Save the Date — The Future of Warcraft

Ah, the OTHER other argument deployed after the no true scotsman fails.

All the while the elephant in the room (the 100 million body count) often goes ignored.

And in typical fashion, you will take what was a simple offhand comment, made a giant thing out of it, then blame it on me. It was your “trap” and you got more than you bargained for when you found someone who actually was ready to discuss the subject.

So, you live in a country that is neither communist nor capitalist then?

Because while it does have its flaws, capitalism has done more to lift people out of poverty, achieve equitable outcomes, and solve more inequalities than communism has.

And until we find an alternative, it’s the best thing out there.

If there’s two dirtbags, and one is successful while the other languished, the success of the first dirtbag would not diminish their being a dirtbag.

And in fact, they might have access to better propaganda telling people why they’re not actually a dirtbag. And they probably want to hide the voices of all the people they hurt in the pursuit of their success, so that people don’t realize the extent of the misery the dirtbag is causing.

Yemen VS Ukraine

And who would you believe: what they said, or your lying eyes?

Like the 100 million people that the people who espouse communism don’t like to talk about. One thing I will give the communist system credit for: the pr machine. What PT Barnum said is true:

“There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Only a 100 years of failures caused by your own shortcomings can only be the work of some evil masterminds elsewhere conspiring against your perfect system…

…or it just sucks. Imagine if people still thought snake oil actually had all those super medicinal properties, and there was a vast conspiracy trying to keep it suppressed.

Then again, people think the truth about flat earth is being suppressed too, and has been for decades, so there’s that.

Pointing out the other dirtbag as a distraction is a common thing for the dirtbag trying to hide their misdeeds.

Yemen VS Ukraine

the soviet’s came up with it: whataboutism. Whenever their failings were mentioned (human rights abuses, bread lines, etc) “what about the shortcomings of the west?”

It didn’t work, except for those who have the attention span of a goldfish.

Anything else you have from the not so magic hat of distraction tactics?

Kids don’t know nothin’ lol.

Whataboutism is much older than the Soviet Union.

You are giving the Soviets credit they don’t deserve.

No, whats being said… is they were LIARS.

They pretend they want good things and get weak willed posers to simp for ideas that SOUND good… but in practice lead to the Holodomor.

You know about the Holodomor?

Its all a rouse… to transfer wealth and destroy aristocracies and their people.

They start with liberalism and move onto socialism which in turn leads to communism…

Then massive amounts of people are starved to death… Thats their favorite way to cull large numbers of people.


So were the capitalists.

Did you read the reports from Roger Casement?

There are vampires everywhere.

And they must have a stake driven through their hearts, their heads removed and the corpses consumed by fire and rendered ash,

Or like we all die n stuff.

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Well, “kid” I literally said I misattributed the quote already:

but I bet you never make those mistakes.

was a term literally coined by those discussing the specific tactics of the soviet union. What you are referring to is the general category of tu quoque logical fallacies.

So, in response to the question of the Holodomor…the response is “whatbout the casement report?”

For those who don’t know, the casement report was about abuses in Congo in the late 1800s to the turn of the century and was largely about resource exploitation by the monarch of Belgium at the time. Interesting that you would chose a very obscure and old example (contrasted with the very recent and ongoing examples of the abuses of communism), and written by someone who actually collaborated with the germans in WWI to supply weapons to forces allied to their cause.

You mean like that communist taxi driver that tried to rip me off a few years back?

Be careful mentioning something like that, because someone will flip their lid and say things like:

Even if you already mentioned people’s suffering in that context.

But hark, I sense more company spam incoming…

While you were sitting in your home cowering about the communists, I was in the front line.

Defending against their incursions, defending against their spies, dancing and kissing their girls.

Have you kissed a communist?

Sadly, I cannot post the navy seal copypasta in response to your grandiose claim.

Rest assured, I totally have been fighting on all fronts and both time and space to protect the earth. I just can’t tell what what color ranger or 'zord I use to protect mine and the identity of my elite team.

Rest assured, you and humanity will always be safe under our watch.

::dramatic pose::

You didn’t answer.

Did you kiss a communist?

Considering they didn’t actually kiss, except as a concession to their latin compatriots, I fail to see your point.

Again, you have to be careful posting about your strange obsession with kissing when

Ha, ha, ha!

So they just didn’t kiss you!

Imagine laughing about historical illiteracy. I can see why you support communism.

I don’t support communism.

But I do support kissing!