Rise of Shadows Q&A - April 22, 2019

Is there an E.T.A. for wild smart deck builder?


I want to know when are we going to remove all hero cards from standard or when will the other 6 classes get their own hero cards/death knights back in standard to balance the game.

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  1. What are your thoughts about core set? Is there any chance we ll see it in future?
  2. Barnes in wild has been discussed since forever. Are there any thoughts of balancing it?
    Thx in advance and thx for choosing the forums this time

The remaining hero cards will rotate when the 1st expansion of 2020 comes out, and it is yet to be announced if anymore hero cards will be printed in the other two sets of the YotD.

  1. Conjurer’s calling is a little too rewarding for a low cost and enables mana cheating mountain giants in the early game, which reminds me of the original possessed lackey into dark pact. Do you have this card on your watch list? And don’t you think mana cheating cards for that matter should be restricted to a certain turn where your opponent could have an answer to them?
  2. Concerning wild, did you consider balancing the format or breaking it down to several tiers as there are some problematic cards/combos in there which disable you from playing any more balanced deck? More specifically, the new Bloodbloom+Darkest Hour combo is very easy to pull off and not the least fun to play against. I want wild to be a format where you can play your old decks with some new cards, but the unbalanced metagame makes it impossible to do so. My suggestion is to balance cards that cheat out mana (It should not be possible to play Darkest Hour for 2 mana or to summon Ragnaros for 4 mana with Barnes) or to separate some cards and/or decks into different tiers. For example, cards like Barnes, Kingsbane and Baku will be ‘banned’ in a lower tier of wild, which would allow a deck like dragon priest to stand a chance in there. Other card games have also been doing this for a long time.

Would you consider creating a few more emotes and letting us pick a loadout? For example, I’d find ‘Sorry’ much more useful than ‘Thanks’, so I wouldn’t mind replacing it.

And I know it’s already been mentioned but can a Wild card technically be unnerfed (as in, has it been pondered, is the team inclined to do so, etc…)? And by Wild card, I mean a certain Old God with suicidal tendencies.


Plans on:

1- Changing cards from the basic and classic set that have not seen good play in years? like -starving buzzard, felguard, pitlord, illidan.

2- Arena? As a daily arena player the changes feel awful. New expansion and not fresh at all.
If it keeps the rotation format, at least should reduce the pool of old expansions.
Other thing, all the matches seem to be full of the same neutral cards making them boring, is not even fun to win.

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I know it’s not really Rise of Shadows specific, but do you have any plans to make Tyrande available to those who missed the Twitch Prime promotion, like you did for players in Southeast Asia?


Do you have any plans on releasing new legendary spells and weapons?
Like maybe one class could get 2 minions in an expansion while another gets a spell and a minion and maybe even one getting a weapon and a hero card. Of course minions should still be the most common.

I just wonder if we’re going to have any gear tier/Raid gear related cards for our characters we select to play like how we have hero cards . Thanks!


1-Plans on nerfing or rotating Swamp Ooze? to give space for future card design.
It is always the best option for weapon removal and fits every deck for its cost and stats.

I would like to know what you have in store for the long-term health of the game, in terms of keeping your current player base committed to continue playing. In particular, as someone who has been playing the game for a few years now, I sometimes find it difficult to maintain my interest with regards to trying to earn gold on a consistent basis.

Magic the Gathering: Arena has a much more reasonable quest system, in that each player has the opportunity to earn a decent amount of gold for the first few wins of the day, and diminishing gold rewards the more that player wins. This, by far, surpasses the daily quest system currently in place in Hearthstone, and the “3 wins for 10 gold” reward system seems outdated and very discouraging, especially for new players who may have particularly low win rates.

What if, for example, Hearthstone did away with the current quest system and simply awarded rewards such as the following on a daily basis:

1st win of the day: 50 gold
2nd win: 10 gold
3rd win: 10 gold
4th win: 10 gold
5th win: random common card
6th win: 5 gold
7th win: 5 gold
8th win: 5 gold
9th win: random common card
10th win: 90% chance to get a random common card and 10% chance to get a random rare card
11th win onward: 10 gold for every 3 wins with a daily cap limit of 150 gold

Keep up the good work. Thank you for reading this!


