Rise of Shadows Q&A - April 22, 2019

I would like to see something like an ingame innkeeper app which displays the own cards in the deck (drawn, played, new), maybe also for the opponents deck. Especially for the mobile app there would be a need. It could be implemented in a way like a drop down/ aside menu. It would add a real value to the game.
To go further in that materia I‘d would say showing some light intern statistic (amount of play of a card, loose
/ win rate against classes etc) of your decks would, maybe in the deck/ collection menu, help casual but interested players to perform more successful.


When you will implement a real achievement system like in a „wow light Mode“. There is a bunch of players who would adore it


In the previous AMA you mentioned that you tested various 2v2 modes.

What are the biggest hurdles of that making it into the game (even if it means pve only)?


Many things are still missing from the game after 5 years… sense of progression, more comestics, level system, gold system, wild store, wild arena, hero portraits, achievement system, auto-squelch, customizable rules game mode, battle.net chat channels, purchasable cardbacks and so much more stuff

I used to buy over 200-300$ of cards per expansion from day 1, ive stopped after Kobolds, not enough effort by the devs to better the core game, only release more cards.

Can we expect any of it in the near future, or only more cards-nerfs cycles until everyone has left ?


First of all, thanks for hosting this session. Dear Developers:

  1. Will we ever see more deck slots and the ability to arrange them?

  2. Hero Cards are one of my favorite mechanics, I’ll be always grateful to you for bring it into the game. Unfortunately, Hero Cards generating infinite value like Dr. Boom are ruining the game experience. Nobody can’t play a control deck that isn’t Warrior because Boom provide you infinite resources for the late game: healing (7 armor and its corresponding HP), minions (discover a mech HP) and tools to control board or push face damage (the 3 remaining HP and the rush “aura”). Even Hagatha, that is a really good HC, can’t generate infinite value like Boom, because it’s restricted by the number of minion you play and the random spells can’t provide you infinite minions and healing. Zul’jin is powerful, but ok compared to others HC because it’s like a big spell that provide you a big power turn, but it does not turn your HP in infinite sustenance. So, are you looking at Dr. Boom? Any plans for it?

  3. If Warrior kills any other control deck, Rogue does the same to any other Tempo and Midrange deck. Is Raiding Party the guilty party? Do you think is Preparation fault, instead? Nerfing Raiding Party seems pretty easy and obvious (4 mana cost) and could make the card still playable. But nerfing Prep seems like a bigger problem: a lot of Rogue spells have been clearly (and properly) designed considering the Prep existence and so being restricted by it, for example WANTED!, Cannon Barrage, Sprint, Vanish and Academic Espionage. In a hypothetical instance where Prep is nerfed to make cost the next spell 2 mana less, would you consider to balance that other spells too?

  4. It’s good to see cards of iconic Warcraft characters being good and played at competitive level. But there’s one of the MOST ICONIC characters of all time that is still considered only dust: Illidan Stormrage. You gave it a new awesome animation and a special voice line, so why not do a restyling to the card itself to make it playable too? I’m not saying to make it OP like Lich King or Sylvanas, but just good enough to see it played in ladder. I know you don’t usually do this kind of adjustment, but can we make an exception please?

  5. It’s the Year of the Dragon, so there’s one chance you’re considering to create a Priest Hero Card with Dragon synergy? It would be so cool and idiomatic.

Thanks for your time, I hope you’ll answer.
Have a good day.


Nowadays more and more people like to play both standard and wild formats because of so many cards that have rotating out. Please don’t underestimate the impact of wild format on the game otherwise “what is the reason wild format exists?”. Also we have a different approach to qualify to competitve scene and getting legend seems rewardless i think so.

Please give us motivation to play both formats (standard and wild). Maybe a different chest or a reward for achieving legend rank in both modes is not a bad idea to motivate people to play both formats of the game every month.

Are there any plans for something like this?

Thanks for reading


Please nerf the !@#$%^& Big Priest deck in Wild. I’ll never spend a single coin in this game until that !@#$ die


How about talking about Tyrande for the countries that weren’t eligible? This has been asked about, pointed out etc for over 2 years, soon 3, yet there’s still no answer after the initial “we’re listening and not ignoring you” post.

We would like to have a CHANCE to get Tyrande, not a re-release, or anything like that, just an initial CHANCE.

Almost 3 years, you can’t still with a serious face say “Oh we’re talking about it”. Do what’s right and let people know if you’re NOT giving it to everyone, or if you’re actually doing something outside “We’re thinking”.


Are there any secret interactions on the Rise of Shadows game board?


