Saviors of uldum Mage got trash. AGAIN

Mage has one of the absolute best decks out there right now.

Or, they finally decided Mage can do something other than play a Burn deck. If you want to play Burn Mage, Wild is a MUCH better place to roasty-toasty folks with it.

Several of the new Mage cards would work fantastically. The Secret Support is much needed (though I’m not convinced it’s good enough for Standard, Wild Burn Mage will certainly make use of Cloud Prince) and Tortollan Pilgrim casting a free copy of Blizzard/Flamestrike/Power of Creation in a more Control-focused Dragon Mage deck could work out quite nicely.

Gotta think outside of the Fireball-to-the-face box and get that Wizard mentality working!!

They have exactly one deck. Every so called mage deck is a variation of Giants mage and I have seen nothing in the new expansion that will change that. It’s a good deck, however it is a slow and boring deck imho. So, just as I said in opening this dialogue. They got crap in terms of bringing anything new or fresh to mage. I can see where they might bring secrets back but if so it will be in the expansion after this one.
As to Wild, I’m sure the new cards will work well there, but I do not play Wild as it is completely busted in terms of power. Blizzard has only recently begun nerfing wild cards and trying to bring some balance to it. They have a long way to go.
BTW, great to see you Drum:)

Yes, but Mage has several viable decks in Wild despite the format’s overall bustedness.

I can hit a turn 7 lethal with my Quest Mage easily, or in slower matchups completrly annihilate folks with Vargoth + Timewarp.

Good ol’ Burn Mage is also alive and well and just as pew-pewey as you like it. I recommend checking some stuff out here. It’s a list of Wild Mage decks. You know I myself avoided Wild like the plague for a looooong time. I’ve actually been enjoying myself over there with Mage.
