Mark your calendars for a sneak peek at the future of World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, and more.
Alright! Should be interesting, I’m looking forward to seeing what changes are in store for the core set.
warcraft mobile:
“dOn’T yOu HaVe PhOnEs?1!1!”
“the future is bright”
I can see they go by the kurgan philosophy: “it’s better to burn out, than to fade away”
Dear and respected Blizzard!!!
You are the best company in the world!!!
Your projects are a great, true, genuine electronic art!!! Each game is a masterwork!!! Each expansion is a success!!!
Unique universe and the great, breathtaking history, wonderful worlds, amazing creatures, stunning heroes with their own story, magnificent music!!!
At your games grew up so many generations!!!
I hope that the history of each your game will never end and all players will enjoy your amazing games!!!
Million players and fans wait a continuation of each of your game!!!
I wish You a good luck in further work, many interesting, creative ideas, an inspiration!!!
I wish You to have an aspiration to go for new horrizons!!!
Kurgan was quoting a communist actually… lol
You mean microsoft…
Dear and respected lol ms…
Remember? buzzard was bought out after running all those characters and places into the ground…
I mean, even better than companies that literally and exclusively only feed and clothe the homeless?
Clearly not.
Company spambot is extra spammy.
I didn’t think cobain really had any kind of political leanings beyond being anti establishment.
He was quoting Neil Young.
Dear and respected Blizzard team!!!
Mart 15 and April 19… This two amazing days will be very important for me and others players in the world, because we will get the long-awaited news about our favourite games!!!
For me it will be two big celebrations, because I’m really worry about the destiny of “Hearthstone” and “World of Warcraft”!!!
I wish You a good luck in your further work and inspiration!!!
Got that backwards, I guess.
I always find it surprising that people with high bank account balances claim to be communists. If not for their bankruptcy, he’d still have a large share of Lionel toy company stocks.
Someone’s pushing for more social credit.
so they wanted to " bundle" all the announcements
thats why we havent heard anything about the core set yet
I personally find the inverse more surprising.
How can a person claim to be a capitalist if they have a small bank account. Clearly they’re sus and not actually trying to be capitalists.
That’s not what being a capitalist means.
Whereas someone who claims to represent the redistributions of wealth and espouses the values of marx, frequently does so from one of their many houses, while posting from a high end tech device.
I guess that’s someone else’s wealth inequality they are referring to.
So you admit to shameless application of double standard.
My work is done.
“two systems work differently…must be a double standard!”
If a vegan is eating steak, they aren’t a vegan.
Likewise a wealthy communist is either someone who doesn’t believe in the principles of marx, or thinks they apply to others, but not themselves. Which is fine…most of the leaders of countries who operated under those systems behaved: taking most of the wealth for themselves and those loyal to them, and leaving the people to suffer in poverty.
Talk about a double standard.
So the problem is that there’s hypocrites.
Not that people live in abject poverty when there’s resources to stop it. Boy you have your morals out of whack.
You really have nothing here, and you know it.
If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have mentioned them in the first place.
“but you only care about them as a talking point”
Interesting, since I am not the rich communist, going on about wealth inequality while literally sitting on a pile of money, or a any one of the failed communist systems that literally robbed from the poor to make the rich richer.
The problem is that system is flawed, and every time it’s tried, the only result is a higher body count. And I’m sure you want to give it another go, even after 100 million people died in the pursuit of “it’s never really been tried.”
Boy, are your morals out of whack.
All you are saying is that the communist leaders were capitalists in hiding.
It never takes long for the “no true scotsman” fallacy to deploy when the fails of communism come up.
So apparently, marx was really a capitalist all long…because putting his ideas into practice for over a hundred years lead to a bunch of secretly capitalist led countries, according to you.
Or, using Occam’s razor…it’s just a bad system.
You don’t know what you are arguing against.
And I admit, I fell for your trap and got myself caught up.
So I will return to the beginning. Before I lost my way.
If there’s two dirtbags, and one decries the other, I don’t need to take sides between them. I can admit they’re both dirtbags, and denounce both.