Rogue Mechs are far too OP

They need to be nerfed. Sorry, that much power by crystal 4 to 6 shouldnt be allowed. Just played a game where by crystal 6, my opponent had 4 x 17/10 minions on the board. I cant compete against that on my Shaman.

Is this fair?

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don’t worry they will increase the cost of that card by 1 Mana and keep the ability in place.

Makes me wonder if they fired all the Q&A testers at the start of this year.

Oh, you don’t have constant answers and removal your dead.

Strong Stormwind vibes in a bad way here


They do this on purpose to incentive people to play the new decks or more over pay to play the new decks. They will nerf it later on. If a game is lopsided just immediately concede and give the winner no real satisfaction. I concede to all rogue mechs and only play games that will be enjoyable.

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Run Primordial Wave and/or Starfish and hope you pull it from the deck. Relying on a few cards to give you a chance is a horrible feeling, but that is apparently how to Hearthstone world works now.

Try mech mage maybe?

I had a rogue last night have a 8/6 mech with wind fury on turn 2….

Honestly how the hell do you overcome that?

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You’re just unlucky or they drew a perfect curve which doesn’t happen often.

Blizzard also has specific deck queues they don’t tell anyone about which takes that deck into a lower win ratio than 50 in most scenarios. You will run into multiple starfishes, reverbs, and warlocks 11/11 etc, or priests just silencing you every time you build up.

Basically, you were likely on a win streak and blizzard said F you it’s time to lose.

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This must be one of the most retarded meta I ever saw. Rogue mechs is completely busted. I mean wtf are they fk stupid? make a minion 9/8 turn 3 that replicate himself at the end of the turn and also summon an 8 random cost minion if it dies? Braindead apes from D4 dev team got hired at hs dev team?


They have whales on their side, so they don’t care what we to say here.

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Its not just mech rogues. By turn 8 I had 2 titans on the board, and a further 4 in my hand. By turn 11 I had played 5 titans and had 3 more in my hand. This is as priest. I only did it to see if I could. There is so much in this game right now that is broken. How can any control deck compete with a priest that can just keep multiplying their titan, and each titan can remove 2 enemy minions from the game, summon a a lifesteal taunt and then copy that taunt? With the removal at a priest’s disposal it is pretty easy to control the early game too.

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It’s just the usual scam.
There are always a few OP decks after launch that look powerful and fun.
As soon as enough people have taken the bait, these decks get nerfed immediately and become unplayable. If you want to climb the ladder, you need suddenly another deck. Oh wait, you don’t have the dust to create another deck? Well, open your wallet and buy a lot of packs again. That’s how this game works. :clinking_glasses:


Yeah I just do that now. I concede the minute they appear. I would suggest everyone else just do that. Maybe Blizzard would get the hint and others would stop playing them.

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That is my experience against priest on any deck I play. If I play aggro they manage to silence my board multiple times and if I play late-game build they destroy my board with one card about 10 times at the minimum.

Very fun and engaging.

It ain’t just mech rogue, either. Paladin getting a cheap mech that returns anything magnetized to it back to your hand, to be played again, it also !@#$ing garbage.


This game is a big trash can, you don’t just have the mechs. Druid who can take out 5 creatures 4/6 with taunt turn 6 (20/30 turn 6) or warlock 3 creatures 11/11 turn 7 (33/33 turn 7), I remember GVG with doctor boom a 7/7 with 2 creature 1/1 turn 7 (9/9 turn 7) it had been controversial on the powercreep today look at the debility of the stats.


Guys Blizzard doesn’t actually test any of these cards. The only way to get their attention is just to stop purchasing packs. Just get all your packs through in game gold like I do. I haven’t bought cards in over 3 years (maybe 4)

and the nerfs are live and as usual blizzard didn’t nerf the cards that needed a nerf. god those devs are idiots.


Idiots and big liars, you have a few years he had ban leeroy saying that the charge mechanic was stupid that never again the mechanic will come back, yes yes hunt current with king krush superbuff charge, magnetism > hidden charge.


Im a pretty casual ranked player, but I agree. I don’t have a lot of the new expansion cards, so been using last expansion decks mostly. Which, unless you draw a specific removal, its gg by turn 5-7. Making all my decks useless instantly considering having removal for steath minions each other turn is very difficult.

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