Rewards Track Client Patch

oh well I do agree there

You need 196200XP to get to lvl 50. If we complete every quest we would get 197200 (or more if we have been getting 1000XP or 1500Xp quests)

And this is without battle pass.

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Really? , increase the expierence gain drasticly so your company can get a better reputation with all this monetisation squeezing players to the fullest, every bloody game of yours implements these timegating features so it looks like content.


Before I responded to you I reviewed the Hearthstone Mathematics video.

I reviewed it again before this reply.

They calculated a loss of 1700g, with a converted value GAIN of non gold resources to an extra 1500g for the average player. This was before this change. After this change you get an extra total value of 750g, with a conversion of 600g from non gold into gold.

I understand that your specific complaint wasn’t addressed in the way you wanted. My criticism of you isn’t that, it’s that you are excluding other criticism in your claim they weren’t addressing criticisms of the system.

After thoroughly examining their video I have a question. Do different levels have different XP requirements?

I need an answer to formulate an opinion on how they should address the issue of hardcore players such as yourself. Since I think that this change solves the problem for more casual players.

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They aren’t even acknowledging that some people are getting 0 quests, so how would u level up then ey ?

Out of Cards posted a breakdown of the system (based on the original version that went live) which included a breakdown of the experience needed per level.

XP requirements rise regularly and pretty substantially from level 1 to level 50, with level 2 only requiring 100XP to reach, while the requirement to go from level 49 to 50 is 9300XP.

After level 50, the requirement drops back to 4000XP for getting from level 50 to 51, and slowly rises to 4500XP to go from level 59 to 60, and then it remains a constant 4500XP per level for the remainder of the track.

Here’s the Out of Cards post:


Thank you.

In that case since the problem is specific to Hardcore players they need to reduce the XP/level at 51+, rather than increase the XP/hour at all levels.

And as I previously mentioned, they also need to fix XP/hour for Casual and Duels.

Classic Blizzney move :poop: ‘’ Here take some gold and forget about the real issues. Also , we take back the packs because why not :poop: " KEKW


And when will that update happen?
You really want to kill this game,don’t you? with every expansion it is getting worse…why are you doing that? what is your “masterplan” behind all of this?
Are you just greedy and you don’t care about players 'cause you know that there will be always fools ready to open their wallets? are you just trolling us? maybe you’re actually smoking some really bad stuff there before coming up with a new ideas for a game and you like really don’t know what you’re doing?
But I think that money and greed is not a huge problem here and that you’re intentionally killing this game for who knows why…


The XP keeps increasing until you get to level 50, then it stagnates at around 4500.

To get from levels 47-50 will take you approximately 2-3 weeks. In that time you would have earned 600 gold and a pack along with a hero reward skin. Under this new change you will just get 900 gold and a hero reward skin. Imagine playing for 3 weeks to earn 900 gold.

But let’s look further. From 50+ you get 150 gold for leveling up each level. This will take most people about 3 days. 3 days to get 150 gold. And that’s if you’re playing ranked and doing your quests.

I know a lot of people play RPGs in here. The way RPGs work is that you gain levels based on XP and the XP to go from level 1 to level 2 is less than the XP to go from level 2 to level 3. However, the monsters give more XP as you level up. In Hearthstone, the XP doesn’t increase on quests - it is stagnant. At level 1 you can gain 1700 XP from a quest. At level 40 you can gain 1700 XP from the same quest. But the XP to go from level 40-41 is much higher than going from level 1-2 in Hearthstone.
Can you see the problem with this?


Meanwhile… KEKW


Just as important, they need the change how played xp is awarded as a whole, before afkers destroy bgs.

A case could be made that all offending accounts should have xp earnt like this removed. Exploiting a design flaw is against the EULA but, more importantly, i just want to see the world burn with complaints when illearned levels are removed.

First, I don’t think the non-gold rewards has any relevance. The commitment was that GOLD earnings would increase. And on top of that there would be more non-gold rewards. The only metric for me and many other players is the gold earning.

For my playstyle, I typically earn 9000g per expansion. According to Blizzard’s commitment, I should earn more than that while continuing the same style of play. I just added up the gold numbers on the entire track (which reflects the changes identified in the OP) and came up with 5,450g for the whole track to level 50. At 150g/level thereafter, I would need to hit level 74 in order to just break even. I don’t see how I’ll be anywhere close to that. As I’ve said, I’ll keep plugging away and wait until the Spring expansion, but I cannot envision level 74 with my style and frequency of play.


Agreed. This will be my last expansion I pay money for if they don’t make up big time for this insulting reward track.

This is useless lol most of us will not even get that far and at that point, it’ll be the end of the expansion and I’ll be trying to save gold for next expansion. I’ve played since gvg and I’ve always made enough gold within an expansion to buy packs and stay relevant with my collection. Now, instead of averaging a pack a day, it’ll be more like a pack a week… I’m only lvl 22 and it’s already taking multiple dailies for one level. Ridiculous.

Significantly increase the xp from dailies, weeklies, AND games played and maybe you won’t lose half your player base thanks to this failure of an idea


Yup, exactly right.

Only level 22 and it takes MULTIPLE DAYS to level up to earn…100g

Playing for 2 days, possibly 3 in some cases if your weekly quests are already done, to earn 100g. It’s bonkers.

I imagine more people will start complaining as they level up and start seeing they are getting ZERO gold for several days.


No, the problem is not specific to hardcore players. The new system was meant to feel more rewarding, yet now most players wont earn anything most days when they play. That doesn’t feel more rewarding: it feels very bad.


This is a complete movement of the goalposts to an unattainable goal so you can always keep complaining.

If you are totally getting the same amount total throughout the whole expansion, which was supposed to be the complaint, then it doesn’t matter that on day X you got 0 because on day Y you got 300.

Again, don’t straw man me. I am not for a second saying that further adjustments aren’t required.

This is a complete movement of the goalposts to an unattainable goal so you can always keep complaining.

How is wanting the system to be what it was advertised as “moving the goalposts”?

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When did they advertise an equal distribution of resources across the rewards track?