Reporting bugs and fixing them

How to reach someone who can help with bugs? Looks to me like this bug forum is just used by Blizz to avoid direct requests. How can they take money from players for game that is in beta state?

You report your bugs in this forum with a detailed report of events, boardstate, cards in your hand, etc. Most of the bugs reported are from people who don’t understand how the game works and thus aren’t bugs.


And you guaranty me that, if i post it detailed, i will at least get any feedback? And i am not talking about fixing it cause i know they do not care!

From other players. Never from Blizzard.

but seems they fix bugs, that were reported here. For example with elementals in BG

Great to hear… I just want to give them money for doing nothing.

Wow, i am surprised. I am reporting this bug with endless queue, freezes, disconnects, unable to reconnect… for over 2 years and got 0 feedback

isnt exactly feed back some of us encounter the same bug or similar and share our experiences with it here

like the bug we have with a summoned (not played) minion becoming invisible some play tamsim and never seen it happen wit hother cards but it looks like the same bug is affecting several cards

I mean, for start, it would be nice if they fix reconnecting issue. So when this bug occurs, we can reconnect like before.
They did not fix this bug for years but they just made it worse…

it got fixed i got disconnected due to the carpenter bug and i was able to reconnect witthout any issues

It was fixed recently? I did not have a bug for couple of days, but last time it happened i was not able to reconnect. Great to hear it is returned back to “normal”. Lets see if they will proceed with fixing the actual bug.

You got lots of feedback. From other players, not from Blizzard. Exactly as shuteye says happens here.
You choose to disregard that feedback because you refuse to listen. That’s your choice.

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And that feedback is what?

The problem is on your end. Your connection is unstable. That is the only logical explanation when something happens to you almost daily, and hardly ever to the majority of players.

So take this out of the bug report forum, and into the tech support forum. They might be able to help you.

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They also thought it is on my side but could not find the problem. You, expert, know just from reading my post that it is on my end… You know, if you do not want to help or give some feedback with arguments, you do not need to comment! Did you know that? Because what you are doing is called trolling! Thanks anyway.

Last time: if it happens to everyone or large groups, it’s a Blizzard problem; if it happens to a few people, it has to be on their end. A Blizzard issue would affect more people.

Sorry for believing you actually wanted an honest reply. No worries, I won’t bother you any more. Just, please, don’t claim nobody gave you feedback. I did. Others did.


I am telling you it is sure on Blizz side, i know that! Same as your feedback. Just your opinion based on reading one sentece.

At least i gave several arguments on why i think it is like that, while you just saying it is on my side without any explanation.

Thank you for saying you will not troll me again!

This implies that they actually looked.

Which implies that they had something to look at.

Did you give them something to look at? IP traceroute logs and ping timings from your computer to the Hearthstone central host, taken at various times throughout the day, over the course of several days?

Because that’s what they would need to see, to diagnose the problem.

If they didn’t have that information, then I have no idea what you even mean by “could not find the problem”. Were they looking at tea leaves?!

This was when i was writing ticket to Blizz support. I gave them everything they wanted. They said they can not find anything on my side which is causing this but they are sure it is not game bug. And then they said if i continue to ask for a bug fix i will get perma ban on my HS acc!

Why you have to be rude? I said multiple times i gave them everything they asked for. I invested my time which i value a lot, and asked them to do their job, nothing more.

Honest maybe, correct…no. Your logic is quite faulty. " if it happens to a few people, it has to be on their end." Absolutely not true. By Blues own post there are several errors that effect a very small number of players that was on their side.

The reason for this is the insane variability of client and hardware configurations as they interact with their software. Some of the resultant error will be due to the user’s side, but some are definitely bad code on their side that only a few people will experience based on the difficulty of reproduction.

I would kindly suggest you refrain from such non-data driven statements that deny other’s realities when you lack the ability to judge the situation as it approached gaslighting although it is evident that is not your intent. (odd given the number of posts you’ve made).

Giving feedback is great, but really think things through so as to avoid making problems worse. Peace!

Thank you. And it is not happening only for me like everyone else is saying.

I will post again some links to other ppl reporting with even QA posting “workaround” when it occurs. But whenever i do this no other troll has anything to say!

And plenty more on this bug report forum