’t test shaman, knowing it already was the focus of everyone’s attention. It’s day 2, give people time. Shaman has a high wr because those decks were pretty easy to build

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Bad argument. You can counter cthun. You cant counter galakrond and his invoke effect.

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How so?

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Not even in the same tier. What the hell game are you even playing?

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Did you even read the post? Lmao

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LOL No one was saying C’thun was OP I dunno where you get that from.


Euh nope quest shaman into Galak into shudderwock is clearly a broken tier setup. You can’t lose. No other class can combo it’s quest into Galak into Shudderwock.

Shudderwock is one of the worst designs in HS. One of the worst ideas in HS.


unless your opponent has 2 board clears


Just googled “Cthun is broken” and my search engine was full of Cthun complaint threads from WoToG, might need to do more research lmao.


Shamans do need to be nerfed a bit.

On the other hand, at least they kill you quickly and you clearly know when the game is over as compared to control warrior meta which is 10 times worse and more annoying.


Ironically, Control Warrior is probably one of the few who could keep Shaman in check.

Too bad, they printed a card that pretty much nullifies their hero power.

I’m not saying shaman isn’t very good, mind you. I’m saying that stupid winrate is definitely going to decrease by a lot. Every class got very high powerlevel cards, we simply have to wait for them to find good use.
Shaman’s early game is quite weak at the moment. I believe fast aggro decks will be a viable option against it

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Embiggen would be good in another class where they have better cheap standalone minions. I vs’d a embiggen treant Druid with Rogue and got a random embiggen and he had no chance.

Right now it’s second and third worst matchups beside itself is Quest hunter and holy wrath paladin, even then they’re even and isn’t countered by anything. Everything else just gets steamrolled, I thought highlander Mage is good against it but according to the stats galak Shaman has a 60% winrate over it, I think Mages need to tech better against it and they can pull it closer to even.