Rise of Shadows Q&A - April 22, 2019

Dear developers, bring back Jaina boobs


Is there any chance to have Therazane implemented in the game?
This is the only elemental lord missing :frowning:


Dear developers, i have several questions to you and will be happy if you answer even a couple of them, if not all.
First part is about Standart.

  1. Why Shudderwock doesn’t play battlecry of drustvars?
  2. League of Evil returned some old mechanics. Will next expansions that year comtinue that tradition? I found it very intriguing, because new players can explore old mechanics not jumping into wild.
  3. If you take, you give. What can be given to Druid as a solo-removal instead of Naturalise?

Now my favourite part: Wild.
I’ve watched ALL your videos where you spoke about wild and more than once you said that you want to make wild a fun place, where a lot of types of decks can exist. A lot of people recommend you to nerf Barnes, Darkest hour or something - and what about taking nerf back? Yes, some guys before me already suggested that, but I made a list of things that can be unnerfed and with explanation why it is good.

  1. Raza
    It is the ONLY card that can make a worthy opponent against big priest. Also it makes RenoPriest deck more various: Tempo (with low-cost spells and cards) and Control (as exists now)
  2. Yogg
    On one of your interviews you explained, that you do not want to unnerf yogg because of it’s high impact on game. But there are three things that yoy could’ve missed: 1) Yogg demands to build a deck around him 2) With cards like myra’s element and cataclysm it became very dangerous for the player - now it can not only hit you with fireball, but also leave you without resources 3) Hope’s End - Yogg is always used as a Last Hope card and it is totally not fun to get him hexed, stopping casts, from the beginning.
    So that is why I consider unnerf of Yogg as an obviously needed thing.
  3. ready… PATCHES
    I want to explain.
    I played in time when he was not nerfed and it was SO BAD.
    It allows wild gamers not only pick him as a possible +1+1 to a pirate, but as a tool, as a legendary card should be, but also as a combo-tool (as rogue or warrior can do). In the terms of power it will not be crashing.
  4. Chain Gang
    God, please. It is important.
  5. CHO
    Really, a lot of people do not even know that he was nerfed. If you unnerf him now, he finally becomes a bit more playable as in wild, so in standart.
  6. (most importantly) please, unnerf and MOVE TO HALL OF FAME warsong commander and Charge! (warrior’s spell now for 1 mana). Now, when there are such archetypes as token druid and darkest hour lock EVERYONE! GET IN HERE! seems as panacea. Please. One of my friends created that deck in the beginning of hearthstone with golden cards and WEEK after you nerfed them and then he deleted the game and killed himself a week after because he had to take credit for that. That’s not your fault, but seriously. Sergei, you will be remembered.
  7. leper gnome
    Just want to make some 9-7 legendaries playable
  8. ancient of lore
  9. (possibly) sylvanas and plague - in wild their previous costs are just ok
    Shudderwock. Blizz please. Favourite card. Unnerfing it gives a great opportunity to make cool combos as legendary tht gives random weapons both heroes, than ooze 3-3 and a lot of weapon buffs - weapon shudderwock shaman, huh?

Also there are two suggestions you may not think are good, but please, think about them.

C’THUN TO CLASSIC with all of his servants
It is not OP even in standart with all rat-based cards you have added and that may allow you to make mor servants to him one day.
Shudderwock, Benedictus, Varian and some other BIG legendaries with unique mechanics to non-class: just imagine what combos could be made? Extremely fun!

Thank you for your answers!

In memory of Sergei, appreciate, if you guys make it go to the top

Thank you blizz for the amazing game you created!


I personally found boring to mouse over Jan’alai the Dragonhawk every time to check how many heropower hits I´m missing. Wouldn´t be good to add a little indicator above the card that would show the process of completing? Even maybe for another cards with the similar effects? (Just asking if that couldn´t be good and yes, I know that card will glow yellow when her ability is activated.)


Hello, could you give us some insight: why Solo Adventure delay is so long? I know, you want enjoy us with pvp first, but before it was just 2 weeks. It’s ok, but for now, you said, it will be in may, no exactly when, but if we talk about first week of may, it’s still 3+ weeks. World Championship or what?

  1. Kelecgos ignores Counterspell, this don’t fell right, will be a fix for this issue ?

  2. The new Solo Adventure will give us new cards like old adventures? Would be nice if Instead of release all cards during a expasion release, 12 of them could be released every month in 3 epic wings. This will bring new cards every month for players and these solo adventures would be more rewarding.

  3. Do developers think about make in any point all cards have tribal races like Humans, Orcs, Goblins, elf, Undead, Kobolds (Azeroth Races)… we could have some with subtypes like Human/Pirate, Orc/Pirate, Gnome/Pirate etc. These would open new possibilities, because everyone want a gnome tribal deck, right? Just like we have Murlocs <3


lol maybe you should accept that wild is no place for you.


Hi there!

It would be great if you could answer any of the following:

  • What are the chances that one of the unofficial tribes (Undead, Treant for example) will become an official tribe?

  • The Tri-class cards were awesome. Any chance we’ll see something like that again?

  • Druid’s class identity formerly included mana ramp, but the core cards that enabled it are no longer as good as they were. Will it become a theme again during the Year of the Dragon, or was the Year of the Raven a final goodbye to that archetype?