This is a butchered edit from a post that was removed from the forums back before Boomsday came out but I feel like it still applies, and that a number of people would agree with it. My question is along the lines of why aren’t there more formats than can be explored?

I’m having a hard time starting this off but hopefully along the way you’ll catch my train of thought. As we know when the Wild format was introduced, we knew what was to be expected with release schedules, metas, and the idea of rotating cards. Everyone knew that at some point in the game there would be game breaking combos that existed and we knew they would mainly exist in Wild, it’s no secret. So in regards to “Should Wild live up to its name more, where we allow really crazy and powerful combos to happen, even in the early game?” , I really don’t feel like wild has been “Wild”. There are two ways we could look at Wild. The first way is the way it is currently with troublesome cards being changed when needed to improve balance in the Wild format, which is what we’ve had since Wild became a format. The second way, is a Wild that truly is wild, where the absurd combos exist. As a player base it’s hard to tell what we really want. Do we want a steady format with access to all the cards? Or do we want a ridiculously fun, crazy format where your combo is just as insane as your opponents? We only have one way to experience Wild and that’s what everyone is trying to figure out, which Wild do we want? The Wild that’s in the Zoo, or the one in the Jungle? Do we want one that’s controlled and contained, or one that truly is wild. And what does the “Jungle Wild” look like? It’s hard to say because if were talking about it in that way, are there reasons to revert card changes? Do we allow the Warsong Commander, Mountain Giant combo to come back along with other interactions and game deciding cards like Yogg-Saron? I feel like that’s where we’re stuck at when it comes to deciding on how to handle Wild.

From that paragraph I propose a few ways we can play Hearthstone differently, if you like these ideas show your support or give ideas for improvement. If you don’t, explain why.

Let’s talk about a few ideas that could help diversify the game modes.

So currently we have Standard, Wild, Arena, and Tavern Brawl. I myself am not an Arena player, so I won’t put an opinion on the format. We all know how standard works. Three expansions come out, three old ones rotate to wild and we repeat the cycle every year. So let’s say for example we all loved the Year of the Kraken throughout the whole year, we love the strategies of the old gods, we love the Reno-Kazakus and Jade decks and cards like Medivh. It gets rotated out and now all those cards have to compete with the previous expansions that were more powerful in a format where combos and strategies just overpower those cards and sets that released that year. I feel that from a new players point of view, that this would discourage buying/dusting/crafting cards. A new player isn’t going want to have to play against people who have a larger collection than they do in a format where they don’t have access to all the cards that they need to catch up. All it leaves is a disgruntled player who has to invest more time/money into their collection with the reality that their collection isn’t viable in a different format.

From that information you can probably guess where I’m heading with this.

I propose that “Years” are brought back into the game. I know we’re currently in the third calendar year of Hearthstone but a lot changes quickly. The game is set in a tavern where you meet a random person and play a game of Hearthstone. Why not implement a “Table” system where past years are played at exclusively? Instead of that new player playing from scratch every April, let them sit at that table with their cards and let them play with what they have. Let someone who never got to experience the meta that existed after Goblins vs. Gnomes launched play it. There are a few ways we can divide these sets up at the “tables” so it doesn’t have to be one set or a year of cards that decides whether a player returns or not. These tables aren’t a part of wild, nor are they a part of Standard, they’re a place where people can play older metas with their old cards again if the current Standard or Wild meta is too stale.

Setting up the Tables.

So we talked about the Tables, but how would we want them set up?

We could set them up how standard works right now.
Year of the Kraken
-Blackrock Mountain
-The Grand Tournament
-League of Explorers
-Whispers of the Old Gods
-One Night in Karazan
-Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

Year of the Mammoth
-Whispers of the Old Gods
-One Night in Karazan
-Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
-Journey to Un’goro
-Knights of the Frozen Throne
-Kobolds and Catacombs

Year of the Raven (Once it rotates out)
-Journey to Un’goro
-Knights of the Frozen Throne
-Kobolds and Catacombs
-The Witchwood
-The Boomsday Project
-Rastakhan’s Rumble

Plus Classic and Basic sets of course. I know Naxx, GVG, BRM, TGT, and LEO don’t have their own year but you understand what I’m saying.

