Seeing both sides of the coin

No I’m not talking about THE coin. I’m talking about our opinion on the game right now.

Most of us agree that the game has balance issues, RnG issues, class imbalance etc.

What we disagree on is our handling of it. We’ve all done 1 of 4 things: 1) silently quit. 2) Quit with a loud and proud ‘I quit’ post here or on Reddit. 3) Complain, but continue playing. 4) Put up with it.

The majority of threads here seem to be players complaining about the game and those putting up with the game telling them to just quit if they don’t like it.

You’re both right in some ways: Those complaining are right to do so, as liking a game isn’t a black and white thing. We can love a game and think it’s going in the wrong direction at the same time. Especially a game like Hearthstone that has evolved and changed so much over the years. Also, we can all agree that at its heart, Hearthstone is a game with an excellent concept and has so much potential. This is one of the reasons why those who create complaining threads are so frustrated. All games have issues and are complained about, but we know Blizzard can do better with this game.

Then there’s those who are satisfied or are putting up with the game telling the complainers to leave if they don’t like it: this is true in some cases. The negativity surrounding the player base on Hearthstone is appalling. We rarely see constructive criticism, viable suggestions or much praise for the work put in by the Devs. Instead we see people mouthing off after a series of bad losses. This game isn’t for some people, it’s just that the list of alternatives for this game genre is limited and lacking. Hearthstone is by far the cream of the crop.

So saying all that, what do you think Blizzard needs to do over the next few expansions to get Hearthstone back on track? Here’s a few of my own generalised thoughts:

-Balancing classes

-Balancing and testing cards better before releasing them

-Addressing the chaotic RnG issues

-Addressing Demon Hunter as a class

-Making a variety of different archetypes more viable for each class

-Bringing back more mid-range archetypes

-Bringing back strategy orientated gameplay - we’ve had our fill of puzzle boxes

None of this will happen over night, but it has to start somewhere.



But then understand one thing;

The game introduced a card that said, in essence, “If you’re deck has no duplicates, discover the card that lets you win.”

…and they continue to buff it.


I’m actually in the Zephyrs fanclub. It’s really powerful and can win games, but damn is it a uniquely clever and innovative card.

And it’s not even technically RnG. Rather lose to Zephyrs than buried under a pile of lackey’s.


Some people (like me) really like that fun RNG and Discover stuff. I wish there would be even more. For that the best really would be custom game modes. People that like less RNG/Discover could ban those cards and people like me could have something like Wondrous Wisdomball or other fun stuff you can think of.

Yeah there are more than a few like you that are silently satisfied withe the RnG nature of the game.

That’s fair enough, and just goes to show how difficult it is for Blizz to find the right balance. We all want different things. Two things you should never be if you want to please everyone: a politician or a game developer.

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And therefore I advocate for custom game modes.

Can’t even watch my favourite streamers play this any more as their frustration and boredom in some cases is too hard to watch (apart from one who I think would laugh at an egg boiling).

I think GMs are there to keep the streamers and pros occupied and they are just too dull to watch too. And now I can hardly bring myself to do my quests any more because the RNG fiesta tilts me too much and ruins my evening.

Going to give LoR a go and see if I like it.

As said, diff players wants diff things.
End of the day, Dev will envision an idea (e,g, DH), push it out, collect response/reception, make adjustment to the idea…

The only thing Blizz can do is to improve on communications and players relationship building. It is a concrete action that can be taken.

Devs need to start with, Wild mage, Standard gal secret rogue and last but not least priest in wild and standard.

I presume you mean Regis.

Singelton became actually viable with dragonqueen.Before that it was decent.But yeah.Now that dragonqueen and zephrys exist together singleton is really broken.A single card shouldn’t be able to answer anything and everything,a card shouldn’t have that much value just cause you putted only 1 of everything like Alextraza does.Both these cards are pretty op but since almost everyone uses it (Other than the people that put money in the game or grinded the hell out of it) there is no complains.I dont like these cards cause the hofed rag cause he “broke all the rules of hs”,they hofed Pain Acolyte which was one of the best classic cards in the game for some reason too,but then they make these cards and even buff them.The amount of games i could have won if it wasnt for Zephrys has probably passed 100.A single card being a win condition is dumb and the singleton archtype should have never exised.The cards coding is almost perfect,i will give the devs that but the card is almost impossible to scrap.I am astounded that the devs managed to code a card like Zephrys as well as they did but that doesnt mean that the card is just unfun to fight.I put so much work into making my decks since i make decks purely out of basic and classic cards and i try to make them as good as they can possibly be but why bother making a good deck if you can just put 2 op cards intoyour deck and automatically win almost any matchup.The game has became less and less skill reliant and the phrase for the game on the app store basicaly says “Easiest game to win”.

Honestly, I don’t give a crap about balance, demon hunter, or anything you mentioned.

I just want the iOS version to function for more than five minutes before crashing and making me miss my turn or mulligan.