Forced disconnect, not able to reconnect

Ive never experienced this before, but just had a game where i was disconnected while having good connectivity, then when i attempted to reconnect the client would spin endlessly saying reconnecting.

I tried over 5 times to reconnect on two different clients, phone and tablet, both resulting in the same misleading behavior, saying its reconnecting when its clearly spinning doing nothing.

On the sixth attempt i got a message, unable to connect to your game. I deal with disconnectionts often maybe several times in one play session on average, however ive never experienced a clear forced loss like this before, it makes me suspect something is being used by players to cause this, hence cheating.

Has anyone seen this behavior of the game lately?

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Recently, I was getting random disconnects when the expansion released. I think it’s overloaded servers or someone DDS attacking Blizzard servers, or some bug.

Either way, it’s not an opposing player almost certainly because the player would have to have your IP address. And, in your case, you tried with different clients with different IPs, pretty much solidifying it’s not an attack on your IP, but rather something wrong on the server side.

It’s been very finicky in the last few days.

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This is happening a lot more now, and it’s not my internet.

At first, I couldn’t connect to a game at all. It just said to try again in a few minutes. Took like 10 tries in standard to get a game.

Finally got a game and got disconnected halfway through. Again, my internet is perfectly fine.

Next game I got disconnected as soon as the opponent closed their client for a concede. I wiped their board for the win and immediately got disconnected. Came back and had to win via “Your opponent left”

The servers are either really, really bad or someone is DDoS attacking them.

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This is happening to me right now, and it is not letting me back in


I had a game the other day where I was full and healthy and the opponent did nothing and my hero exploded and I had never seen that happen in like the entire time I’d played hearthstone, I reported the player for hacking, but I suspect it was just as likely some interaction with one of the new cards set it off.

At saying that I haven’t been able to log in to Hearthstone in like 3 days now so short of reinstalling the game, I might be out for good. If it is just a server wide problem and it gets fixed then maybe it is fine, still I am not used to games having server issues since a long long time ago, being down for a few hours would be fine, but in other games where you’ve seen this much downtime they’d usually give you a big apology and often compensate you in some way.

Same here but only on PC.
I think it has to do something with them updating to new Unity last big patch.
It was fine when I was playing on slow satellite internet on my ship - even when I’ve disconnected I could go back in in Battlegrounds.
Now even on decent internet when I have a d/c on my laptop the client starts stuttering while reconnecting and then just throws me out.
When I start the HS again it just goes to the main screen without reconnecting.

This is not the issue with Android on the same wifi! When I play on my tablet and get a d/c I can go back to the game no problem … same on my phone.