Save the Date: Hearthstone Fall Reveal, Coming October 22!

Allow to watch stream on youtube…even for free packs, im not going to watch it on twitch.

So exactly as I predicted. Reveal showed both increased cost of the game, and better hiding it at the same time.

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I not play this game for months, and i start playing it 4-5 years ago.
And these news NOT push me to comeback to play at all.
Adding +35 card for the set and a new arena for shopper user is NOT what the game need. Instead of reduce cost, they increase it.
I hope the battlepass is VERY generous, or this is another HUGE push for let ppl leave the game.

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I didn’t get any packs after watching the entire stream. Yes, my Twitch account is linked with and there was a “Drops Enabled” text at the bottom.

Exactly as Rammstein… u.u 2h and no packs…

That announcement did not age well…