Save the Date — The Future of Warcraft

Dear team 5!!!

Everytime I feel a special excitement, when I see a new article about “Hearthstone”!!! I visit the home page a hundred times just not to miss important things!!! :milky_way:

I’m proud of myself that I’m a part of the community, that I can offer interesting ideas and see this elaborated ideas in next patches!!! :+1:

I really enjoy to participate in some interesting contests!!! Recently I took part in a contest where we need to guess which year will be next after the gryphon!!! :fire:

I can’t wait the Mart 15, when the mystery of new expansion will be opened!!! :boom:

Wish You a good luck in work and an inspiration!!! :stars:

I’m really thinking this has to be a bot.

The article isn’t new, we’ve just been bumping it with our conversation since the first time it posted.

I guess they won’t do anything about it, since it stokes their egos. Imagine if it were a bot spamming ads and praise for their competitors.

Apologies if you are actually some rudimentary AI who just really like hearthstone for some reason…though you should tap a news feed about the company that makes it. Also, please don’t go full skynet if and when microsoft pulls the plug. Please and thank you in advance.

-most of humanity

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Well March 17th arrived. Did I miss something??? Blizzard made this BIG thing about ‘Save the date’ and I quote. “To kick off the first of our announcements, on March 17, the Hearthstone development team will share details about the first of three expansions this year. Shortly after, they’ll provide a deeper look into the plans for Hearthstone for 2022—including the annual core set changes.” Well we got news about the Sunken City Expansion… but I haven’t heard anything about the other two. I guess ‘shortly after’ means 1 week… 2 weeks…? I haven’t seen a ‘sneak peak at the future of World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, and more’ either… We got news about the HS expansion and a load about Mercenaries (that nobody actually plays anyway).

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The joke about blizzard “soon™” only got worse, because actiblizz “soon™” is 1000X worse, and only time will tell if msactiblizz “soon™” will be even worse then that.

The joke about “forward looking statements” comes to mind.

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blizzard “soon™” = we work hard for best player experience
activision-blizzard “soon™” = we work hard for best profit and useless inclusiion
MS-activision-blizzard “soon™” = we work repair bugs

It also meant some time in the future…maybe.

…and nothing happened!

you missed the announcement ? weird everyone is talking about the next expansion

That sound you heard was the price is right “you lose” music. Because if you read the article, they had to change the date. But keep trying, even a broken clock is right twice a day…oh, but this is a digital format.