Rewards Track Client Patch

They repeatedly said the system was supposed to feel more rewarding no matter what your play style; it doesn’t: it feels less rewarding regardless of what the actual rewards may or may not end up being when all is said and done.

The old system provided attainable rewards every day. The new system does not. I’m not against the rewards track at all: like many players, I actually do think it’s a good idea. The way it has been implemented though feels very unrewarding and that’s what a lot of people are upset about.


i think both of you agree that grinding every day for hours with no tangible reward feels awful.


That’s interesting.

You found an impossible goal, because different people have different feelings about the same exact thing, always.

Congratulations. Just for the sake of argument, can we both agree that anytime anyone promises feelings for audiences, which has happened for all of human history, they have failed?

Can we both agree that a lot of people are having the same feeling about this thing right now?

I’m not trying to start an argument here, I’m just trying to articulate what I and many others are finding frustrating with the new rewards system. I’m not sure why that’s contentious.

Because Blizzard doesn’t have a “feelings change” lever they can pull on the rewards track.

They have gold, XP, and rewards levers. So those are the things that we need to quantify in our complaints.

I’m fairly sure we’ve said several times already that grinding for hours and receiving no reward for it is what feels bad. I’m not sure what other quantification you want.

So that’s what has happened to you?

You have grinded for hours this week without any rewards?

This week isn’t as much the problem since the leveling curve is initially low. The problem is that the curve rises sharply after the initial levels, so it will require days of grinding to earn any rewards later in the rewards path. I am already feeling the grind this week though and I’m only level 13 or 14 I think. That feeling is only going to compound in higher levels.

Before the rewards path was implemented, playing HS didn’t feel like a grind to me. I would log in every other day or so and do dailies and feel rewarded for it, and then grind ladder when I felt like it and also feel rewarded thanks to the 10 gold for 3 wins. Now I don’t feel rewarded when I play most of the time.


Divide and Conquer, as long as some long time players keep defending this lame award system we will be stuck with it, even with the battlepass it feels terrible. I’m currently at lvl 24 with the pass as I was not advancing at all and it s…u.ks. When i dedicated time to this game I made at least 150g per day and at least 2 o 3 friend quests per week, now I played 4 a couple of hours or maybe 3, then come back and do the same after a couple of days my gold just don’t add up. I can only say that all the fools defending this system per se here are just as blind as blizzard’s devs nowadays…


Who’s defending the system?

And getting to level 50 will net you an amazing… roughly 7 k gold.

You’d normally get 8-9k gold with similar effort in the old system. And that’s after the improvements, before they changed it you’d only get a bit over 5 k.

Edit: I’ve gone back and done some counting, turns out instead you only got just over 4 k before the patch, and now you get about 5.5 k gold for getting to level 50. That’s still terrible.

Great. Now fix the asinine xp grind. The bulk of the xp you get as a player who plays all day should easily eclipse the xp quests give, not the other way around like you have it.

who in damnation would be level 30+ let alone 33?

also way to not give gold for the already trash packs from previous rewards…

you’re STILL ignoring the exp needed changes so this clearly means you’re kinda pushing hard for that scam pass… basically HS is a game that you have to spend at least 70-100$ every 3 months. Glad shadowlands comes in 3 days… I will have a huge vacation from HS without any sort of regret for not missing quests or anything.


You would have got 6-7k only for the old daily and weekly quests, as well.

If we also count the “3 wins=10 gold” reward, then we can count the 60-30minutes=400xp=10 gold, that we have now, which might be worst for those who focused on grind those 3 wins quckly, but is more consistant an actually better for those who actually need more help.

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So 1350 more gold for hitting 50, which you should do just by doing dailies and weeklies. That’s a total of 5550 between each expansion, which is still less that the old system… but getting better though. Also this doesn’t account for the xo you get for just playing, which whilr negligible still adds up over time! Also there are the supposedly xp events blizzard apperently will have at some point… so overall it’s progress, but still doubtful if it will net me the same as before


Under the old system, just doing dailies over the 4 month period between expansions earnt you a minimum of 7.2 k. 3 wins each day would net you an extra 1.2 k, leaving you with a total of 8.4 with minimal effort.

This system leaves you with what, 6 k at a high ball?

How will lvl 50 net you 7k gold?

The minimum in the old system is 5950 of gold (only for dailys)

60 x 30 x 4 = 7200

60 is the maximum not the minimum