The one thing that often times ruins games (way more than unbalanced cards) are players that purposefully run out the timer every round. I get some turns (especially later) can legitimately take the full time. Most of the time though (especially early on) you don’t need 90 seconds and some players (usually if they’re losing or are just poor sports in general) do it just to be jack asses.
Blizzard, you seriously need to add a play option (like a different version of casual or something) that limits turns to 30 seconds each. And then only players that select that option can be paired with each other. It would be MASSIVE quality of life improvement.
There’s really no downside to this at all (except for the people that want to be jack asses and now they can’t. I don’t consider that a loss though).
Who would play this mode?
Plot twist warlock? no, because the animation of plot twist alone lasts 15 seconds.
Rogue? no because they want to play and discover a lot of cards.
It will be a mode where aggro/control faces each other, with a very plain play style, where you can’t “outplay” your opponent with a perfect trade into defile into lethal (for example) or things like this.
30 seconds is like 2 rope each turn, which is enough to play on curve every turn, but that’s it.
Sometime i also rope on turn 1, example:
i have a coin, the 2 mana dormant minion, a 3 drop, a secret.
Do i want to play the 3 drop on turn 2? do i want to play the coin on turn one? secret or dormant? just pass?
I wouldn’t play the mode that you propose, because it doesn’t introduce anything new, but it limits a core game mechanic and also the thinking process, that is the peculiarity of humans, just because sometimes people rope.
I heard that they want to implement a new mode, but i expect something new (like BG, or wild), not a let’s play what is green mode (the AI is already good enough at that).
I’m not criticizing you, i am just saying why i don’t like this mode and why it doesn’t make the game more fun, in my opinion of course
The amount of times I run into this is so tiny. Is it a bracket thing? I know that there are certain decks that people like to rope as a sort of protest.
Not saying that I haven’t seen any but I’ve played longer games against Priests that quick play their turns. Rez… rez… rez… rez… rez… rez… rez… rez… Kind of like the topic of roping lol
Bad idea. Better idea would be for Team 5 to bring back Lady Vashj.
You don’t get 90 seconds.
There is a way to do this. Make the game interesting and FUN to play! One that requires skill, random card shuffling and random card dealing! Game balance!
Could pick a time limit, such as 25 minutes; and give the victory automatically at the 25 minute mark to whoever took less cumulative time on their turns.
I would play this mode and expect Blizzard to either speed up the animations or timestamp the turns so that animation cannot eat up your time bank. The fact that it can (and has lost people games like the unfixed Nozdormu bug) supports Blizz is just an indie developer that cares little for the quality of their games.
I would like them to print a 3 mana 2/2 stealth divine shield legendary that has Nozdormu’s effect. That way people can’t just hard remove it the turn after it’s played and forces people to actually make fast turns.