Riddle-achievement “The Secrets of Castle Nathria”

When creating a deck, 29 cards are added. If you add the 30th card manually, the quest does not start. I go into the wild format and find an enemy instead of starting the quest.

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The old deck codes for this achievement don’t work, because they will put the Core versions of the cards into your deck by default, and you have to use the Wild versions. The only exception to this is Nozdormu who doesn’t have a wild version. Edit your deck and if you see the pegasus icon on any except Nozdormu, pull it out and replace it with the wild version.

That said, Ysera rotated out of Core today, and it usually takes the devs some time to rewrite the code to get it to work after that, so if you are sure you are using the correct versions of everything and it still doesn’t work, be patient; they have always come through with the fix eventually.

deck worked before rotation, after rotation I lost Ysera, crafted Legacy version, added to deck but it still doesn’t work, any idea how to solve this ?

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I confirm this bug (couldn’t have posted earlier — caught a random block on the forum, sorry).

Tested it right on the first day of the new cycle, even crafted Ysera the Dreamer — the puzzle doesn’t start anymore. Replacing her with the new Core Ysera doesn’t work either (come to think of it, haven’t tested Legacy Ysera, and I even have the original card, but it doesn’t make much sense).

The fix is yet to be seen, apparently.

The puzzle is fun, I wouldn’t mind replaying it even if it costs some cards, but sadly, I haven’t been able to access it since the rotation.

Good news, Celestalon is aware of the bug and plans to have it fixed.

Hey. Yeah, dang, missed fixing this one in time for the next major patch, sorry about that. Will try to have this fixed in 29.4.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1b654m2/comment/kwkjgh7/?context=3


Also acknowledged on this forum:

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Patch is out, bug is not fixed, how is it so dificult to fix this small problem in one month… ?