I’m noticing a trend started with Rastakhan’s that is continuing into this expansion. Why do you guys “communicate” via these means, then give us very little insight to what you’re going to do about our feedback? I’ve been playing this game for 5 years and I feel like Iskar’s twitter post a couple months ago, the reddit AMA, and now this are all vain attempts of making it seem like progress is happening. I know this looks angry, and I want you to know I am a very annoyed player. After spending way more money than I’m willing to admit on this game, you’ve only delivered one new game mode since the game’s inception. You scrapped tournament mode in favor of the 3rd party battlefy system, which is incredibly vague in the rules and format. I participated in an open, not understanding what a swiss format was, and the rules were incredibly vague that I got to keep playing after my first lose. If that was in client, the rules would’ve been communicated more effectively. After that experience, I feel my money was not and will not be used to develop engaging ways to play this game. For the same amount as your pre-purchases, I was able to buy Cities: Skylines and all of its DLCs. Since RoS has come out, I haven’t felt compelled to play due to the staleness of the standard ladder. I’ve been playing at the high end of wild lately, and seeing Iskar’s comments on barnes and how it’s been problematic, THEN YOU PRINT DARKEST HOUR. It feels completely at odds with what he communicated to us. I had to ladder as Kingsbane rogue two months ago, because Sap is the only hard counter to a turn 4 barnes from big priest. Polymorph and Hex do not provide the same tempo against that deck, despite ruining the resurrect pool. Now with Big Warlock, the rock/paper/scissors nature of wild is more like Rock/Scissors. Mixed in with numerous graphical issues I’ve seen since the release of RoS, I have to wonder what’s going on with your team? I feel like there has been a distinct lack of “blizzard” polish with these recent expansions. Mimiron’s Head in RoS and Gral in Rastakhan being two chief examples. What I want to see from you guys is not just communication, but more action. What ACTION are you going to take as a result of this Q&A? Or is my time and money being squandered by a company doing the bare minimum to get by?

P.S. The recent trend of developers “communicating” with little to no action is why I will not be playing Classic WoW. The Azerite system at BFA launch and how your WoW developers handled that situation looks exactly like how your team is handling hearthstone’s problems. I.E. The player base is wrong, until you’re done designing a “bandaid” solution. I want to keep playing this game, but I feel it’s a waste at this point. It’s been the same story for 5 years, and your team hasn’t announced or given indication of an actionable plan to change it. If anything, Iskar’s twitter post shows how removed you guys are from how the player base feels. It’s like an artist asking people in a gallery how they would’ve painted their picture. I don’t have solutions, but that’s not my job. It’s yours to figure them out, and I feel you guys aren’t willing to do that.


Hi there,

the Warrior Class is at the moment one of the strongest classes in Hearthstone. The Warrior has many hard removals like Shield Slam, Execute and field removals like Warpath and Brawl. Some of these cards need to moved to the Hall of Fame or need to be nerfed in my eyes. One Mana for hard removing one minion with the armor is a joke (Card Shield Slam). Other Classes have to pay more mana for hard removing one minion.

Because the warrior has so many removals it’s actually hard to beat him. So I suggest some Nerfs for these Cards or a Transfer to the Hall of Fame, when the Card is a part of the Classic Set.

Thank You.


When adding features that add quite a lot of engineering such as the oft requested new game modes or a full blown achievement system, does this need approval from outside of the hearthstone team or are you free to add features as you wish?

Players, including myself would indeed love new game modes in which to play other people. Does the team agree that not adding any such modes since the launch of tavern brawl several years ago has had a negative impact on player enjoyment and their wish to play the game after a certain period of time. I.e. is removing or adding cards to a 5 year old game mode enough to keep players interested in a game.

Recently genn and baku were moved to wild because of the negative impact they were having on standard mode. Similar cards such as barnes also caused problems to the standard game, does the team believe that having such cards in wild forever and thus defining that mode to a certain extent, a good way to encourage players to try out this mode?

Can we expect some balance changes soon? Also i dont like idea of having any hero card in standard. Just imagine how it will affect the game for the whole year having only 3 hero cards, and i dont want to mention Dr boom being super broken with all these removals in control warrior. Tempo rogue power level is just insane. Token druid has infinite board refill. Considering that not all the classes have insane amount of removals like warrior its super hard to play against it. Hiting turn limit in warrior mirror’s super possible thank’s to Elysiana. Have you consider puting this card on maybe 10 mana? On that way it cant be bounced back in deck/hand for more fatigue delay.

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When will you release the date for the solo adventure?


Hello, just a quick question? Will there be a way to get\buy the hero portraits from old expansiions?


With the new Arena rotations/seasons, do you know if they will begin on the first of the month, or 2 months from the start of the season? Also, how much lead time will we have knowing what the new season’s expansions are before it begins?

Could you implement a system that we could rearrange the decks in the collection?


Question: do you still think players are to stupid to manage more than 18 Decks (only 1 per class per gamemode)?


I’m against the idea of allowing wild packs to be available for gold because it diminishes the value of my collection that I’ve built up as a veteran player. Please don’t do this!

Thanks for having this Q&A!

It was ‘announced’ there would be more ways to earn rewards such as gold, since the only way we can get some is from daily quests and 3 wins for 10g. Can you share anymore details about possible reward systems and if not, when would we be seeing it in the game?

Thanks again!

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