Rise of Shadows Q&A - April 22, 2019

Hmm. So, you state “short time Arena events” as “fully Wild Arenas” where all were BS? Really, full Wild Arena isn’t what you stated. This is what was meant to be:

I will repeat it again in case you didn’t understand: Wild Arena is where all cards are available, not some of them if you look at the current system. I proposed that as separate version which would be cool. It might not be for you, but I think it’s worth implementing.

Of course, I do, it is the same as your “wish”. Since those “fully wild event” arenas contained all cards from standard and wild (i don’t mean this last one ). And if you were playing at the time you should know that they weren’t popular, even a bit. Not only from arena players like Kripp and others but more casual players were highly against it too.
So to say it simply you just wanna take "I wouldn’t say hated but not a good " event and make it permanent.

PS: I got it from a start, not like you who needs a guy to address all problems with it for him.

Yeah, you can think of Wild Arena like that: All cards but not short time cards put into short time events.

I understand. I am sorry if I offended you.

Hi there, I was wondering if you had any kind of talk about Elysianna, I personally don’t have a problem with the card, but I understand that it could potentially make you some trouble for something like tournament play, have you discussed it on your meetings?

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We’ve seen a lot of cards that cause some massive swing turns, like Kathrena and other Recruit cards previously, and now Oblivitron and even the Khadgar/Summoner mage decks. We even see it with the resurrection priest, both past and present. Do you think this style of play where your opponent cheats out a ton of mana and floods the board is healthy for the game? It generally feels pretty terrible when you play against this kind of deck because there is nothing you can do about it and you just lose on the spot.

Your thoughts on these kinds of cards or what makes them good for Hearthstone moving forward?

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People are starting to complain about the fact that the mirror control warrior v control warrior can “easily” get to the turn limit, between the hero Dr. Boom, Elysiana and a few other cards, they can generate a lot of value, any plans to change that?


Will we ever see heroic brawl again? Or is it completely replaced by the brawliseum? If not, what led you to this decision?


Please, balance the hero (maybe in pantheon ?) Or leave some cards “ban” for the ranked and tournament.

  1. What are you views/plans on the balance state of wild?
  2. When creating cards do you think about how it will impact wild?
    I understand it’s meant to be a high power level game mode with blatantly overpowered combos, but sometimes these combos feel like they go too far and then we have darkest hour warlock making the naga sea witch deck look like a joke.

Yo Blizz, you all better not dodge all the tough, meaningful and fair questions your community of players is asking you. We pay a huge amount of money to play your game, so you better give us the answers we seek!


Hero cards break the game. Are there plans for them to go to hall of fame in the near future ? Then the game will be fun again

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is there any plans to make a reverse Hall of Fame? i think that many unused cards in the GvG or The Grand Tournament would be decent in Standard mode right now. The amount of unused legendary/epic cards in wild is tremendous. Most cards did not see any play at all in wild because either they are too situational or too weak compared to the other decks. I would like to see the return of cards like Nexus-Champion Saraad or Sideshow Spelleater


If there was one card from the wild set that you would bring back to standard, what would it be?

Do you feel the frequency at which Warriors are able to discover Omega Devastator is a problem in Standard? it’s not fun playing against warriors currently as they’re pretty consistently finding 4-6 Devastators per game, the total removal for that just destroys most of the point in playing big minion decks in a warrior heavy meta, not to mention the 4-6 token Yeti’s they get in the process.

A few years ago you said that tournament mode is in development. Recently there was an update that stated that’s no longer the case. What happened? Can we get some insight from a dev point of view?

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All my questions are concerned with the new card, Archivist Elysiana. Don’t have to address every point, but a nice summary of my questions would be appreciated. Thank you! :smiley:

-How is Archivist Elysiana performing in your opinion?
-Are you happy with the meta game she is forming?
-Was she intended to be used in the way she is with brewmaster/banker?
-With the move away from infinite value, do you think that the way she is currently being used is problematic for the game?
-Specialist format is coming. Do you think that Elysiana will cause issues in this format? She will almost certainly be sideboarded into every anti-control/fatigue list. Will this be an issue for the viewership of the tournament if games revolve around this one card due to game length etc?


will there be replacements for the classic cards that recently got hall of famed?
when yes, how soon can we expect them?


Hey there, fist off, thank you for answering our questions!

I’m a very active player, with a very big collection, I have almost a full standard collection and I want to have a full wild collection-- I don’t mind spending money on wild packs, but my gold is basically useless at this point, I just want to buy wild packs with gold.

Can we pretty please get a way to buy wild packs with gold? I love this game but the fact I can’t buy the packs I want for no reason is really making me sad.

Thank you for your time, team!


A birthday Q&A for me? How nice :slight_smile:

Could you explain the your keyword philosophy once again? It would’ve been my personal preference if each expansion’s keyword continue to be “printed” on relevant cards at least until that expansion was part of Standard; otherwise they feel too ephemeral.


Is there any chance Blizzard would be willing to release mini-sets of 30-50 cards between expansions?