Returning player deck trackers making game unplayable

Returned to playing last week. Every post has a deck tracker which ends up with bugs on pc. Ive got kicked from the game which closes it, no task development to grind since im f2p, wont place the mini set i got in my collection grinding for gold. Are they truly necessary.

Not sure what you mean. You might have a new UI issue that goes away if you restart. I doubt it’s related to trackers.

Yikes you have become so dependent on the trackers that you think the game is unplayable without 1???

Do away with the trackers and put the dusty old brain mass to work.
It might not be a muscle but its nonetheless in need of regular use to stay sharp.


You make it sound as if it’s that great to have them. The main thing you can’t do easily is track the unplayed cards.

Even the mulligan percentages are usually bad because they don’t even consider the opponent well.

The total opposite ,i made it clear above the negative repercussions those trackers can bring to your synaptic activity.

It was quite obvious were i stand on “mental crutches”.

You imply that they give the delusion you are better than you are. I’m not sure if that’s true. I personally don’t seem to focus that much on them unless they have info I can’t think of myself like what cards remain in the deck.

Again i made no such claim…
What i did imply is lack of mental activity has a negative effect on your cognitive skills.

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How about using the surplus attention/mental energy on something other than counting sludges on the bottom? Like, analyzing multiple possible scenarios or calculating odds?

There is only one possible negative outcome of using deck trackers, and it doesn’t concern anyone but pro players - if you get used to them, you might have troubles counting neccessary things on the tournament where it matters the most to track everything.

If I ever get lucky enough to qualify for one, I will play at least a few weeks without it to activate that now forgotten skill,

It’s not even that important for win rate in most games. The Mulligan numbers of those addons are just bad in most cases. It’s rarely important to even know what’s in the deck since anyone can guess most of it anyway.

Meaning i got one for the first time and the actual game wont work period. Ive been playing without one.

How dare you suggest such an atrocity on these forums!

However, there’s one little assumption where you err: that these people have something to put to work in the first place.


I’m suprised your post hasn’t been flagged or deleted yet, like most reasonable and meaningful ones tend to be (another reason I don’t frequent these forums anymore — this is a rare exception; I was looking for updates on the recent cheating scandal in the ‘heroic’ tavern brawl, and, of course, nothing here :grinning: ). ‘Savour it, nothing lasts’. :grinning:

Strictly speaking, as long as the deck tracker is ONLY tracking, and not trying to intercept or display data you otherwise CANNOT have legal access to on your own through “unassisted” play, then said tracker is both legal AND unnecessary. It’s literally no different in terms of raw functionality than you scratching card names off a pen-and-paper list as you draw them.

That said, it is a MASSIVE advantage because 99% of people - myself included - just do not have the raw mental capacity, let alone processing speed, to keep track of “well my opponent just played 2 random secrets and one was blue and one was green, so it’s a mage secret and a hunter one, and there are 12 total possible standard legal secrets between the two classes and here’s what each and every one of them does etc. etc.”

You only have 70 some odd seconds for your turn. Deck trackers afford you speed of access, nothing more.


Heh, forum zealots keep telling us it’s impossible to cheat… not even with a ‘deck tracker’ (see, for example: How do we know we aren't playing against bots - #55 by SparkyElf-2852 , Friend requests from fighting pit)… not even when you start a (constructed) tavern brawl as lord Jaraxxus, for example: .

If you ask me, it’s not and shouldn’t be that hard, especially for a more or less seasoned player (if you’re a beginner or a very casual player, though… Hmm, then why are you running a deck tracker? :grinning: ), but hey, at least you’re being honest here, and I appreciate a display of such a rare virtue as intellectual humility, especially in this hubris-infested sorry excuse of a forum.

It’s possible to cheat, it’s just that it appears more people see cheating when it doesn’t exist, because selfishness plays tricks on them when they lose; they should ask themselves a test question; “do I ever think of those things when I win?”.

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Ugh, another variation of the stock “it’s a ‘you’ problem” reply from the repertoire of the forum’s resident shills and trolls pro-company white knights and apologists.

I’m surprised you admitted that, though :grinning: — I guess this forum can sometimes be not completely repetitive. :grinning: Usually the aforementioned category would reply that, having faced Jaraxxus on turn 1 or something like it, you’re essentially a conspiracy nut with ‘cognitive biases’, for they see ‘no evil evidence’, you’re not as good as you think (rings a bell? And yes, they are apparently master telepaths, too :grinning: ) and, in short, you should ‘git gud’ and ‘just use more’ ($$$ in the shop, apparently) — well, you probably know the drill :grinning: … I wonder if there’s a cheat sheet with these stock replies.

I never said it was impossible to cheat. I said exactly what you quoted me as saying:

I didn’t.

You are incorrect.

Because I don’t want to alt tab to a spreadsheet.

You sound like you slipped and fell into a thesaurus, except it still boils down to you calling me an idiot, which is not only NOT what I said in context, but also breaking several rules you agree to when you post here.