Or we could set it up in a different way to where no expansion is used at two different tables. It could create new ways to play with your old cards without having to worry about the expansions of the previous year. So…

Year of the Kraken
-Whispers of the Old Gods
-One Night in Karazan
-Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

Year of the Mammoth
-Journey to Un’goro
-Knights of the Frozen Throne
-Kobolds and Catacombs

Year of the Raven (Again once it rotates out)
-The Witchwood
-The Boomsday Project
-Rastakhan’s Rumble

Plus Classic and Basic sets. And then possibly Naxx-GVG, and BRM-TGT-LEO can get their own tables. Then we could also have a Vanilla table.

You’re almost done.

I’m proposing ideas to help move the process of change along. Wild will have such a gigantic pool of cards in the future that players will find combos to absolutely destroy other decks. So we can either release wild into the Jungle, or keep it in the Zoo. We can add more table to the tavern so players can play the way they want to. I know that if these things were made possible, it wouldn’t happen until a few years from now but hey, things can happen. Thank you for reading.


Hi again Blizzard Devs!

  • Do you plan on adding daily login rewards? This is something that would really motivate us to login every day. These login rewards could become better the more times you login on a month.
  • Could you please change the mulligan phase so that we don’t get back the same card(s) we discarded? This is something really annoying. If we choose to remove a card from the starting hand is because we don’t want int on the initial hand or because keeping it from the beginning can ruin our game.
  • Could you improve the appearance rate of decks on ladder? This is a common situation: we’re facing the same kind of deck / archetype over and over again, and when we switch to use a deck that counters that deck / archetype it stops appearing.
  • Is it possible to add an Arena Practice Mode? Many people haven’t played Arena or don’t play it that much. And getting into it from new feels like being thrown into the Wild.

What happened with the Echo keyword on Witch’s Brew???
I mean, you brought back Mega-Windfury with Whirlwind Tempest, which is more difficult to understand and longer. Many friends have asked me about it, but not about Echo keyword


Rise of Shadows introduced so many new cool cards and combos!

Silence priest is now a top tier deck accompanied by the insane Alexstraza + Mind Blast combo or Divine Spirit + swap health combo.

Also Rogues are finally back from the dumbster with Leeroy + bounce back effect with reduce costs to play him again - you can now have even more Leeroys in your deck!

I’d also like to mention that secret paladin is now a thing, but that’s none of my business.

You can’t tell it with words how cool it is that we get 130+ new cards to let our evergreen basic and classic set shine again. And again. And Again. Since five years.

So here is my question for you:

When you develop new cards, do you have the basic and classic set in mind or are the cards also be playable in a world where basic and classic set is out of standard mode?

What you think about the actual situation of archivist elysiana getting banned of some local tournaments due to the turn limit matches it causes at control warrior mirrors?

Are you also thinking about cards that caused similar issues in less proportion in the past like man’s dead hand and archbishop benedictus while at it?

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Why don’t you keep the Bundles and/or Alternate Heroes available for much longer or permanently available?

I see little reason to take digital offerings away from players wishing to buy them… Given how some players like myself, take breaks from the game or having busy work schedule can have these offerings pass by before we realize they’re gone.

I still enjoy and love this game but hate the design philosophy with taking things away.


Are you aware of the fact that the Masters Qualifiers take 12+ hours on average? All because of the Elysiana Warrior mirror. I stopped participating because it’s not enjoyable anymore and I can’t wait that long in front of a computer. Any plans to fix this?

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In the Year of the Dragon AmA, you mentioned that you are planning to add mid and long term goals/rewards as the current reward system of 10 gold per 3 win and spread out unique quests feel unrewarding.

When can we expect this update? I was hoping you could release it before the next expansion comes up. As a player who grinds 100 gold/day, this is something I really look forward to. I’m sure a lot of other players want this as well.