  • What’s up with Arcane Servant? Why did you put it in Rise of Shadows?

  • Any chance Paladin can get some card draw again later this year? The class lost most of its survival tools with the power level adjustment and Hall of Fame (Equality, Baku, Genn, Divine Favor).

  • Was it considered keeping the Odd/Even support cards around and only putting Genn and Baku in the Hall of Fame?


At the moment we have 8 tribe in the game, which are beast, elemental, mech, murloc, dragon, demon , pirate and totem, in these expansion we have the lackeys that could be a tribe, do you intend to insert new tribes in the future ?


Is any nerf of any bigpriest deck (standart or wild) planned?
What cards (Barnes, Shadow Vision, Eternal Servitude…) would be adressed in which way?

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Yes please! Other features I’d love:

  • Some way to export my entire card collection, the way I can copy a string for a deck. It’d be great to be able to upload my collection to deck trackers (like HSReplay) without needing a third-party desktop app.

  • Deck bulk backup features — e.g. create an email containing the deck strings for all the decks in my collection.

  • Deck archive/reorder within the app. e.g. Have a deck “vault” where I can stash decks I’m not actively using.

These don’t seem like they’d be hard to add, in my amateur opinion, and they’d make life a lot more liveable!

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Any chance we could get an “upgrade card to golden” feature? e.g. Suppose I have regular Ysera and I want golden. Right now I have to disenchant my regular (+400 dust) then craft a golden (-3200), net cost 2800. IMO it’d be fair to let me upgrade my regular card and pay the difference in cost (1600).

If not a regular feature, maybe make card upgrades a reward for quests? e.g. I can upgrade Regular Ysera for 1600 dust plus one “upgrade token”, and that token is an occasional reward and/or purchasable for gold or dollars?


Anybody who actually thinks this is going to have any point is drinking the tea hard, lol.

They’re going to dodge any meaningful question, and just spend a few hours answering all of the ones that’re like “Omg! Blizzard! I love you! I just want to say how much I love you!!! What’s your favorite mage spell?” and not actually address any concerns like lack of features, connection instability, or the absolute mess that tournaments have become under the revision to Specialist + Archivist, because it’s just a ridiculous slog of warrior mirrors.


Please make this card Classic. It wouldn’t make any sense in wild, as the recipes are from Standard Play mode.

Hello Blizzard and thanks for making this Q&A!

Some questions I have:

  1. What happened with hero cards? Many of us were expecting that you provided hero cards for the 6 classes (5 if we count Lord Jaraxxxus) which didn’t get one in Year of the Raven. But there was not even a single hero card in RoS, which personally is my favorite type of card. As many of us thought, that would produce a meta ruled by the three classes with hero cards (Warrior, Hunter, and Shaman). And the worst problem is Dr. Boom hero card, as it is by the far the most powerful and the one who provides more value. Are you planning on doing something about it? Maybe nerfing the current hero cards (mmm Dr. Boom increase cost, gives 5 armor, less powerful hero powers), or providing for the other 6 classes on the next two expansions.
  2. Decks with a win rate above 60%? We definitely need a Balance (nerf) update soon…
  3. Please provide a replacement for the classic cards which went to Hall of Fame. Maybe not the same power level, but the same kind of mechanic: hard removal for Druid, card draw for Paladin, and a good demon for Warlock (maybe Rush instead of Charge).
  4. Please nerf the Bomb card in general: reduce the damage to three like corrupted blood, even 4 damage would be better but still O.P. and very annoying. Bomb is a mechanic no one enjoys to play against.
  5. Please fix Rafaam and Dr. Boom schemes, they are unplayable right now.
  6. As many have said, please make an in-game Wild store, so we can buy Wild-only content with gold: adventures, packs.
  7. Please add more Hero skins to the store!!! I think a great idea would be to add to the store all the Hero skins which cannot be obtained or purchased now and sell them at the same price for current purchasable skins. This is something a lot of us would appreciate and something on which we would like to spend our money.
  8. Please, allow us to use Amazon coins from the Desktop App!!!

I think that’s it for the meantime. Thanks for creating a great videogame and making the Year of the Dragon and Rise of Shadows expansion too great so far!


Was Arch-Villian Rafaam Thanos-Inspired? i can see he has the Staff of Origination in the form of the Infinity Gauntlet. :smiley:


So many accounts with only one post wtf, are they bots?
Anyway, can we know why we didnt get any hero for the new year (like maiev and lunara)? And if you guys plan to put more new skins in the shop (3 skins in 5 years…we have new skins every 2-3days on fortnite wtf)?


So since RoS was released, one Mechanic left me with a lot of curiosity:
Hagatha’s Teach mechanic.

Will the mechanic of teaching spells come back one day? or will it be specially flavoured for only the Evilest Hagatha?

-From a Goblin Holding a Boombot


Any chance we will get a 1 Mana neutral Dragon?
Since Priest is the only class with a 1 Mana Dragon and only in wild mode.
I think a lot of players would like to see a 1 Mana neautral dragon.


Why do u guys don’t launch the Adventure Mode along with the new expasion? And why take so long to be released?